So what if I look like Cullen in Twilight?

By heero_yuy2 •
I can't blame nature if I suddenly possess the reflection of his face like people tell me. It only just so happens that they showed the movie, got an actor that looks like me and suddenly people are telling me I look like him. I'm not even asking whether I should be envious to him or not but it's just that...shit happens, he's popular and people compare me as the lookalike. LOL...LOL...ROFL!!!!
chinx..A. Rod is papalicious too;)
cullen is so papalicious...AMEN!
happy KID????? say hi to your A. ROd...and waiting to be introduced...curiouzzzzzzzzzzzz KID! ;)
Yeero..dont't worry your still the pest...ooopsss the BEst ;)
great great indeed Jaryz;)
my great great grandson ;)
correction Jaryz..your grandson;)
Heero, you are lucky guy! Cullen, sorry dude! Lol!!!!
"I'm back, simple as that"
your A. Rod looks like my son..LOLssss about A. u know that one of the QLers looks alike with A. Rod?? i know u know him very well;))
ohhh tess im in love also with A. Rod;)
its not only me now sayin it also ms.tats... c u even hav faNS NOW.....LOLssss
Just didn't comb up the hair.
Even the eyes are the same. LOL
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
hmmmmmm is it?
you look more handsome than Cullen.
i bet u look better than cullen ;)
heero, when did i say i was "eager" to watch new moon? i dont mind watching it, im not a Cullen die hard fan.. :P, i've seen the first one and i was not impressed.. :/
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
really can't stand girls going gaga over cullen he's anemic as that hairless pussy in another thread :)
somwer, you said it..
LOL! wats happening to you guys it's just the weekend & cullen is ugly BTW
George Cloney is looking almost like me.
lol, you're far from it.. i dont see anything special with Cullen anyway, maybe some do..
no ur not :)