
Your Opinion: Qatar intends to drop the sponsorship system
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I believe it would be mutually beneficial for the employers and employees if this happen. If both parties treat each other equally\fairly it would create progress. An ideal employee is one who aspires to advance in his\her career and an ideal employer will continue to provide career growth\proper compensation for their employees.
Regarding relationships between employee and sponsor. Would you deny someone a better opportunity if you are unable to provide it or would that make you bitter? Dont you think it would be better if you start addressing the issue on why the employer left and then move on?
May Qatar continue to prosper in all ways.
thanks qatarisun, yes we are currently doing legal actions against him,, unfortunately his stil not here in doha. as to my sponsor he keep promising things that we will get my passport but until now nothing happends.. i was also considering to take legal action in the labor dept. of qatar,, if they can help me deal with my employer and get what was due for me for the past 5 months. thanks again qatarisun.
i get used to be a SLAVE.
i am afraid if the sponsorship canceled i ll loose the remaining of my MIND.
so i like it here in my prison
i agree with you sonia.. if employers will treat employees well,, both will be benefit from it.. employers don't own employees,, that is why they "hire" them.
that is what we are all thinking as of now,, but he also have to answer to my sponsor because he also owe him money. yes we are also going to do that maybe within this week because my sponsor told me that my passport is somewhere in doha with my employers associates. for now i really don't know who to believe too,, why is that most of them don't keep promises.. i guess i really fell on one of their so called "too good to be true offers,".
I would say YES, it would be benefical to the employees if 2yrs ban would get lifted up...
if your employer is not here in Qatar and he is facing turmoil on his business, i doubt if he'll gonna come back here.
You said your passport is with him, and you have a different sponsor? You can declare a loss of passport and apply for another one and ask your sponsor to re-process your new RP.
first, he has no right to keep your passport! this is a gross violation! Second, demand your NOC and leave him, find something else. But this time make sure you got employed by some good company.
i have read most of the comments here regarding sponsorships,, i myself is currently in the situation as to everyone might have been experiencing.. been here twice, on different sponsor for a span of only 1 year,,the 1st employer was having problem with his company so i was to go back home to my country and wait it out,, 2nd opportunity arrives and promises good deals on the contract..good salary with free accomodation and others,, so i arrived just last year of august.. for the first month my employer ask me to stay with my brother here in doha just for awhile as they "were" fixing some things.. as to being considerate we agreed,,but months have past and up to now no work or anthing have been provided for me that complies with the contract,,legal things are already taking measures,, as to my sponsor he is not aware of what the employer is doing with his business.. and we cannot do anything because my passport is with my employer, skilled employees like most of us sometimes fall for unexpected circumstances,,as for now we are still waiting and searching for my employer for he is not complying. legal actions also took place but as we all know,, it will take time as they say. i came here to earn and work,, not to be treated like they are always in control..i hope i can make it through this ordeal..
of course YES!
1.it is not fair.
2.and I cannot explain why other people did get a NOC and you didn't.
I went to Qatar as an engineer, I worked my ass off a year as per my contract with the employer... I worked many months without Fridays off but I didn;t complain because I thought when I complete my contract I will have other options and so it happened indeed when I almost complete my binding agreement I got a better offer from another employer with wayyyy better conditions than the previous employer. Now the thing is that my first employer didn't give me an NOC so I got banned for work in Qatar, although subsequently I received another offers. Now I am concerned with the following question: Why the hack I have to be banned to go to another company if the conditions are better and everything is better taking into consideration that I fulfilled my obligations?
Answer is simple the employer was jaleous to let me go...and oh yeah I forgot to say that my sponsor didn't have any job to offer me and they didn't wanna let me go, they just wanted to keep me tied to them just in case for the future projects...which I really doubt they will have.
So please comment is it fair what happened to me and I know I am not the only one in the same situation.
P.S. Other people in the same company who didn;t have other offers got their NOCs and those who had other opportunities were just simply banned...how do you explain that?
When you are an employer, you can see the side what QS is trying to say.
Nara is aware of my comment:)
However in a free labour market, the rubbish (incompetent, lazy, untrustworhty, etc) are quickly found out and removed.
