Shuaibkazi.. a self appointed lawyer of realsom1

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i am with you SK.. I am with you. I dont like talk about religion unless the person can really open my eyes and change my perspective. Guess the best thing is to ignore it. but sometime get really annoyed when they keep bombarded you with their post. God bless them
Everybody is right and Everybody is wrong, its depend where you stand
Mila.. thatz the whole point. I am on QL for some time now and I have learned one thing. If ur and mine and the likes of us do not agree with many here. these guys take support of religion and there goes the whole discussion to dogs. There is no looking back after that. name calling and bickkering starts. u know it all. dont u ?
It is like either u are with us or u go fouck urself. we will fight with u.
we are respected others, we just have disagreement sometime emron.. all natural and normal right???
Everybody is right and Everybody is wrong, its depend where you stand
emron: who forced who and what did I am Mila force ???????
Now is it ok with you sk... & mila, to force your views on others?
c'mon guys be grown ups accept the realities and respect others as it reciprocates
Mila Good morning
Noted SK. We knows who they are.
Everybody is right and Everybody is wrong, its depend where you stand