So you are a better Muslim than me??

It's related to Pakistan. I'm perrturbed, what's going on in the land of "pure".
One muslim is killing another in name of it's superiority over others, even in this holy month,...where are we leading to...
or we've reached at culmination?
or shall I still keep it wrapped under carpet and show my brave face and smile as if nothing has happened?
or again I blame on others, India, US, Isreal......anyone I feel not good of?,
or wait for some messiah to come for rescue,
or do something my self...
or what?
I am perturbed!!! SAD SAD SAD !!!!
List may be really long but even in recent months, one sect is attacking other is perturbing-
May-2010 : Attack on Ahmadis, at Model Town and Garhi Shahu,Lahore, killed more than 100.
July-2010 : Attack on Sufis, at Data Gunj Bakhsh,Lahore, killed more than 50.
July-2010 : Sectarian Violance in Karachi, killed more than 100.
August-2010 : Attack on Shias, at Lahore, killed more than 50.
Sep-2010 : Attack on Sufis, at Quetta, killed more than 60.
In 2010 by Aug only more than 1000 people are killed in blasts in pakistan and another thousands are injured. (ref
In my opinion killing in any count is WRONG WRONG WRONG. One Humanbeing has no right to kill another humanbeing and noone can either substantiate it (killing) in the name of anything, yes anything.
It must be stopped !!!!!and till it stops, I remain SAD, perturbed alongwith many likeminded.
Where are you?
And I am sick of the ad guy...
And there is always fighting within religous groups.
Why so many diff sects of Christian religous groups.
I guess there are many diff sects of muslim groups?
But your right...What has any of this killing solved???
Absolutly nothing...And it never will...
if you are muslim "never been killed its harram"just trust "ALLAH'
stone cold.......getting killed while praying, thats worst.
Its amazing that they do both....praying and killing
Flying Spaghetti Monster on Wikipedia
Peace be upon Him said "The best of generations are my generation, then those which follow
them, then those which follow them.' (Reported by Muslim)
The only way any Muslim can gain true success with Allah and hence in this world and the next is by following in the path of the Prophet and his sahabah.Its very very sad to see much splitting and oppression among the Muslims today the world over.Pakistan is not an exception but sadly they seem to be suffering now more than before. But Allah is most merciful and it is Ramadan..May Allah grant guidance, success,and ease to Pakistan and its people..Aameen!
Kitab al Mubin and to the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah
Now this is sad May Allah bring back All muslims to Islam Ameen
polictical and educational system.
A new youth leader is required and getting rid of these family orieneted political leaders.
It is really sad sad sad.
If blackwater operations is on Pak; then ONLY Allah could save Pakistan and our muslim brothers and sisters!
what the hell did I post on the other thread?
Read each chapter, it describes in details how to deal with sadness and what action you must take when you are sad, the correct islamic way.
Btw you have heard of Blackwater
- A reasonable time frame to return all unauthorised arms and weapons (volutary surrender)......
- Tough treatment and punishments those who found guilty and no mercy petition.
to bring life on track in Pakistan they need tow things
1- education (real education)
2- leader (real Leader) khameeni / mandella / mahateer muhammed
People must be educated to distinguish between good nad evil, the importance of life, love and property. No god will be pleased if you kill one another.
Corrupt politicians propogate this type of thing.. It is in their interests, because such actions move the focus away fom their own inadquacies...
The quick solution is that people actually stand up to these extremists and say "ENOUGH".
Pak needs quick practical result oriented solutions, before its too late.
created these middle east religions, which have perpetuated all sorts of horrors.
Blame it on moronic mentality, lack of education, ignorance, powerful religious leaders, corrupt politicians and weak government / judiciary...
People just don't learn from history..
out of the equation the quicker you will see what the truth is behind all of these actions.
When people are away from humanity and basic Islamic teachings; the worst curse from Allah (SWT) is 'Break Unity / Tafreeq / Ikhtelaf".
In Urdu it said as "Khuda jab deen leta hain, Akal bhi cheen leta hain"
translate in English
When one become non-pious, Allah takes even the common sense from such people.
May Allah bless all muslims real sense and respect for all humans being....AMEEN!
I think the recent floods in Pakistan is the punishment from Allah as cruelty (zulm) is in the peak. Have you ever seen such a flood in Pakistan before?
They are the worst enemy of muslim and islam.
If you are a muslim then you must know this that ISLAM never give permission to kill innocents & ISLAM teach you also that never killed childrens & womens even in war so dont think that those who are doing all this in Pakistan are muslims..
They are not muslims & they have no relation with ISLAM. They are enemies of both ISLAM & Pakistan...
Blame it on the USA. Or Israel. Or Qatar. Or France. Or the Fidji Islands. Or God.