Slavery - Caught in the act

Navy man accused of maid abuse
A naval officer has appeared in court in the US charged with fraud and trafficking after allegations he forced his housemaid to work for months without pay.
Colonel Arif Mohamed Saeed Mohammed Al Ali pleaded not guilty to visa fraud and lying to a government official after the maid he brought from the Philippines to his home in Newport, Rhode Island, reported him to immigration officials.
Prosecutors told Providence District Court Al Ali, a student at a US naval college, failed to pay the woman, took away her passport and refused to allow her out of the house. It is alleged the father-of-five made her work more than 12 hours a day, seven days a week.
US Attorney Mary Rogers for the prosecution said Al Ali showed US Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials a document signed by the woman that showed he had paid her $19,000 in cash for a year's work.
But Rogers says an investigation found no evidence any money had changed hands and the maid claims she was forced to sign the papers by her employer.
The defendant's counsel, Victoria Walsh, said her client denied all charges and said a language barrier was to blame for misunderstandings between Al Ali and investigators. The defence team also highlighted Al Ali's previous good character, his clean record and said he was a respected member of the navy.
MM / AmAm , I agree, Nobody can care for you better than you yourself , be it a man or woman .
AmAm is not talking about being cautious. MM read again
AmAm, That is correct, single women are more vulnerable to abuse so they need to be extra cautious.
AmAm why only single working women?
Let society live in peace by helping eachother and be in good-books of the Lord .....
Jessie / AmAm, Everything revolves around truth. Let employer & employee remain true to their roles and do not pursue any hidden agenda.
I wish single working women hold their honour high. Then everybody will support their cause.
@ AmAm but not in this case, I'm sure of it that no extortion involved to this issue.
Molten , you are right , some girls do it purposely , they connect with wealthy men & involve them into police cases. Media gives more air to their stories.
Mod..yes ur right...but you can very well see who started and went offtopic. Appreciate if a warning would be given to them too
do not hijack or deviate from topic
do not hijack or deviate from topic
OK Humbles , I took your advice and stopped suspecting that Adey , Rip-Thalonius, tecom and Fubar are the same fellows.
Thanks Humbles, Trust is very basic requirement for any communication between humans.
MM is right , Suspecting eachother won't send a good signal to the new members.
T. C. Joining forces is good when do it positively. That's why we've buddy system , my brother.
It is another opportunity to laugh when we club all new comers as one and the same person ....
I don't know who'll laugh at whom ?
We all know which is the most active groupism group over here
Fubar & T. C., A clear example of groupism is there to see when Adey is being represented by Rip ! ! !
Fubar / tcom , As Molten has pointed out that , anyone can notice people log in once in a month just for commenting about the person not on the topic ,
Good quote by Habagat, TFS dear.
LOL. Molten.
Dreaming that other QLers having mutiple profiles is an issue for those only who are doubtful ............
Jessie , I am afraid some forces may exploit victims & use them [ victims ] for their own vested interests ......
They think its their birth right
Guys with that type of mentality are never ashamed. They th
It is a fact that many housemaids are treated inhumane but the question is, how they raise their voices to concerned people/ authorities and file a complaint when she is abused inside the house of the employer and sometimes the employer charged the housemaid for wrong accusation. This guy should be really ashamed of himself over this.
“The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world.” ― Dr. Paul Farmer, author: "Pathologies of Power"
Yes..fubar.. I too have the same feeling that most of them are duplications .. :)
Thanks for spoiling all the fun :-(
I really wanted to see how long the silliness would last for!
It's a good plan though - make up multiple profiles and use them to personally attack and insult other users.
Very grown up!
A m & A m = MM?
It's not though as his writing style is more coherent and use of words suggest someone more acquainted with the English language
Don't spoil the fun TCOM. I was enjoying the silliness of the "new users" complementing one another, as if it isn't painfully obvious that it's the same person. It's the sort of behavior you'd expect from little school kids.
adey looks like all these new users are one and the same. Lots of A55 kissing going on now a days.
To AmAm
MM is perfectly aware of my views pertaining to his opinions, and `I have told him directly whilst communicating via QL. You, on the other hand, are an unknown quantity; I notice that you invoke my name without reference to the topic of the current post, on which I have not commented on.
It would seem that you have gone out of your way to discuss me without any relevance to the subject at hand; whenever I make a post it is always linked to the OP or the resultant opinions generated.
I take great pains to not engage in obscene or base language when describing fellow QLers.
I have often given MM some leeway because of his limited ability to properly express his thoughts using written English but over the last couple of months I have been appalled and disappointed in the mindset he often displays. I have come to the conclusion that his comments reflect his mindset.... a mindset that I utterly oppose and feel must be countered at every opportunity. You, appearing to be a new member here, will not have had a chance to peruse the history of my postings, or that of MM, to base an opinion on our communications or posting styles.
