Son locked away for 12 years

WTF!?!?!! NO charges!!!
A teenager who was handcuffed and hidden from the world for more than a decade by his mother is now in the care of Sharjah Social Services.
Hussein Al Shawab, director of social protection at the Ministry of Social Affairs, told 7DAYS the 17-year-old had been locked away since he was five because of his behaviour.
His Emirati mother, who did not have contact with the boy’s biological father, then had more children with another man. She finally sought help from the ministry as she could no longer deal with the teenager. Al Shawab said: “The woman had started to grow more and more concerned about her son and approached us with lots of questions.
“We investigated and arranged to guarantee the child’s wellbeing if she agreed to hand him over to us.
“Our primary concern was the boy’s welfare so we contacted the department of social services. He is now being monitored. When he arrived he was displaying violent behaviour, was angry and wet the bed.
“He is now improving and is responding to people around him.” Ahmed Ibrahim Altartoor, from Sharjah Social Services Centre, said the boy has been enrolled in the centre’s rehabilitation programme.
Altartoor said: “Since he has lived in isolation for a long time, he is scared of everyone around him and does not trust anyone. “We have placed him on a special rehabilitation programme because this is a very rare case. We have a team of psychologists who are assessing his mental condition and trying to build bridges with him.
“He will stay under rehabilitation until we deem him fit for other programs at the centre. Our centre is well equipped to help him to cope and enjoy a full life just like other children.
“We are not considering the option of finding a foster family for him because he already has a parent and he is an adult.” Officials said the mother is not currently facing any charges.
unstable women has the power to handcuff and hold sumone for 12 yrs in a room
"Atleast she kept the child and brought it up"
Handcuffing him in a room and not letting him out of the house for 12 years is bringing him up?!?
What is wrong with people. This is abuse, horrendous abuse, plain and simple.
what a brave woman she still took care of her son in this unstable situation
Good old Joe, I think adults should be responsible for their actions.
Look at it from the mothers side too. Atleast she kept the child and brought it up inspite of the laws prevalent out there which make it difficult for this women to take care or raise children born out of wedlock, etc. The child is like a nobody and not even entitled to a name, number or id. I am sure many of you are aware for reasons like this and others some women end up abandoning their new born children like it happens in Dubai and Sharjah quite often
is what I'm driving at!
Makes me sick to my stomach! She robbed the poor boys childhood. :(
So Sad story..
Ah well.
'Tis their country, their system, culture, and conscience...or lack of it.
I have come to the conclusion that, as long as they don't do it to me or mine, it does not concern me.
I used to be up in arms about things like those...and then? I got upset, I was depressed...for what?
Naa, let them deal with their business.
What we say or do makes NO difference AT All.
Sad but true.
Most definitely NM, yet no one is getting charged.
Miss Mimi, if that is the case, ALL of them are guilty of at least, neglect. If not worse.
His mother should've been prosecuted, unfortunately in certain parts of the world, they would prefer to brush these things under the carpet. I hope the boy gets all the help needed to give him some sort of a normal life. Sadly, he will be mentally scarred for life :-(
so ultimately its the Mothers mistake for which the poor boy has to suffer for ? ...:(
The boy was born out of wedlock and had mental problems NoMerci, they probably wanted nothing to do with him.
Besides this story being horrible, what about the OTHER people in the family? Let us, just for a moment, agree this woman is unstable...why then have the other family members not done anything to help this boy and get help for that woman?
I mean, we are talking about a traditionally extended family here. Or did they not know about this boy?
Mentally unstable Mother had no right to put her Son in this condition, Surely Charges should be pressed against the Mother!!!!!
Well, if I were you, I will go to the Ministry and demand that the mother be charged.
As per your second link, there was already an investigation and they decided not to press charges. Maybe later, if they read this thread and saw that we are all concerned.
Have you read the second link I posted from the National Flor? It's more detailed, and states that this is NOT an isolated instance, but the 2nd in one week!
And yes, this does concern me, as child abuse concerns me and should concern everyone! The fact that this woman is not being charged with child abuse is disgusting and the fact that this is part of a larger trend of neglect is even more disgusting!
Tell me, was the story complete? The Emirati thing is just incidental (I really don't know why you post so much "concern" on local's isolated cases).
Anyway, give us updates if there's any to complete the story.
Exactly Miss Mimi..Just what i was thinking reading this post!..Bash the west, make excuses for everyone else
I'm not understanding this. If this was posted about a Western parent, everyone would be condemning them and calling for the death penalty. But an Emirati woman, well she's obviously just misunderstood. :S Could people try and be a little less hypocritical!
let us not be too judgmental. In the first place, you should post this in! This Qatarliving! Lol!
Bit more information from the National, apparently this was the second case this week!
Also the boy is from an "unknown" father. So were they locking him up because of his "violent tendencies" or because they were ashamed that he was born out of wedlock.
disappeared or presumed to be dead, The great so called mother seems busy in finding a partner for her self and again becoming a machine just to bear children has totally ignored the child with abnormal behavior.
She must have given preference to the abnormal child, for no fault of him he has been under lock for so many years.
Are people really trying to justify her handcuffing her son up for 12 years??? I'm sorry, there are no excuses!
Sick woman, lock her for 24 years!!!
and check the background of the family. There must something not reported as why the action of the mother. She is NOT well definitely but let us wait for the whole story before pre-emptively judging her.
oops ! ok :)
Stay on topic.-[Mods]
the mother must have undergone some psychological events in her life after the boys biological father had disappeared or is dead or whatever reason and the boy suffered
Human rights commission can take case against her!
news and shocking as all pointed out it is more horrible that no charges are pressed against the monster mother...shame to call the lady a mother...
can someone from the civil society sue her after reading the news.??
Poor boy ! :(
didnt get the love and affection from his Mom and dad for these many years - so obviously he will be behaving violent and angry....:(
how can parents be so cruel and dishearted ? :(
I doubt he'll ever be normal FS. And would he even be allowed to sue her in the UAE?
OMG... she is the one who needs treatment... poor boy...she ruined his childhood...once the boy becomes normal he will for sure sue that MO..MONSTER.
what to do ya'ni. maybe she is also sick or scared for some reason we don't know.
Guess the authorities have no clue as to what to charge her with then. Seems like they may even not be sure as to how serious her crime was. The woman herself obviously thought she was justified but to think others may agree with her? scary!
Fatimah, I'm sick to my stomach reading this! There are abusive parents everywhere, but to not press charges against her! Disgusting!
And it's perfectly acceptable to lock away an unwanted child in the name of discipline...handcuffs are mandatory of course, nothing wrong with such a practice...NOT!! Seriously, you have gotta be kidding me. No charges? Ya'ni she gets off scot free?God save her other kids! The lady obviously has issues and at the very least needs psychological help.
As for the prayers are with him. What a terrifying ordeal to face that too at the hands of your own mom. Honestly being a mom myself, I can never imagine how a mother can ever do such things. It's just not way!