Sick kitty needs a home

Sick, scared, and injured, he eluded me for a few days. But when I finally caught him, he submitted to me with absolute trust and gentleness. He has a nasty head wound, a broken tooth, skin lesions, and is miserably congested from flu. The bad news is he's HIV positive with herpes. I can't foster him; even vaccinated and segregated, my own kitty will be at risk.
With care and love, this sweet, gentle boy can live a good life for several more years. Without a home, he'll die on the streets from infection and AIDS. The humane choice is to put him to sleep.
Please save me from making that choice.
I will pay all of his medical expenses now and a cash advance for any foreseeable expenses down the road. He is castrated and affectionate: a big beautiful boy.
I'm hoping that a cat-less someone with a great and generous heart will save one small life and give this special needs kitty a forever home.
Autumn Watts @ 5535-6454 or
Veterinary Surgery @ 5584-1224
Thanks so much!! I also wanted to add some clarifying information that my friend shared about living with an FIV+ kitty:
"I will say that I had an FIV kitty before (it is the feline equivalent of HIV, which causes AIDS). Just like humans with HIV, kitties with FIV can live a very long time and have relatively few health problems so long as they are kept indoors.Mine lived to be about 17 years old.
FIV is spread to from cat to cat via deep puncture wounds (so from a bite) and cannot be transmitted to other species (such as humans or dogs, etc). So once he gets well, it really isn't much different than having a healthy cat, except that you are advised not to have other cats (I did have another cat and there were never any issues).
Also, herpes virus in kitties is not the same as in people. It affects the respiratory system and again, does not generally mean the cat will have significant health problems if it is kept indoors. It turns out most kitties have this:
ok, it's posted on my Fb. Good luck to poor kitty! xoxoxo
a cat with HIV,AIDS and herpes...the poor cat needs antivirals and a good dentist.probably root canal and a recap of the lost tooth.....
Oh, sorry! Try this one?
I just clicked on your link, but could not open it.
Have posted on my FB the QL content.
Autumn, nothing to thank me for. I wish I could do more.
YES, please spread the word. I tried to post a photo but for some reason it didn't work. Here's a link on Facebook with photo:
Thank you so, so much. He's breaking my heart.
OMG, poor little boy. Have 2 myself, so can't help.
Hope somebody gives him a loving home.
Can I re post this on my Facebook?