Yes, my wife has very good staff in her salon, but she went through an intensive period of interviewing, testing, and following up on references which is not something that most small companies in Qatar do.
Even then, she has had a couple of employees who were (as you rightly put it) begging for jobs and then as soon as they had the job, started whining and neglecting their work. Her solution? She got rid of them (one within a week of starting).
Luckily enough, the employees that she had to fire were hired locally (on family sponsorship) so my wife hadn't had that expense of bringing them to Qatar.
What I am saying is that in a free market, the cream rises to the top and the companies who have sound and fair management policies are the ones who benefit because the top people stay with them.
Those who jump around from job to job are fairly quickly spotted (follow up on the CV and make sure the dates match), and each time they jump ship, they find it a little bit harder to get the next job.
There will be chaos for a time, but that too will settle down as companies and employees find the "best fit" for one another.
I fully agree with the term contract, where an employee has to stay with an employer for a certain time (I prefer 2 years as a minimum but if it was three then this would also be manageable), but after that there should be complete freedom of movement.
Nobody knows how much business is lost due to the loss of talent and knowledge when people leave Qatar because they can't get an NOC.
Qatar is a tough place to work. There are rules and regulations here that are a nightmare to the uninitiated. There are local conditions and customs that need to be adhered to, and these take time to learn.
So every once in a while, many companies have a dip in their service levels, because they have to teach a whole new raft of people when the people who already have the knowledge and ability have left the country and there is no local pool of knowledge to dip into because of the NOC system.
It is a system which in my opinion is holding back the development of this country, and if it is changed to become something less draconian and more in line with what businesses need, there could be a huge leap forward in the next few years.
On a personal note to Qatarisun: thank you for the nice comment about the staff at Nara Salon. I'll pass it on to my wife, and please do feel free to let your friends know that it really is a salon with a difference.
"I think that the government of Qatar was very wise to come up with the present system."
Friggin' "UNLIKE"!
Where's qatarisun and what you have done with her?
I agree with QS's /Steve's points to get an NOC
1. End of contract
2. Company breaks Labour laws
But also if a company has gone to the bother of recruiting and hiring then the initial contract time should be mandatory with no NOC.....
Xena - QS's job is very secure! and you would get your NOC under her system :)
of course YES!
Are we playing Guess the Film?
If we are, my guess is you are doing the Meg Ryan scene out of 'When Harry Met Sally'.
yes, go for it..:)
...in UAE
Gulf Times 19 Dec 2010
AFP/Abu Dhabi
The United Arab Emirates has eased its rules for foreign workers who want to change employer, loosening the controversial “sponsor” system in force in the Gulf Arab states.
“An employee with an expired contract can obtain a new work permit and shift to another employer” without having to wait six months and have his sponsor’s consent, the labour ministry said.
The new regulation takes effect in January and will “replace the current formalities of transfer of sponsorship for expatriate workers,” it said in a statement carried by the Emirati state news agency Wam.
It said the measure applies only if the two parties in a labour contract have “ended their work relationship cordially” and the employee has “worked with his employer for at least two years.”
However, if the employer “fails to honour his legal or contractual obligations” or if the contract is proven to have been prematurely terminated” by the employer, the worker will have the right to change jobs.
The sponsorship system practised in the Gulf Arab states has been heavily criticised by human rights organisations.
Bahrain was the first to abolish the sponsorship system in August 2009, while Kuwait said it will follow suit in February.
The International Labour Organisation in early October urged Gulf countries to protect millions of migrant workers by reforming the sponsor system and introducing a minimum wage.
The ILO suggested a monthly minimum of 60 dinars ($215) for Kuwait, and it also called for foreign workers to be allowed to form representative organisations to seek redress for rights violations.
The ILO estimates 15mn migrant workers live in the six Gulf Arab states, making up about 40% of the total population.
Foreigners form a majority of the population in all six countries, except for Saudi Arabia, and more than 90% in the Emirates, according to the ILO.
I hope Qatar will follow the above initiative!
you are as insensitive as my boss. You may think you are right on your views but you can never realize what we felt because you are not on my shoes. Dont speak about Nationality - five fingers are not the same.
