Smack your way to better kids?

Children who are smacked when young are more likely to be successful, study finds
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 10:21 PM on 03rd January 2010
Disciplined: Children who have been physically admonished at a young age performed better on all counts.
Children who are smacked by parents often turn out more successful than those who have not, research has found.
The study concluded that children who had been physically disciplined when they were young, between the ages of 2 and 6, were performing better as teenagers on almost every measure that was taken into consideration than those who had never been smacked.
It was only in cases where it continued beyond the age of 12 that the children were found to be affected negatively, resulting in a dip on performance indicators.
The results of the US-based study undermines the efforts of various campaigners who have been trying to have physical punishment outlawed in the UK, who have claimed that it causes long-term damage to the children.
Currently, UK law allows parents to chastise their children as long as it does not leave a physical mark such as a bruise - the government has said it is reluctant to criminalise parents purely for disciplining their children with the best of intentions.
'The claims made for not spanking children failed to hold up. They are not consistent with the data,' Marjorie Gunnoe, professor of psychology at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, told the Sunday Times.
'I think of spanking as a dangerous tool, but there are times when there is a job big enough for a dangerous tool - you just don't use it for all your jobs,' she added.
Gunnoe, who lead the research, said 2,600 people were reviewed, of whom about a quarter had never been smacked.
It also included detailed interviews of about 179 teenagers who were asked how old they were when they were last smacked and how often they were smacked as a child.
She then looked at many outcomes parents generally night want for their teenage children such as academic rank, volunteer work, college aspirations, hope for the future, and confidence in their ability to earn a living when they grow up.
It emerged that those who had been spanked just when they were young were doing a little better as teenagers than those who’d never been spanked on almost every measure.
Research of this kind is rare, given that physical punishment was not viewed as taboo until fairly recently.
However, in a recent poll, more than 70% of Britons said they would support children's charities in imposing a ban on hitting of any kind as a form of discipline.
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actually i was a kid that time now i m changed and become a shy boy
i am shy of those whome i smacked in my highschool
Shy Kid u been a Gunda in Skool ? doesn't look by looks of it though
''Maybe it's intuition But some things you just don't question I know that it might sound more than a little crazy But I believe I knew I loved you before I met you
Young children need to be disciplined well. Its hard to reason with a 2 or 3 year old. Some kids do need a deterrent. So the occassional smack (below the knees) is OK. Once they realise that there is cause & effect even the threat of a smack does the trick.
The older they get, they learn whats right & wrong. Then parents can guide them making right judgements.
mom used to smack me and in frustration i used to smack other kids in the class that was like flow of energy from one person to another
pathani family????
''Maybe it's intuition But some things you just don't question I know that it might sound more than a little crazy But I believe I knew I loved you before I met you
No problem you havent gone any far from pathans you are still stuck with US>
one thing i neva liked in my Pathani family was Torturing Me for everything :( lol
''Maybe it's intuition But some things you just don't question I know that it might sound more than a little crazy But I believe I knew I loved you before I met you
bamboos, Thick cables , leather straps in jungle (Sudan school) including whips and the sticks on my fingers upwards. I had all that. the whips were funny would clear the dust from the pants :D the worst was the cable in winter on hands
Hehe...You're right DaRuDe!
he is still young :)
its all because i had way too much. and then you know excess of something ........ :P
Yes Khanan! If DaRuDe get some proper smacks when he was young, he could became DaNiCe! :)
believe me i was alot with those bamboos on my butt ahhhh was hard sitting on my bums later after having them and the teacher would yelll sit yoooou.
I already seconded, so you will havta third... ;-) and I agree with you on DaRuling!!! :-D
reminds me of our school day..
Have Courage To Live.
Anyone Can Die.
I have seen most of them out here in Qatar slap the small ones on their face. Thats mean.
and Brit.:)
Smacking is required sometime.
DaRuling you didn't get smacked well, otherewise...
Have Courage To Live.
