She kissed her :-I

By Rndm_QL_Mmber •
Here we go again..
i would like to share a secret that she revealed last night while we were on the way to a car wash.
"I was drunk and we kissed in the toilet, it wasn't a torrid kiss & she touched my bxxxs/bxxxxt"
Soo.. am i suppose to be proud of her 4 she trying different things or should i puke? i mean i felt like she wasn't satisfied with me for a while then i thought what if they both hookup and 3 of us just take it easy and share some love.
OR.. should i leave her to do/feel what she wants or maybe leave her and say good bye.
i understand we can blame it on the alcohol but..
confused !!!!
Hmmmmm Wtf waste of time :)
whats the issue? Is it something to do with CHAPA?
all of us here are sinful... no doubt
so many people are sinfull..... HARAM!
login to yahoo chats, this site is not for chats only for chaps!
no body chat wid me y?
its not fair no body chat wid me
really???!!! ewwwwwww
The latest news so far is ppl pretending to be minding their own business by minding others business.. Hahaha..
U kissed Dfina &
Dfina took you to the nearest corner
To boom shake shake boom.
Snessy.. It's her fantasies not mine..
MBK.. like i said..I wish it was just a dream..
RSoul.. U r a gud observer ;-)
Indian.. Like?
but no lesbian are commenting here :(
i can smell lesbian interest in this thread :(
Rndm so wots the latest news here ?
who kissed whom ?
who took whom ?
boom boom
Are you trying to entertain to all QLers? If yes find other way......
Elegant lady has posted the super comments or words.i must say that those are the super words of the day.
Yes Sness, its just another Troll attack!
Why are you sharing your fantasies online? As MBK has already said, now wake up.
Rndm ... did u film them? can u share? :P
Risks that's what I'm talking abt.. i think your brain is missing along with ur hair..
and why would i do that???!!! maybe you need it more than me!
ok ok EL - m shorry ! :(
now Dwarfina tat doesnt mean u cannot PM
EL............ so possessive...:p damn..
shiny bald head
No PM's to anybody else but me...ok
From ur kung fu EL
Dwarfina. You can avail our classified sections like "items for sale" or "services". I am sure you will find lots of them. lol
Rndm there ain't no secrets for my hairs ! :(
Infact no hairs...:)
@DwArFiNa@ & Rizkss..
Gud luck..
Risks reveal your hair secret before going for a date.. incase..
FS... r u realyy scary
Go on
DwarFina u r so smart !
yup i know...that's why we will date outside :)
DwarFina hold my elbow and let me direct you to PM's.....:)
oh wait, dont u know QL is not a dating site ? :(
No FS. I just told Rizks to run to make it useful for me.(:-') lol
ok, so lets meet then... :) lol
Oh comeon guyz, m just sharing my little knowledge here...:(
dont want anyone to share their GF's with me...:)
12345...atleast some of you are scared of me..:)
DwarFina u r absolutely wrong !
but u can bet tat i want to meet
i bet you want to meet his gf huh! :) lol
FS i am not interested in his GF, i was just helping this guy ! :(
ohhh rizks Run. The great grandma (FS) is staring at u now.
Stop it rizks..why are you so interested in someone else's GF.
and where is she now ?
i mean, u still have good relations with each other or not ?
Oh yea.. It's been a healthy sched between us for a good while..
Rndm so tell me now, does ur galpriend calls you or do u meet oftenly ?
True that people.. I just hope she dreamt abt it..
Pixie.. Why don't you "never mind"?
LOL - you are so right! obviously it is the highlight of his life so he has gone public.
it's not a puking situation.
you can't blame it to alcohol either.
just stay with your GF...
surely she got something that will make you more understand and enthusiastically proud of...
ask your GF what she need to satisfy her in such... i'm sure you've got something to surprise her i guess...
and i hope this is not just a dream:)
Nice dream! Now wake up
pixie u r right we dont care much !
but...we care givin him some advices/suggestions which can ease some of his tensions - right ? :)
RQLM nice nightmare. I am just wondering to know where did you find yourself when you opened your eyes??? lol (:-')
Do you think we care what you or your GF does?