I even know how exactly would I change it.
The employee should be entitled to change his job unconditionally in 2 cases:
1.When the employee’s contract is over. Each employee’s contract has to contain a certain term, either 1 or 2 or 3 years, upon mutual agreement (or as per company’s policy). Now. After this term, if the employee feels that he is treated unfair, or wants to be promoted, he can try his luck with other company unconditionally.
2.When the company clearly violates the law. Let’s say if salary is delayed during 3 months for more than 10 days, this is a valid reason for the employee to change the company. Special Committee should be formed. It is easy to prove salary delay, no need any extra time for investigation. Or if working hours clearly abused. It is also easy to prove to the Committee.
In these cases, employee has rights to change the company without NOC (or NOC must be issued as per Committee resolution)
So above will be covered two main areas of concern: when the employee wants to be promoted, or to get a higher position after obtaining the experience, he can do it once his contract is over ( I think 3 years is the best term for such cases); and when the employer is violating the contract and the law, by not paying salary or by making the employee working extra hours without pay.
In other cases, I am sorry, this is employer’s prerogative either to release the employee or not. It will cover cases of employee being lazy, unprofessional, etc. Why to let such employee make trouble to other companies? And it will cover the case when the employee wants to jump to another company in few months after being brought to Qatar on the employer’s expense, as soon as this another company has promised to the employee couple of hundreds bucks extra. This shouldn’t be a reason for releasing the employee, who should wait in this case while his contract is over.
And this is like with any business agreement.
Xena, let’s you sell something, and you signed the contract with the buyer for a certain amount. And based on this contract, you made your future plans. Next day the buyer is coming and says, "you know what, I found the same item to buy, 100 bucks cheaper. I am not buying it from you". It doesn’t work this way, right? Either the buyer has to buy for the agreed price, or has to pay penalty for the termination of the contract. It is basic business rule, nothing extraordinary. Same should be with the Contract of Employment. Once the contract is signed, the employer makes his plans based on it. And the irresponsible employee cannot escape the commitment and just go away with that. He either have to finish the contract or to pay the penalties, as per agreement. And again, once the term of the contract is finished, both sides are free to decide their future, either to conclude next agreement, or to go each his own way. Simple.
Tell me where I am wrong.
Xena, I am just trying to show "dark side of the moon" nothing else. some people think that once sponsorship system is cancelled, their bosses will change and will allow them to work less or to be lazy, or to neglect their duties. They don't see the whole picture, all they think about is that "if boss is not good enough for me, I will leave the job, and find the boss that will allow me not to work". Trust me, i have seen a LOT of such people here! Just a lot! every time they come up with the excuse why they are late, why they haven't finish task on time, why they made 1000 mistakes, why they take a break 1,5 hour while it's only 1 hour, and so on. I know these people very well! And guess what, usually THIS type of employees complains most of all, and these employees are usally whining about boss being insensitive, and not understanding their personal issues...
You are talking from the employee's perspective. I am talking from the employer's perspective. Trust me, some people if not pushed properly, don't want to move their finger! And as I said, first they are begging for the job, and once they get it they start to complain!
Now imagine, that this employee will be wandering from one company to another every few months, looking for the place where she can do less and get paid more. why companies have to suffer from such employees?
these people see the system of sponsorship from their narrow point of view, they only can see one thing: how they can change the company once "boss is not good enough for them". I am talking to these people on their level.
..for 100 times, i agree that the system must be changed somehow. But when I hear these shallow people whose problem is only "insensitive boss", I think that the government of Qatar was very wise to come up with the present system. And again, i (it looks like i am the only one) is trying to show other side of this issue , that's is it. I accept your arguments, but you also cannot deny mine ones.
I am sure i understand me.
DohaSteve, your lovely wife was lucky to find nice staff for her business. Now imagine, couple of them was lazy, or liars, or something else.
Imagine, your wife pushed them to actually work properly, and they would start complaining about her, considering her "bad boss", and looking around for "better boss", who is not as demanding.
we have already discussed "Rude Interviewees", so you know what type of people i am talking about. Now imagine, some of such irresponsible people got hired: time has spent, money for transfer of their sponsorship (or shifting from their countries) has spent, efforts for their training have spent. And then they simply don't want to perform properly. And on top of that they complain about your wife. then what? what then would you say?
you said it so much better than I did:-)
... you are either being very naive or very blinkered.