Anyone Can Die.
Growing up in India, it was had to find a kid who doesn't get smacked at home but every time we came across a pampered mama's boy who claimed he never even gets scolded, we would pick on him in school and smack him around for no reason, yes you can call us bullies but someone had to toughen those kids up :)
**** Aal Izz Well****
I'm for it too as long at it justifies. Kids get the point. The problem lies when smack becomes whack, and even on flimsy reasons.
LOL Ummjake. I wasn't smacked much growing up either, but mom never hesitated to threaten me with it!
Everytime I see one of those unruly kids when I am out, my eyes search (usually in vain) for their caregiver/guardian/parent because I want to say to them "WHY are you letting this kid behave this way?!?"
If I had behaved like them when I was young, my mother would have smacked my head into last week!
I certainly don't advocate it for all aged kids and for all offenses, but there are times when a smack on the bottom is just what is called for.
I was spanked/smacked probably about 4 times in total growing up. I have spanked my son about twice I think...and now all I have to do is give him a look and he KNOWS he better straighten up.
I think it was Bill Cosby that said 'I brought you into this world, and I can take you out...and make another one that looks just like you!'
"If you're looking for sympathy, you'll find it between sh*t and syphilis in the dictionary."
- David Sedaris
I know a old man that was a very naughty little prick.
And he get smacked almost daily for all the stupid things he did...and he grow in a fine young man, start a military career and make a beautiful family for himself. Get retired and grow his grand children without smacking them. Somewhere, before retiring, he passed to "the dark side of the Force": he became my father-in-law! :)
I say Smack them on their BUTTS ..Never on face..Time out is also a good Strategie..Ground them for a day no Video games,No TV , No Cell fones, No Talking...thats the worst punishment u can give them...
''Maybe it's intuition But some things you just don't question I know that it might sound more than a little crazy But I believe I knew I loved you before I met you
i use time-out strategie with my kids, it's a great and brilliant discipline, ignoring the kid's shouting and nagging on something that i said NO to is also something useful most of the time, the kid cries a lot, then he/she understands who's in control.
NEVER let the kids control you by shouting or crying, they'll make your shopping day HELL
I am a firm beliver in smacking and discipline for kids..
A smack never hurt a kid. Many,repetitive smacks does...
As a parent, I'm on Olive's side.
tess, i agree with this, parents should NEVER use extreme disciplines all the time, equating noisy child with super naughty one, each act of disobedience should have proportional disciplinary reaction.
smacking in public is a big NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
In the opposite case tess, I can't stand to see kids misbehaving in malls and restaurants. Sometimes I think all that kid needs is a good smack.
Parents are not crazy psychos, they are not going to run around their kids beating them up whenever they please. When kids do something wrong they should be punished, simple as that.
**** Aal Izz Well****
Depends on the kid. some will require that some will not.
Excessive and unwanted smacking also will spoil the kid and make him a rebel when grows :)
And when you smack, make sure the kid knows why.. :)
agree tess..
maybe we all have differing opinions when it comes to child discipline.. what may be wrong to one, may be right to others..
i say smacking chidren, in case necessary, should be done by the closest person to them, they trust him and they are quite sure of his/her love, mothers mainly would have the benefit of this disciplinary smacking, i personnaly don't recommend it at all, but if it was the last cure, let it be done by the mother, father can make it by raising voice and by showing angry face.
I second that... :-D
Kids these days are too pampered, they need to be smacked more.
**** Aal Izz Well****
I believe in a good smack on the arse for kids. How can you reason with a 6 year old or a 2 year old?
Some of those who believe spanking a child is a necessary form of punishment may refer to the Bible for justification. There are several passages in the Bible, specifically in Hebrews and Proverbs, which refer to a rod being used to discipline a child.
sorry but i don't have the heart to smack my six-year-old... but that doesn't mean that she is spoiled though..
I got too much from my teachers in school damn them :/
Somebody gonna get a hurt!!! :-P