Standing tall

Tornado Tower, the 52-storey commercial office building in Doha’s West Bay, has been awarded the 2009 accolade for Best Tall Building in the Middle East and Africa by US-based Council for Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat. This is the first time that any building in Qatar has won such a prestigious award. The council is the world’s leading authority on the design, construction and development of tall buildings.
that's QIPCO Tower. they call it the Tornado Tower... the said tower got great feature. Cansult Maunsell Aecom are its Project Managers, Design and Engineers... fyi.
What Kind of Fool... |
There's a water tower of the same "basic" shape in Riyadh...
look so nice when they open the light in night time^^
look at the outer shell .. i mean the outer design ..
not at the structure of the building itself ..
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Cairo Tower is a completely different shape.
The Cairo Tower (Arabic: برج القاهرة, burj al-qāhira, colloquially burg al-qāhira) is a free-standing concrete television tower in Cairo, Egypt. It stands in the Zamalek district on Gezira Island in the River Nile, close to the city centre. At 187 m (610 ft), it is 43 metres (140 ft) higher than the Great Pyramid of Giza, which stands some 15 km (9.3 mi) to the southwest. It is one of Cairo's most famous and well-known landmarks.
The Cairo Tower was built from 1956 to 1961, reportedly to convince a sceptical world the nation had the capability to construct the Aswan Dam.[citation needed] Designed by the Egyptian architect Naoum Chebib, the tower's partially open lattice-work design is intended to evoke a lotus plant. The tower is crowned by a circular observation deck and a rotating restaurant with a view over Cairo. One rotation takes approximately 70 minutes.
I guess Egyptian have made a similar one YEARS ago ...
Also the pearl:
Look at these pictures
doesn't it look like the pearl .. or the pearl look like it ..
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Tornado.. Nice building.. I am interested in how many car parking spaces?
great news for qatar
It's QIPCOs new office tower. That's what it will be used for.
agree with johnpur and eco-savvy!
what will it be used for?!!! and by whom?
like a huge complex was build near the TV r/a
i witnessed the building process for months, just to be stunned upon its "innauguration" to see a huge sign FOR RENT ! no one orders the buildings first around here?
Beautiful Building! Well done Doha!
Whatever you vividly imagine, Ardently desire, Sincerely believe and Enthusiastically act upon, Must inevitably come to pass.
not just architecural wonder
what are they going to do with that later?
at last a "superlative"...
kkep up the good work QIPCO!!!
wow - Thats kewl. Its indeed a pretty lookin one. especially when its lit.
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tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..
So who are the Builders and architects.... ??
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
TFS ....:(
tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..