So who enjoys QL? And why?

By Fatcat

After so many bad comments, let's try something positive, shall we? Why do you enjoy QL? I'm not asking what you don't like about QL, I'm asking what do you actually like about it. I'll start.

I am very grateful to QL for giving me the chance to meet so many nice people. I'm not talking about QLSG, one of my first outings with QL was through an invite from a fellow Latin American whom I had never met personally. So, even if I were not on QLSG, I'd still have met tons of nice people because of QL.
I'm also grateful because whenever I needed advice on something (like going to India, like knowing if I could find Dettol here etc) I promptly got answers.

How about you? Positive things only, please :)

By Mayasunil• 25 Sep 2008 10:30


QL is just a website for us users.. IF qatari had his objectives thats were its gona effect unless he takes back its control.

Activites gets out of the web, which is is out of hands of the web owner.. no control.. qatar is not a free country too..give it time. you will see

By Jack Eltham• 23 Sep 2008 23:53
Jack Eltham

You feel like a community; bickering at times, like a family.

By tinkerbelle• 23 Sep 2008 22:43

right here, right now, anytime, the site is always connecting or disconnecting others. it is full of social graces and vice versa. this being my first overseas move, i would have been very, very lost without QL. i have read so many threads and commented on a few while waiting to join my hubby here in Doha. it is amazing how one can really connect with people on this site. Most everyone on QL is here to share something enlightening to the mind and soul. i like that~

By tallg• 23 Sep 2008 14:08

Yes, negatives agreed. But I don't see how that will transfer into backfiring. QL is a website, nothing more.

By Mayasunil• 23 Sep 2008 11:17

Tallg.. Time will tell you. It has its negatives already.

By tallg• 23 Sep 2008 09:21

In what way do you think it will backfire?

By Mayasunil• 23 Sep 2008 08:23

QL is informative and is a good forum for meeting people and speaking out your ideas.. its a good initiative from Qatari.

He has somewhere lost the conrtol and the objective and is been influenced by groups like QLSG which is dominating the site and qatari as well.. The way things are, its gona backfire on Qatari and QL I think.

Gota be more nutral to all its members.. than just being a puppet to some of the dominant users.

By novita77• 22 Sep 2008 23:54

"And the ones that aren't friends add some colour to life too!"

----> very true .... lol

By Oryx• 22 Sep 2008 23:45
Rating: 2/5

its like the Clint Eastwood has 'the good the bad and the ugly'

QL has helped me socially and economically... and i will always be thankful for Qatari's efforts and of course Wolfie boy.

And the wonderful friends are priceless....

And the ones that aren't friends add some colour to life too!

By marhabtain• 22 Sep 2008 19:16

Hi Babe! And a magical evening to you! Tell me, in your question you mention going to India and where to buy Dettol - did u need the latter to visit the former? Whats it like with Tonic?

Seriously Babe - u love QL because you love people just like me! Caring, sharing and magical! Yup! Gin time again! Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Hic!

By tallg• 22 Sep 2008 19:01

and yet you were so keen for us all to join the QL facebook group playa. Very strange.

By anonymous• 22 Sep 2008 18:12

QL sucks monkey kahonas. This is the most positive thing I can say for this forum and so called other forums of QL. It's plain boring.

By marhabtain• 22 Sep 2008 11:03

Always here to help - call Boys R Us - they r in Yellow Pages......................hic! Large one me thinks - gin that is! Yipppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

By anonymous• 22 Sep 2008 10:59

sweet suggestion dude ..

I'll so totally think about it ...

bum bum boy awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

heee i am starting to take a likening to this ^_^


By marhabtain• 22 Sep 2008 10:52

Perhaps if you change the MJ to ASS u will get loadsa gay freinds???? Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Cheers Bum boy! Lol Hic!

By anonymous• 22 Sep 2008 10:50

i don't particularly like any thing about QL .

i just log on to stalk a certain some one ..

keep an eye on his / her movements ..