Your comments simply do not reflect what happens in the real world. And I use that term deliberately, because working and doing business in Qatar is not the real world. Employers do not have to treat their employees well, or fairly, because they have the power of the NOC at their disposal. People come here to work based on an interview which rarely reflects the reality of their life and working conditions when they actually arrive.
Once here and in the RP system, it is difficult to move as many people have brought their families here, uprooting them from their home in order that they can stay together while they try to make a better future for themselves.
Your comments seem to take the point of view that most people who are unhappy with their employer are lazy or incompetent, and don't take on board the harsh reality that a large majority of companies in Qatar are awash with a blame culture which is positively encouraged by many managers as their only style of management is bully tactics.
If the government did away with the NOC system, we would have probably a couple of years of chaos as people moved from job to job before the whole thing settled down and the companies with forward thinking, fair, and humane HR policies reaped the rewards of success because they attract (and keep) the most talented employees, and the bully boys go bankrupt.
It is, in my opinion, only fair that any company should be entitled to demand as part of their standard employment contract that an employee stay with them for 2 years in order to repay the expense that the company has gone to in order to bring them here.
After that period, however, they should be free to work for whomever offers them the best opportunity.
I vote yes. Now, what was the question?
I have yet to see you say one positive thing about this matter, in any related topics.... you seem to have a very low opinion of people, irrelevant to there nationality. You seem to think that people will abuse the system and get away with anything - do you really think that the Qatar government will put this into place without any safe guards? Other countries in the world employ foreigners, without sponsorship systems and they work just as well.... I think you aren't giving the Qataris enough credit to put laws in place that will protect both the employee and the employer - and it will force both the latter to be more honest and upfront with their intentions.
"there wouldn't be a looooooooooong human queue for the open positions, people wouldn't be soooo worried about 2 years ban if they already were here and felt "unhappy"! "
When I say many people are unhappy, I mean in their jobs, not in Qatar... but you know as well as I that leaving companies is sometimes difficult because bosses are worried about losing visas and won't accept resignations because they will find it difficult to replace those people. I know, because it happens in my company.
People are frustated with a two year ban that could stop them coming back for a job that would be better for them, thats why!!!! And those that haven't been here yet, will queue up, because they don't know what its like!!!
Its all very well for you to say pack up and leave, but you also know that alot of the labourers in particular have taken loans to pay for the opportunity to work here, so they have no option but to stay and pay back what they owe - they don't have a choice.
I am starting to think you have some kind of fear that your position might be at stake if withdrawel of sponsorships take place - what are you so afraid of?
Pious, your boss will never stay alone. thousands and thousands are waiting for any job in Qatar. But most likely someone like yourself might stay without any job, once you leave your present one. didn't you consider this option?
and you do have the option to leave any time you want. no one holds you here.
and funny thing is that people from your country are trying to come to qatar any possible way, just ANY! buying visa illegaly, through some agencies, finding some "relatives" here, trying to change the name in the passports.. once they are here, they start flooding Inboxes of HR managers' emails with their CVs, ready to accept any job, for any salary.. keep sending messages, calling, asking if there is any chance to be selected and to join "your reputed valuable company", rushing the management (as their visas that they have bought is expiring in 2 days, and they desperately need any job!).. and once they are selected, they start to complain and "to be unhappy" with salary, with the boss, with the company.. and to look around for someone who will give them couple of bucks a month more...
have been there, have seen it..
In my case present company given NOC to other oil company and withdrawn three days prior to my joining and offered me a better position.Now two years completed after that incident and I feel management forgotten my issue.QATAR SUN,What you feel if this happen to you?
There are lots of Expatriates and their families spent years at Qatar like me dosent want to leave qatar. We have a sentmental attachment to the country like our home town.The same time We will try to make our professional groth in your carreer if your company not considering you the level that you expected.
