Engineering College : Place where you're punished for getting good HSC marks.
Senior : guys who got ragged as juniors and wanna get some payback...
Fresher : Guy who has to ask where the canteen is...
Really Dumb Fresher : Guy who asks a senior where the canteen is.
Really Really Dumb fresher : guy who follows the senior to the canteen.
Ragging : the unfortunate fate of the previous idiot.
Evasive action : watch the juniors when any seniors come nearby. (No one runs
faster than a fresher NO ONE.)
Babe : After two years in Engineering, anything remotely female qualifies for
that title.
Principal : Biggest idiot on campus. Unfortunately also the most powerful idiot
on campus.
Lectures : waste of time..
Tutions : what you take when you don't waste enough time.
Professor : person paid to put students to sleep.
Practical : 60 to 90 minutes in which you discuss Pamela Anderson's assets,
watch the girls do your experiment, and usually destroy a considerable array of
lab equipment.
Hopeless Practical : The practical in which there are no girls in your group
(simply look blankly at each other, fiddle with the equipment, and finally copy
the readings. from the girls of course...).
Fear : what you feel when the prof who's signature you forged on the journal
hesitates to turn the page...
Irony : The guy who copied your entire paper passes and you flunk.
Critical Calculation : Summing up the marks you attempted in the exam...
have a nice day!
Practical : 60 to 90 minutes in which you discuss Pamela Anderson's assets,watch the girls do your experiment, and usually destroy a considerable array of lab equipment.
What do you mean you are engineer student why do you need to discuss Pam in ur field yea if the medical student does that then that does make a sense but engineer studying here or is it about BOB :D