Ql is kinda GAY ..

the same old fats -

with their gay old topics -

By chevydjak• 22 Sep 2008 10:37
Rating: 4/5

as well as one of the best cure in boredom & gaining companions.


By marhabtain• 22 Sep 2008 10:25

Good morning Honey - can I borrow one of your dresses? I am off camping over Eid u c..............Zippydoo! Gin time again Hic

By zhatash• 22 Sep 2008 10:23

For me it is one of the tool to learn about life and to get the glimpse on human behaviour and i enjoy it a lot.

By ida2008• 22 Sep 2008 10:12

we can get all sorts of information here in QL that is why I enjoyed a lot...

"crazy world"

By Arien• 22 Sep 2008 09:40

Good gesture fat cat..

QATAR LIVING & LIVING in QATAR..are two sides of the coin

For me..Lots info helped me decide on my relocation to Qatar, many helped for getting settled.QL Become a part of life and a routine.

All the grp managers too deservs a big applaud for making the site much more active and lively.Namely SPEED for the volunteer grp and Darude for the QLSG..and many other..

Accolade to Qatari for the great Idea.

By anonymous• 22 Sep 2008 09:39

I like QL beacause I got my Truck Load of GF's from here.

Azilana, Gypsy, Scartlett, Miscat, Fatcat, Jauntie, Labda06, Alexa.......etc to name a few :))))))))))))

Ban Spoon Feeding not Me

By Fatcat• 22 Sep 2008 09:30

notfromhere, all the nice posts here just proves that QL is a great site made up of really great people :)

By Mis-Cat• 22 Sep 2008 09:16

were else can a cat and wolf fight and the wolf comes off second best....;P

"Your born, You Live, You Die, given this premise, one can conclude since we have no control over when we are born and when we die, the only thing that matters to us should be how we live, simple really?" Mis-Cat to her philosophy Lecturer.

By anonymous• 22 Sep 2008 09:05

Good job, Fatcat! I gotta admit, I had my doubts when you posted this last night. I was afraid it was just gonna go "south" like so many other threads.

Thanks everyone for staying positive. It's interesting reading so far. Keep the good vibes going :-)

By rcd0312• 22 Sep 2008 08:41

well, basically am also new in the site, i found interesting topics, yet i really choose what i want to read. this is the site where you can get prompt answers, post questions with no fee and job seekers may have this site. The best thing is that you can find best people, but sad to say i have no friends in my list yet. hehe. What i know is that they post their comments to forums and topics, who knows this is where i can find my someone, but technically i cant indulge myself in e-net partner/love seeking!!!!!

By Vegas• 22 Sep 2008 07:54

You can't teach experience...

By jauntie• 22 Sep 2008 07:45
Rating: 4/5

Sometimes I think the content must be an anthropologist's dream site for a Thesis on [Cyber]Man; where he came from, what changes he passed through, where he is going and, most importantly in this instance, how he behaves, acts and interacts on the internet.

QL also seems to contain everything one needs to know when it comes to living in Doha and gives us all the opportunity to make friends which, otherwise, may not be so easy to do if one isn't the type to join groups/clubs etc without having someone to go with.

A very interesting and informative site in all respects.

By mjamille28• 22 Sep 2008 07:45

QL is a good source of information about living in Qatar, added bonus is the chance to meet people and make friends,and learn about the countries where they come from... :)

By brutus_ceasar• 22 Sep 2008 07:39

QL way to coool.... there's abundant of people here who will help to answer even the uncoolest question you have and I love hanging with this lot.



Heard your wife left you,

How upset you must be.

But don't fret about it...

She moved in with me.

By izzy• 22 Sep 2008 07:38

I got a lots of update movement in Doha through QL and also i met one nice person from here but it's sad as he already left Qatar to France and i don't know when he will come back.

By harsha• 22 Sep 2008 07:31

QL.... Been here for a while and i love it.. made so many frenz.. my ever boring weekends have turned to busy weekends.. ;)

By novita77• 22 Sep 2008 06:22

Morning Fatcat !

