St. Patricks Day in Doha - The Irish take over Qatar

Hi Guys,
This is just a reminder that St. Patrick's Day will soon be upon is and yes, there will be celebartions in Doha organised by the Qatar Irish Society. So if you're an Irish person in Doha and want to celebrate on the Friday (16th March) or on the day itself which is on a Saturday this year, then get in touch with my profile and ill let ya know what the plans are.
La Fheile Padraig a chairde,
Hi telljax,
Check out the events section of Qatar Living for more unformation on the weekend's events.
Hi telljax,
Check out the events section of Qatar Living for more unformation on the weekend's events.
hey i wud love to make it if possible so ...can i get more info?
Hi Elias,
St. Patricks day is the only day in the world that everyone is allowed to tbe Irish so of course you can come along. Anyway the Irish and Lebanese have a long history together so you'd be welcomed. See you there.
Waht about non Irish People? are they Welcomed?