I have been forthright in opposing MM's views but, again, have never resorted to being personally rude to him or used vulgar language.
I used the dictionary definition of 'misogynist' ie 'a person who hates, dislikes, mistrusts, or mistreats women'
MM has displayed on many occasions aspects of the last 3 descriptions. I see nothing wrong in using the correct terminology when it's called for.
I agree with your sentiments Habagat. If this man had a shred of decency about him, he would abide by the decision of the US court and pay what he owes.
But he has left the country and jurisdiction means that there is almost nothing she can do to pursue him for it.
But there are jurisdictional issues that will prevent the money being sent from the UAE to the USA.
There are some people who think that when they visit other countries they can ignore the local laws and ignore the local courts and just go home when they don't like the way things are going for them.
I don't know how people like him can live with themselves.
fubar, you wrote: "Mr Al Ali left the USA in early 2012 and as he has no assets in the country, there is almost no chance that this maid will see any of the money that the court awarded her in damages.
But at least she is now out of the hands of this evil man." I beg to differ that that is sufficient grounds for this "evil man" to be not n the capacity to comply with the financial verdict. In the UAE, as well as in Qatar, tens of thousands of cases (unreported by media, of course) of expats are either languishing in jail or staying outside the jail and on their own on how to get financial support to pay house rent and buy food and other necessities!!! The khafala system prohibits them from finding work without their employers' affirmation, so they cannot legally find work which in turn results to their loan payment defaults -- just a vicious cycle! Their travel ban is resolved only when their families finally raise enough money. In short, that navy guy is in the capacity to pay the monetary damages despite his being in a foreign soil.
MM, Cheers buddy.
R2R, I see you are quite right. I am a keen follower of MM's comments , I have never noticed anything objectionable. I agree with you that his thinking is bit higher , futuristic & advance than any normal folks around.
MM, That is great that you are still respectful with Rip even though your opinion is always different from him & his buddies .
Rip, You judge fellow QLers is ok but do not excite others .
LOL, commenting on Adey's behalf. First time seen this item.
Mast , thanks for highlighting important issue about that QLer, who attacks religion & country he is eating from .
I heard he was leaving QL few days back, hope for better .
.............The defence team also highlighted Al Ali's previous good character, his clean record and said he was a respected member of the navy..........the question is then why did he still have to abuse and treat his employee as a slave and that too a poor and helpless woman. Sometimes the guys with good characters, lots of respects and in high places can turn out to be the biggest hypocrites
Rip is following his comments of attacking other qlers in the new QL as well and some supporters also clapping to his comments no end at all
Mr Al Ali left the USA in early 2012 and as he has no assets in the country, there is almost no chance that this maid will see any of the money that the court awarded her in damages.
But at least she is now out of the hands of this evil man.
Another good QLer is Jessie who speaks from the heart ...... I noticed her views on the other thread where a it's about a ..................... crime story / lady teacher / bar / 2 men / night / desert ...
I welcome your thoughts on above { Only from my dear brother Rip please .... }
Always , outsiders log-in & start commenting on the personal views of members without even responding to the OP or any input regarding the issue.
Their only focus is to express negatives views against a selected person as desired by their group leader , it seems.
Your observation is flawed ..... one sided .... unbalanced ....
Rip, Thanks for your observation , I hope it's your own findings & not influenced by outsiders , outsiders means who are just called in for supporting weak QLers ......... by weak QLers ....
That's when buddy system is misused for fighting a lost war .... outsiders who never know what's happening on QL , they don't have a close relations with the site , they lack feel of the topic ..... What can one expect from them ... they'r nothing more than a hit & run cases ...
We should not fear anyone .... When expressing our own thinking .....
Nomad, That's doing justice with yourself ...... people find it easy to just say I agree or reamin neutral .....
It amounts to slavery when one agrees with the buddies' views ... I liked your stand.
I don't usually agree with most of Rip Cord's views here but this time he hit the nail on the head.
excellent post, fubar!
The strange and funny thing about life around the world is that what is taken for granted out here.... like holding your employees passport, not paying their salaries on time, sponsorship & sponsors NOC for each and everything, exit visa, etc is a complete no - no in other places. In fact in many countries its completely against the law.
As Adey is not here to defend himself I shall attempt to on his behalf.
MM is a mysiognist, that is a statement of fact. Be it women getting raped, murdered or in this case as an employee he tries always to shift the blame onto the woman.
Honour killing in India of a daughter, well she should have not gone against her parents wishes.