This is my 3rd years on QL. I have met loads of people on this site. Mainly they came on the site they asked a few question, i met up with them / family and being friends with them. Once they settle most of them dont go back on this site. They dont have a sad life like i am ... hangon QL everyday lol. Their life outside QL must be more interesting than QL.

Till now i still receiving 5 to 10 PM's daily from people who will / just arrive in Doha. I asnwer what i can , doing my best as far as my knowledge. Some of them came here, settle down, drop me a thank you PM sometimes phone call then i never hear from them again. A number of them asking me out for coffee or a meal, become regular and we ended up being good friends till now. :)

Through this site i also have met some dignitaries. One of them contacted me because i wrote report of their embassy activities. Till now we are in regular contact ina friendly term. You will really surprised who are reading this site ...

I like the reason why Qatari making this site. To help out a newbie in Qatar. I been doing it since i joined this site, i will be still doing it in the next future.

By Back2Qatar• 22 Sep 2008 04:10

I was born and raised in Qatar, till high school. After that I left for university. I left to Egypt and then Europe and Canada.. I was really hesitant about coming back here. All what was saying about Qatar really changing was true, but WAY over-hyped. I was stuck in this zone of not being a middle - eastern guy, or a western guy, which is what Qatar is all about. A great example will be having Oktoberfest when the temp. is gonnna be 40C.

Then I stumbled upon this amazing site, where great people loved to share, and gave me a real feel for the country i was so scared of coming back to.

You have no idea how much QL helped me come home!

By partydude• 22 Sep 2008 01:14

as a 2 day user, I find it really nice to communicte with other people and say my opinion in lots of issues PLUS it looks like um gonna buy a new ride from here....

By fishermanalex• 21 Sep 2008 23:00

even that i did not meet any of QL members but really i enjoy being in QL at least 4 times a day . checking the latest post of the members or reading the equations of the others ..answering if i have the correct info

just going thru the classifieds

having some info here and there

is that positive enough ???

take care and enjoy the QL membership

By vickyk1• 21 Sep 2008 22:53

is like auditing a class...I have learned so much about the region, The old and the new..It is also helping my kids learn a little more about the place mom and dad are going to..thanx for the QL :)

By labda06• 21 Sep 2008 22:16

Aaaahhhh a breath of fresh air...

I enjoy QL because Iv made quite a few good friends, I get to be cheeky as hell and don't get a spanking for it, and I have a good laugh, every day. Qatari and Ahmad THANK YOU. And Darude for QLSG, you the man.

------------Virgos dont like chaos, gerrit? ----------

By someonenew• 21 Sep 2008 21:48

Nice thread Fatcat. I learnt a lot abt the New Qatar... Although I interact with a lot of Westerners professionally I really dont know their mindset and their thoughts about general things in life except for what I see on TV and Movies... I've learnt a lot about the western perspective from QL apart from other things...

I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown

By britexpat• 21 Sep 2008 21:44

What's the fascinations with felines ?? Mind you, i always fancied Cat Woman when i was younger.. I think it was the mix of Latex and Claws :)))

By SouthLand• 21 Sep 2008 21:41

It is great! A forum with much to say and with many varying opinions. One day I'll really get to meet some of you ;)

By ladymeh• 21 Sep 2008 21:35

the stupid jokes thread is nice brit.

"If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried."

By Vegas• 21 Sep 2008 21:31

You can't teach experience...

By greentea• 21 Sep 2008 21:29

-its my window to Doha and the world.

-it answers a lot of questions in my mind, very informative less the stupid posts of course.

-it takes my blues away even if i dont know any one in here.. everybody are faceless i would say...

-i enjoy reading though it takes a lot of my time

hats off to the guys who started QL and of course the members who spice it up and make it fun to "stay"!!

By belfa88• 21 Sep 2008 21:27

Very informative and its nice to ask or find out something without the usual inhibition like when asking in person. Different opinion, interest. Great for getting stuff and getting business, all in all, a positive experienced.