Really EL ?
I would love to....:)
Rndm, after looking deep into your situation...with heavy heart i regret to infrom you tat your Galpriend is a Lesbian....:(
now where is DaRuDe ?
buddhajo.. U making me think twice now..
Thank Osama.. however..
1. she tried a lot but a total failiure
2. I hope she doesn't but U all can trust me.
3. what can i say abt women.. a complicated brain like the internet super highway.
4. Roger that.
that's HOT! :))
some guys have all the time dude..have fun..why u puking...hahahahaha..nnnnjoyyyy the
People say
A blessed KISS is on HEAD
A sweet KISS is on CHEEKS
A passionate KISS is on LIPS
A romantic KISS is on NECK
But seriously
Wanna try???
Rndm: that means the other girl is abnormal, my advice is:
1- try to avoid alcohol.
2- try to avoid the other girl and don't let ur GF to C her.
3- stay with ur GF for sometime and u will be able to notice if she is not satisfied or something from that sort.
4- Keep the secret as a secret and discuss it only with UR GF in a positive way.
Yes Rizks Yes!!
rizkz......... gr8 judgment... hahahah lol
Yuck alialalibin.. is that wat u do in a situation like this?
Puke again..
Rndm_QL_Mmber- roh' nik nafsek.
Rndm u mean ur GF kissed her galfriend and later other gal started the touching game with ur galfrind who is the friend of her ?
wait,lemme have some Karak chai to understand this situation ? :(
Kareena with KFC i meant "Korean Fried Cat" not the one which u assumed. lol ):"(
Rizks .. why don't you use the Questions & Answers section?
They both kissed intentionally but the other girl started the touching game.
now can any brave soul explain me with example wots this "Torrid Kiss" is ? :(
Rndm: UR GF has been kissed and touched by the other girl or she started the act?
I'm sorry, but it has to be a "Torrid" kiss to get me going..
Anyway, i'm now picturing Kareena and that poor chicken :o(
Why Why Why Me.. why does it always have to be happening 2 me.. common.. suggestions before i take the wrong step..
Don't remind me about KFC.. It has been a full month since I have not had KFC.. Last week somehow I managed to control myself as well.. I am on a NO JUNK FOOD diet..
britey no car wash, u will defo find a Public toilet there where u can smooch ur partner....:)
Why Kareena is so exited today. Did KFC changed their ingredients?
brite not a car wash, but a swimming pool is there...
The nearest 1 would b Andalus petrol station.
Does the Ramada have a car wash ?
Exactly sam.. i thought i'm suppose 2 b the one to break my head..
Lets get back to Work... Boss can come any moment
Kareena74....... ok our dirty... point to be
let him discuss abt his wtever life y r u guys breking ur heads by commenting
440V Stare
Kareena.. Dirty indeed. lets talk abt Sasha grey then..
What is wrong with you man and why the hell are you posting your sex life on a public forum.. We are here to discuss the sex lives of movie starts and politicians and bash them up but not to wash our dirty linen in public..
****************toungue-in-cheek stare*******************
i think... burgers / basket... is it?
can someone translate for me what the fak is he talking about. Jesus dude you still drunk or something ! WTF
******************eyes wide open stare****************
Guilt n sam.. U lucky pricks.. i wish i could get some..
bxxxs/bxxxxt....ok lemme anal_yze it !
books/ bucket - am i right ?
guilt i have the same feeling as urs
FS.. really :p
Rizks .. i'm trying to be as clean as possible.
maybe you can re-read and analyze.. the post.. even u sound confused!!
Fs.... really.......:p
I feel sleepy.
What is my fault to log in to QL to read such ...t.
Rndm can you explain wots this :- :(
bxxxs/bxxxxt ?
and how did you both kissed each other, where u in Ladies toilet or vice versa ?
FS.. Tell me abt it.. i was really shocked!!
cc syringe stare
220V stare!
Pucking stare