Do you think, if sponsorship system was cancelled tomorrow, your boss would become more sensitive? Im sure because everybody will leave and he'll be alone in the office, then he will realize what kind of attitude he has. I may not know what kind of boss i will have in the future, however, i will have always the option to leave anytime i want. Now... you got me?!?!?!
Pious, I am not talking about your option to resign your job. i am talking about the bosses. If you could change your job right now, how can you be sure that your next boss will be "better" than the previous one? Even though a term "better" or "worse" is relevant. He is bad form YOUR point of view. may be from the point of view of HIS BOSS he is excellent! you mentioned in other thread that your boss is "insensitive".. sorry, bosses have to be neither sensitive, nor unsensitive. they are responsible for ceratin Job, and they have to make YOU to get this job done. and if you are lazy or slow or incompetent or cannot perform for whatever reason, it is your boss's right (and responcibility!) to make you working properly!
On the other hand, "boss is always right", no matter how good or bad the employee is. And again it's this way IN the ENTIRE world, it has nothing to do with the sponsorship system, do you understand that?
Do you think, if sponsorship system was cancelled tomorrow, your boss would become more sensitive? would he allow you not to work? to be late at the office? not to perform at your best? well.. then he should have been replaced by someone more demanding and strict. Work is Work. You have to perform at your best without any excuse, unless this is a valid reason.
@Qatarisum - Yes i do have choice but leaving for good is not the the only reason i got - i still have the courage to hold on. How can you say that bosses have nothing to do with the sponsorhip system??? Think before you speak. If 2 yrs ban will be reduced to 6 months - maybe i should consider leaving this company beacuse of him, go home and come back. Got me?!?!?!
Pious, you always have a choice! quit the job and go back home. isn't it a choice? You don't like your boss?? hah! big deal! Show me how many people in the world do love their bosses.. I personally used to work in very different counties, in different field. And hey, there were no any "sponsorship" systems over there...i used to have both males and females bosses.. out of endless number of bosses, I trully respected and liked..only 2, one female and one male. Bosses have nothing to do with the sponsorship system.. silly to assume so..
Xena, pleeease, don't say "many people are unhappy"! If people were unhappy here, they would simply go home! there wouldn't be a looooooooooong human queue for the open positions, people wouldn't be soooo worried about 2 years ban if they already were here and felt "unhappy"! why to want to come here agian as soon as possible, if you are soo unhappy here??
People ARE happy, and overwhelming majority of us are here because they make much more money here than they would be making back home. Admit the truth! If it's not money, there is some other reason why we are here, and what keeps us here, and what makes us WANT to stay here. I don't believe, the person who is really unhappy, would still stay here and would worried about losing his job or about 2-years ban without NOC letter. We are not kidnapped, we are not in jail. To be here is OUR choice, no one's else.
If there are some violations of the contract and of the law of state of qatar, approach relevant officials and solve the problem!
I am sick and tired of my boss but got no choice but stay. So im begging the Government of Qatar, please do something!
I agree with you completely.... When you sign your contract, many times it doesn't help you at all once you are here...
I have been with the same company 5 years and have seen how the contract is used in favour of the employer. Our contract says we should get a raise annually.... We last got one 4 years ago.... when we ask, we get told there isn't any money.... Now, I am sorry, why bother keeping a company open, if there isn't any money to keep your employees happy... Costs have risen in Qatar, and my salary definately isn't enough to stretch the whole month - it never really was, but I live with that... Leaving isn't an option at the moment - no NOCs.... So I stay, because I love Qatar and will put up with it because my non-work time is what I live for.
Unfortunately, many people are very unhappy, and are in the same situation - you don't know what you are getting until you are actually here, and then its too late - It infuriates me when people say, you signed, so deal with it.
No sponsorship will improve how employers treat employees and I can tell you that most employees won't let a company down if they are happy with their lot in that company - it will be a mutual happy arrangement.
I vote Yes - Please Qatar, to improve your economy(cause it will with happier staff) do away with sponsorship.
agreed. Also I agree that in two cases the NOC should be given by default. First, when the employee got terminated, he/she has to get the NOC per her/his request. When the employee has completed the initial contract, whether it is 1, 2, 3 or 5 years, doesn't matter. Once the duration of the contract, signed by both parties, is over, employee has to get a NOC as per request.