By corleone• 21 Sep 2008 21:22

I think I saw a cat telling a joke.. It was meowing its head off and a bunch of other cats sitting in front of it staring at it ardently... then it stopped, and all the other cats started meowing like crazy..

By anonymous• 21 Sep 2008 21:17

Have you become a cat now, too, Alexa?

"You mess with the cat, you get the claws...."

By flanostu• 21 Sep 2008 21:16

of course i enjoy QL, i can't make random smartarse comments at work.

By DaRuDe• 21 Sep 2008 21:14

not me folks i am just a user like every one of you. they are the one who brought up this site for all of us.

By Fatcat• 21 Sep 2008 21:13

Cats are nice, they scratch dogs :D

Am I highjacking my own thread? OMG! LOL

By anonymous• 21 Sep 2008 21:10

dogs are nice, I have one at home. But cats!? ! ?

By anonymous• 21 Sep 2008 21:09

If I could have a dollar for every time that I said "I wish there was a web site where you go to find out WHERE to find stuff here", way back when I first came to Doha 999 years ago....

I'd be a gazillionaire!

But back then, such a site was only a dream. (And omg, the sloooooow dial-up speeds)

Luckily, some people came along who had the same dream AND the tech skills to create the site. Woo hoo! QL was born!

I actually only discovered it recently since I got most of my questions answered long ago, but it is a great place to come for information and as an oldtimer, hopefully I can be one to answer some questions nowadays.

And on top of that, there's all the crazy weirdness, too...who can resist??

By britexpat• 21 Sep 2008 21:06

It made coming to Doha bearable.. Being alone initially is no fun..

The best thing about QL is the "diversity"..How different, yet how similar we all are..

One great example was the "Stupid Jokes" thread I started.

It proved how different people, different nationalities, different cultures view "stupidity"..

Hats off to DaRude, qatari and everybody for the work and dedication..

By Fatcat• 21 Sep 2008 21:06

Therefore, they're all DOGS!

By t_coffee_or_me• 21 Sep 2008 21:03

dogs, wolves, foxes, coyotes, dingoes, jackals, and African Wild Dogs belong to the canine family lol





By DaRuDe• 21 Sep 2008 21:02

whats potahto now thats not a word.

oh wait you will see you with in next 24hr :/

By Fatcat• 21 Sep 2008 21:00

Potahto, potatoh :)

Ugly dog, ugly wolf... Same thing!

By tallg• 21 Sep 2008 20:59
Rating: 4/5

It's the best (only?) place to find out about things going on in Qatar.

The rest I don't really enjoy, but I seem to have lost the ability to ignore things (and I was doing so well for the first year or so).

By DaRuDe• 21 Sep 2008 20:58

You bloody blondie blind chick thats a wolf not dog :/

By nomad_08• 21 Sep 2008 20:57

i enjoy ql because it has everything in it to keep me entertained. it has comedy, drama, news, real life experience, suspense, thriller etc...yeah just like the movies. the first thing i look up whenever i log on to the internet, ql it is!

By Fatcat• 21 Sep 2008 20:55

You know, one of these days I was fighting with a driver on my driveway (no, me fighting with someone?!) and one of my neighbours (who speaks your language) stood up for me. It was so sweet :)

And he didn't even expect anything in return, I mean, he just fought with the other guy on my behalf and carry on his way, didn't even try to talk to me so he didn't have second intentions.

By anonymous• 21 Sep 2008 20:54

I am on QL to learn. Oh, there are so many things I don't know.

By blue nails• 21 Sep 2008 20:54
blue nails

i like QL because I was able to sell my car through classiefied section.. Its very informative, i get to know what goin on and whats in from the different point of views of QLers. whenever im bored, i just check QL of the activities posted like the recent basketball games.. I love it.

By nadt• 21 Sep 2008 20:54

lol Darude, your wolf scares me ;-) Inshallah November trip?

By Vegas• 21 Sep 2008 20:52

You can't teach experience...