Been raped? Well you shouldn't have been out late at night.
and so it goes on. The only other thing that is shocking is that his fellow mysognists on QL agree with him... pity the poor women in his family.
It's funny that in his world view, he can feel he is justified to withhold the passport of his maid and deny her the ability to travel.
Yet when he was placed under a court order and told he could not travel away from the US, he still tried to get on a plane to flee justice. What a courageous man!
UAE officer arrested at NY airport - Associated Press
Tuesday, Apr 12, 2011
Providence, RI - A military officer from the United Arab Emirates accused of keeping an unpaid servant while attending the Naval War College in Rhode Island has been arrested by federal officials after he boarded an international flight in New York City.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement arrested Col. Arif Mohamed Saeed Mohamed Al-Ali at Kennedy Airport late Monday night after he and his family boarded a nonstop flight to their home country, said Jim Martin, a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's office in Rhode Island. Al-Ali was held overnight in New York.
The naval officer pleaded not guilty last week to charges he lured a Filipino servant to the United States, then failed to pay her and kept her confined in his house.
A federal judge in New York ordered that Al-Ali appear in U.S. District Court in Rhode Island on Wednesday and released him, on $100,000 unsecured bond, into the custody of three countrymen, including a diplomatic attache and another colonel in the Emirati military, Martin said. The judge ordered Al-Ali equipped with a tracking device, he said.
Al-Ali's wife and five children got off the plane when he was detained, but it's unclear what they did after that, Martin said.
Al-Ali's name was flagged by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, which caught the attention of an ICE agent, according to the order of removal to Rhode Island issued Tuesday. The order says authorities in New York received an arrest warrant from a judge in Rhode Island charging that Al-Ali had violated the terms of his pre-trial release.
The story posted above was from 2011. After the legal battle the outcome was:
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — A naval officer from the United Arab Emirates has been ordered to pay $1.2 million to a former domestic worker who accused him of imprisoning her and forcing her to work long hours for little pay, although it is unclear whether she will ever receive any money.
Col. Arif Mohamed Saeed Mohamed Al-Ali was found to be in default in August for failing to appear in court in a lawsuit brought by Elizabeth Ballesteros, who cared for Al-Ali's family in East Greenwich when he was studying at the U.S. Naval War College in Newport.
On Wednesday, U.S. District Court Judge John McConnell ordered Al-Ali to pay Ballesteros for forcing her to be on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week and for what he called outrageous and inhumane conduct, including withholding her passport and threatening her if she tried to leave. The award included $10,000 per day for each of the 84 days that McConnell said Ballesteros was imprisoned and subject to emotional abuse.
My thinking is : No need to get upset with others' views , why people punish to themselves ?
AmAm, What you mentioned is really unacceptable in 21st century. Who is Adey ?
Can you provide link ?
R2R see the above example of Adey ! It is very unfair . What to do with a person like Adey who attacks fellow QLers ?
adey said '' I suggest posters look at ,,,,,,,,,, track record. He has a long, long history of shifting blame on to women when they are the victims of male aggression.
I've never met anyone here who deserves the epiphyte 'Misogynist' more. ''
3 reports about 19 hours ago
Molten Metal, There seems something fishy with the timing of the complaint.
I mean calling names.
R2R, That is so common with a few people, it needs to be avoided.
We should not call by names to anyone by being civil.
Whom to believe ? There are similar cases of extorting money from the wealthy gentlemen around the globe.
What a slave driver! Good to know he will now get a well deserved lesson. How anyone can oppress and take advantage of another human being in this manner is truly something I can't comprehend. I mean how do they even sleep at night? Truly appalling!
Maid had taken it lightly, she should have acted on the 1st of the next month if she is so sure that she did not take any advance money ......... It is not clear if she was not a forgetful person lately ...
This guy is a moron. All he knew is he was born with lots of money and do not know the consequencies of his action.
Forgive him even if he is in the navy because he still has the mind as if he is living in his very own country. Educated in the first world country and yet squat in the middle of the desert to dispose.
Educated - YES.
not all in the navy are captain. some are still private.
Btw, why is his rank title "Colonel" if he is in the navy? Shouldn't it be "Captain"?
OUTDATED (policies and practices) is an understatement, Good old joe!
This guy must have taken for granted that what he can do back home he can also do in other places and now he is paying the price for his countrys outdated policies and practices. They can fool the people locked up in that little box withing their borders but when they get out of the box its a completely different world where truth prevails. Now he might have to go begging to his housemaid for forgiveness and to keep him out of jail
Good she was not in gulf.
Indeed a clear case of slavery! The navy guy must have thought that he was still in his native soil were the kafala system exists and works on his favour!
criminal should be punished severely for ill treating the poor maid and her wages should be paid including fine for her master