SLEEPY , but i have 5 more hours to go...
By nadinenana •
I am falling asleep here at work:( I am pretty much finished with the bulk of my duties but I still have 5 hours left:( i am so incredibly tired...haven't been sleeping well lately:( today i only got 5 hrs of sleep before my shift.
Sleepyhead :(
Me to ZZzzzz...
I did my best but aawwwww, now it's really late for a good girl like me ;)
ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz Sweet dreams QLers and have a good one, DownTown!
Who's in with me? Am here till 5.
you are supposed to be busy at work during last hour...
Happy Dreams
I had a 4 hours' sleep yesterday and going to have a nap now :D
Afternoon and night shift are better than morning shift
More than 1.5 hours and you will finish work and take a rest
Awaken all users there u gone now sleeping.
i get off in 1.5 hrs! YIPPY~
oh well, it's time to go to work again...
i cant sleep on the job!!!!
hmmmm... Sleeeep then !!
I consider myself lucky if I get 5 hours of sleep at all... the downside to working nights... :(
I did walk around a bit and then came back and checked FB least i am off tomorrow and thursday, which means i can sleep in!!
4 more damn hours to go!!!!! i suppose i should have my dinner now!!!
Finished your work! Go to sleep.
I will get up not later than 7:00 am in the morning. You made me depressed now :)
Keep awake..walk once in awhile, drink dark coffee...
same here! too lazy to go to bed.
So your work is finished but duty timings not! well you are fast why don't slow down at least to match the duty endings.
Get a Cappuccino and hold on. X-)
me too im at my night shift