Soon we'll bw adding ..orexia to everything!

By Missteacher •
So looking for ways to lose weight and came across this....
some random shizzle comes up when you type in google..."easy ways to lose weight" lol but this shocked me how many disorders there are!! and some are just crazy!!
I can imagine that it has been difficult for you and still is :( but I'm sure you are strong enough to keep on being happy and healthy again :)
If I don't exercise and watch what I eat then I gain weight and would not feel comfortable. This is what happened during the holidays! :S's no mean feet really. Anyone who has been affected with anorexia knows it never really leaves can only control it. For me,seeing the pain it caused my mom was one of the driving factors in my wanting to beat the disease. I still remember her look of horror when she realized what I had been taking great pains to hide! Insha Allah hope never to go down that road again hence I just stick to a low cal diet on most days but do an occasional binge :) xox
nice story
Ohhh GOD...I never knew there are so many eating disorders :S
Oh my goodness...sorry to hear that Fathima :( Well done for over-coming it and winning the battle ..mwah!
I have had episodes of anorexia and even bulimia and they were never pretty in any sense! Even today my eating habits are not really considered "normal" by most people but I just can't stand the chance of gaining too much weight and becoming even remotely over my BMI! That said I am healthier today, AlHamdulillah, and more active too. And that I guess is the key;low cal diet+ exercise.No short cuts!
EEeeeehhhhh ive been zumba'n all week al have you know!! :)
Excercise and get off ur lazy bum ppl
dont rub it in Ruby! :P
i don't have to lol i am slim
Easter hols was not kind to my figure..thats for sure!
need to lose weight 210lb is getting too much for me now.