Speeches and all!

First, I'm not an American (obviously)lol!,but one thing we couldn't hide doing is being 'nosy' on the US politics.Well, we have nothing to do with their elections,but the next person to be on the white house has something to do with foreign policy. That's where I become nosy about. For me, it's vital for my country, because we sent thousands of medical workers, especially nurses to the US. And the hope for these new nurses coming from Phils. depends on the new US admin foreign policy.Also, despite of the economic recession in the land of opportunity,many of us (Filipinos) still holding on to that American Dream (I don't know why either).New sets of leaders definitely will bring changes to their laws. Anyway, we hope for the better future ahead,not just in the US but our country as well.
PRIZE!! yes.. thats the price... dms... do u mean premyo?
~~~proud to be from where i was i shall return with~~~
I said a piece of my mind & expect no argument whatsoever.(you know, just like having a cup of coffee & talking out things around us?)
that's the price of being a third world country (sound discriminating, ask them?)
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
that the next generation of medical workers from our country not only view US as the 1st destination after they finished their course. But as to how, that I do not know.What I've learned back home is that nurses after passing the board exams, MUST take more exams like,TOEFL,IETLS,CGFNS,etc.And these are exams in preparations for going to other countries like America.
if you are talking about our strong dependence on US foreign policy, I hate to say that it is the one that is also bringing additional troubles to us although benefits from it also make us alive and kicking. I would presume that the next administration will not give much difference in terms of foreign policy, US also needs self-preservation.
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"