By DaRuDe• 21 Sep 2008 20:51

Oh Lady nadt its just you are the one still missing around me hidding and shying away from me. :P

and Fatty dont you dare tell me you go down and ask them these words you crazzzzzzzy

By ladymeh• 21 Sep 2008 20:47
Rating: 4/5

I get most of the informations about Doha from here. QL provides a nice community for new people here in Qatar and there are many nice persons who are ever willing to answer whatever your questions are. Plus I love the funnies forum, :) I haven't tried being in any outing yet but maybe one time soon. The friends i got here even online only have been accomodating and nice.

And when im dead bored... i get to QL and its ok.

Thanks QL (flying kisses)

"If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried."

By nadt• 21 Sep 2008 20:42

Oh forgot to mention Britexpat's threads, who needs to read the newspapers when Brit seems to dig out every news possible there is out there and bring it alive with some fun and seriousness, god bless you Brit ;-),

By Fatcat• 21 Sep 2008 20:41

Do you forget I live in the Doha Bronx?

By DaRuDe• 21 Sep 2008 20:39

where did u learn that now

By Fatcat• 21 Sep 2008 20:37

wa de ghaim


By DaRuDe• 21 Sep 2008 20:34

why you keep forgetting that i have the whole dictionary and you dont have a translator not even on web will you ever find one KHRAY

By nadt• 21 Sep 2008 20:34
Rating: 2/5

QL is one of the best places to get up to date information about Qatar, whether its about rental laws, school information or where to find places from people who know the country quite well. Classifieds and events is a major plus as well. I learnt a lot about Qatar even before i arrived and it helped me adjust and integrate in to Doha. I think its great and selfess that people take the time out to answer people's queries, especially when expats arrive here with no friends and family to support them. Special thanks to Novitta who continously and relentlessy answers people queries even if they have been asked a million times, you go girl, always does it with a smile. This is what i love about QL..

P.s last but not least Darude whos managed to make peoples lives less boring and has helped create families for expats here, who once felt isolated. Well done dude, its a hard job but you do it so well..

By Tigasin321• 21 Sep 2008 20:34

I have made some wonderful friends in Qatar through QL and I have learned a lot of useful information that has made life here immeasurably more enjoyable than if there was no QL.

Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about

By mallrat• 21 Sep 2008 20:33
Rating: 2/5

.likey QL bec.:


.i laugh.

.i chuckle.

.i sigh

.i learn



By Fatcat• 21 Sep 2008 20:31

Ugly dog, orak sha. LOL

By anonymous• 21 Sep 2008 20:30

i don't know anyone personally here but i love reading the threads and questions .. some comments are hillarious and the topics are simply funny ..

thank you all .. i'll miss it when i am gone ..

By DaRuDe• 21 Sep 2008 20:29

Sweetie darling so nice of you :* :P

By Xray• 21 Sep 2008 20:29

i am new on QL but enjoying this experience... number one get information around... and number second to get involve more and more in the community...

By Fatcat• 21 Sep 2008 20:29

Thank you, Mira.

Wolfie, hissssssssssssssssss. Once in my life I try to be nice (doesn't happen often) and you don't encourage me :P

By Mira• 21 Sep 2008 20:27

c'mon she is trying to put a positive spin on things...give her a thumbs up.

By Mira• 21 Sep 2008 20:26
Rating: 4/5

QL is great for recruitment - our school has found some awesome local talent through this website.

Nice active forum where people share views, ideas, etc.

The amount of information I get off this site -- priceless! For a place like Qatar which is still developing and may not have all of the advanced tools of marketing--I get loads of information off this's awesome. (yes I copied this from the other thread ;)

By DaRuDe• 21 Sep 2008 20:25

By Mom_me• 21 Sep 2008 20:23

I guess because I realized I can still make friends. Have'nt lost the charm yet :-)LOL.(Now where is the emoticon for sticking tongue out).

By Mira• 21 Sep 2008 20:22

great idea fatcat...finally something positive!!

By sentibhim• 21 Sep 2008 20:19

Why ? Why ? i dunno but i cant..........

"Drink Beer Save Water"

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