But if the employee has been brought to Qatar, and just simply "didn't like" it here, or got another offer, couple of bucks more, it shouldn't be a reason for waiving the terms of the contract.
Yes I agree with you when you sign a contract you will have to agree. But less percentage of the companies who follows all the contract matters and the offers have been given to the employees to upgrade them and not been facilitated. In my case, being an Engineer working here since 1995 and given NOC to presnt company and completed 5 years with them.I had been promised a better position within our company when I got an offer from an another oil company in qatar which I need an NOC.Already two years completed after the promise and the management didnt take any action on my case.Such situations employees feel that they are tied up and doing slavery for employers.
Yeah, I hope govt really does something about it. It is really frustrating to stay outside for 2 yrs when u have so many options open in qatar and esp when it is booming and economy is good.
I hope govt takes this seriously and grants this to people on national day.
i dnt think so qatar will scrap the sponsership its just a rumour to fool people to stay in hope and not complaint.
so as Qatarisun said we should stop complaining abt the job as we took the job fo money by our choice not for freedom. Make ur goal how much u have to earn as i made my 8 yrs before and iam leaving now doha soon
But i dnt regret to work as this country has helped me improve my financial which would have never possible in my country
so i respect this country.
Yah dreaming is free so count me in!
getting a job and working in a company is like getting married with your girlfriend, although you know each other for sometime, until you spend life together as husband and wife, you can not say that you will be having a happy marriage.
Similarly getting a job or hiring an employee is a matter of taking chances that either party must be good to their responsibility and if ever the relationship between the employee and employer would not be a favorable to either party, why put a restrictions for getting more opportunities. And mostly the employee is suffering, because for an employer it is very easy to cancel an abusive employee but not the other way. An employer who provides a better working opportunities for his people will be loved by his people and they will become more productive with or without supervision. Let us go out of the bondage of sponsorhip this is slavery let us create a fair and equal environment, let us help Qatar to bring-out the best.
Companies in Doha treat employees like shit, one of the main reasons is because of the Sponsorship. Im tired of having to watch my back for every small thing I do in Doha, even when Im not on duty! Get rid of the sponsorship so we can breathe.
The sponsorship is like been forced to have mommy & daddy watch over adults & abuse them according to their own discretion.
Let the people do the work, let the companies be companies, eliminate tormenture through sponsorship.
I know some people (hopefully) have great sponsors, but the truth of the matter is that many do not. Fortunately I have heard recent rumors from Amiri that because of the 2022 bid they are considering eliminating sponsorships all together.
Yeah, then for people like me, when Im not working or on duty I will actually be able to do what I like, as in all other parts of the world.
Nobody forced you to work in unsuitable company. Why did you accept a Job offer if the company isn't suitable for you, or if the salary doesn't meet your requirements?
Way of your thinking is telling me that you were going to cheat the employer. You have accepted ANY offer, just to get in Qatar letting the employer pay all moving expenses, and later to look for anotehr job, and run away from the employer.. not nice way of thinking... do not accept a job offer if you don't like it. But once you have signed the contract, you have to follow it, like in any business deal. simple.
Because my sponser is very good, i have been with him for the last 6 years,absolutely no problem,infact twice i had an opportunity to work for other people by giving leteer for six months from sponser.
I go home when ever i want, i get a leter to sponser my kids twice a year, then what else i need, he got me a new car in company name and i pay the instalment,next April i will complete the loan,i can transfer in my name and ask for another car,with all this it dosent bother me at all.
He has been a Friend rather than the sponser,my relationship is excellent by Gods Grace, i am really thankfull to God for getting me such sponser.
yes, it will be really benificiary for both employees and employers if the Government lift the ban.
Employees can choose their better seats and employers would have the chance to get right employees.
So we humply request to the authorities of Qatar to consider our feelings and worries that would be helpful for qatar's growth.....
thanks all..
Glad for your reply even it hurts ur eyes..!
You are absolutely wright.Hope qatar follow the other countries who had lifted the ban and stop the employers to do the slavery.Companies will get the wright employees and employees will get the wright job
why all letters in CAPS!...HURT my eyes :(
not a bad sound
we will see