So now nobody wants to see the moon?
By heero_yuy2 •
See? For one occasion we were so excited to see the moon, and now, with no occasion held, when the moon starts to reappear again, nobody wants to celebrate or do the the usual fireworks.
I feel sad for the moon. How they've used you for such human events.
And I think humans have been using 'him' for more than thousands of years and since human history we never even thank 'him' for being there...
you are so silly,
the moon is used to measure the time of the month , there for lunar months we can tell when the months of Ramadan begins and when it ends by sighting the moon.....that's why all the fuss about the moon on Ramadan.... LOL
Ramadan I guess. As there is no festival associated this moon.
perhaps because moon is too little this time to make a good halloween photograph behind a leafless tree....