.. Speard the scent ..

By Molten Metal •
.. Spread the scent of love ..
Folks, We must always remember that love is the most widespread social need and hence we must take the initiative to spread it, every single moment.
MM, ...... Tue, 21.01.2014, 07.15 hrs ...
The easiest way to spread love is to do something for someone else.How great would it be if we helped each other out. And it doesn’t have to be anything big.
Maybe it’s just giving an ear to the woes of a co-worker and offering a word of comfort.
Now, I have to admit....I don't do this always perfectly. But, I am growing and working on it. Sure to change gradually.
True love conquers all...:)
Nice inspiring post. TY Molten.
excess of everything is not Good...
Love is the basic for the society.
Welcome AmAm., thanks Prize for your wish ... !
Thanks everybody for your valuable inputs as ever ..... Long Live ... !
Fri, 24.01.2014 , 09.36 hrs ....
Funny .
Good & easy to understand example - grocer / goldsmith - by MM.
MM, I wish .... Almost all the QL guys / gals should take the hint from this post then carry it's message everywhere .
Rizk, For gold .... if you go to grocer ... you will back empty handed ....
Thu, 23.01.2014 , 12.36 hrs ....
Yeah, last night i tried to spread love at the Ramada parking lot but they asked me to show my wallet ! :(