
By LostInSpace •
Someone posted yesterday that you should forgive everyone for everything to be able to live a happy life. Well if what happened to this person(linked story) happened to my son or daughter i would end up in prison for murder! These people make me sick! :0(
in no time at all! just wait!
Yes LIS, retaliation doesn't work in the UK either, it's a bit like the guy who was sent down for taking on the burglar in his home...I think he got something like 2 or 3 years :-(
bloodiful people..& now free to go in the streets and do another crime..What a judge they've got,maybe he's the father of one of the criminals..B***sh*T!
the problem i have is that if the parents retaliated against these turds they would probably end up with a harsher sentance! Anyway sad story for a Thursday, sorry! :0(
Brit - i agree mate.
Absolutely shocking! Me thinks the judge may have been threatened or paid off! No sane judge would give community service to these d*ckheads! :-(
TLS you dont need to go to Bihar, it happens all over India. Just imagine Bofors, the casket for soldiers killed in Kargill
Or may be UK is becoming Bihar now a days.Whatever you do if your linked to a political figure you will get the bail within few seconds..
How can they do this.. Morons..brainless judge..
what the hell is wrong with the judge who gave the sentence!!! the crazy boys who did such a terrible thing to an autistic child will not learn their lesson by a few months of curfews and community service only!!
whats wrong with teenagers of morals, no values, no respect for anyone...
tink, whipping is like a slap on the wrist, have them mugged till they cry for their mothers!
my apologies TLS :)
forgive my ignorance, but couple of days ago i read a news that Americans are serving a youngest prisoner of 15 years only (Now he's of 23) in Guantanamo Bay for last 8 years, and most probably he'll receive a life sentence.
Calm Down Tinku !
No judges are here to listen your plea....:(
Yes, our politicians have lost the plot a little. Sadly, history shows us that this happens in all societies. The secret is to revover and move forward..
too much liberalism makes you blind to the atrocities that take place around you
Seriously what is wrong with the UK? Have you all lost it?
Great minds think alike =D
A couple of morons in the UK, physically abused a young autistic boy. They were let off with community service, rather than being sent to jail..
Basically some young thugs who beat and tortured an autistic boy have not been imprisoned and instead have been sentenced with community service and curfew. The case is now being reviewed..Terrible,right?
Sick people judged by sicker judge :(
Saudi shria law will work absolutely fine
Lucy, there's a link posted by the OP, look up, use your eyes :P
Please tell me what happened....
yea, maybe some nutter will beat him to death too..
don't worry MJ what goes around comes around and i hope it's much worse for the judge who made that very stupid decision.
yeah somwer, that smirking face makes my blood boil.. would've loved to punch that face repeatedly till his face is covered with blood.. :/
what's more sickening is the pic of one of the assailants in the article managing to smile, sure would like to punch his face so hard all his teeth would fall off!
please somebody tell me what happened???????????///
People make fun when I say that we need a justice system similar to Saudi..
To be truthful.. I do believe that we need some draconian measures to put things right..
Too many neo liberals with excuses regarding broken homes and dysfunctional families.
well, he was not in his right mind... a kindergarten kid could pass a better judgment than he did, I don't know how people can call him a judge, he should be called a clown for making the justice system a big f*****g joke!
How can anyone in his/her right mind think this to be just?? Sick it is!
I would've ended up in jail for murdering these sons-of-b*****s if that happened to my daughter.. sometimes justice is not only blind, but stupid as well.. :/
just a long line of pathetic sentences handed down in the UK. Is this ever going to deter these bell ends? I know Qatar is a little boring but its alot safer than the UK.
Judge has lost it. Dont set a good example at all expecially after all the money that was spent on the Stephen Lawerence inquiry and have we learnt any lessons from that the answer is a big NO..
omg! thats horrible..
The Ministry of Justice is investigating to see if "justice was properly served". :O(
These morons should accept no forgiveness. If they can do this to a young autistic lad, then what actually are they going to do for "community service" ?
The morons and the senile judge need to be put away for a while ...
The judge should be sent to prison also!
B*****d Judge! he let 'em off with just community service and curfew??? WTF!!!
Community service for that???