Shame on Indian Judiciary

By Shadabkhan20 •
`Here is excerpts of the findings of 'Tehelka's (An Indian News Channel) it is shocking how a country claiming to be on the verge of becoming a super power is ruled by such people. I as an Indian am ashamed and ask all sane people of the world to speak out against it. Pl read attached file. Its horrifying and shameful.
Wow thatws what I call a fundamentalist. Look at my post ands look at what u have written about. Let me tell u that I have attached a report made by 'Tehlka' and asked people to speak out against the injustice. If justice is not served then people try and get justice themselves.
Now for fundamentalists like you, INDIA is still simmering with communal tension coz elections are round the corner. People are still talking about Nazi concentration camps and Germans are still paying Israel for the crimes committed by the Nazis. Whereas in a country that I belong to (and By the way my family fought for the freedom of the country not liek you who just got it for free)all I expect you to is voice the concern that this should not be repeated.
MARK MY WORD, another carnage is just round the corner.
As far as wiping out Muslims is concerned and Hindus being nice is concerned, well I know majority of them are nice but the not nice ones like you have the following history.
1984 burning and killing of Sikhs all ove iNDIA
1996 till date Anti christian riots in Orissa, MP, UP, Gujrat and all other states.
Since 1947. Innumerable riots with Muslims.
So which is the intolerant community?
For more information on Hindus who did this please check the link.
Being an Indian Expat I have fought Anti Indian remarks many a times on this site and everywhere else. Never heard u talk though.
Well the Saudi principle at least brings the crime rate down. Compare it to the crime rate of the countries where cases are fought for generations and justice is not served. Rapists go scotfree coz they can afford good lawyers.
sexydoctor, i am to be agree with you word to word. not to be infuriate communal feelings. but to be ask one question ---- if you to be away for months how you to be know what is to be there on QL. tell tell----------------------------------------
I had been away from QL for almost months cos it actually offers nothing new... same old gullible western women being chased by stalkers and rude landcruisers moving down new drivers...
"same old gullible western women being chased by stalkers and rude landcruisers moving down new drivers..."
---> excuse me ... i am proudly saying i am an asian ... and i still being chased down by land cruiser.
Oh god where is the icing on the cake? INdian mess..No one can solve it...
I had been away from QL for almost months cos it actually offers nothing new... same old gullible western women being chased by stalkers and rude landcruisers moving down new drivers...
but the characters like shadabkhan just dont get away....
being an indian expat he talks about shame on indian judiciary becos he says his grand dad was killed in a riot which he believes was the work of rabid Hindus....
firstly QL is aplatform where we can discuss lots of good issues and get to know friendly people.... I am particularly impressed by this member who calls herself gypsy... whos is and was and has been very vocal and controversial but its always a pleasure to read her post.
on the other hand we have venemous psotings from people like shadab who spew nothing but communal hatred and maybe look to fish in troubled waters.
if according to what muslims think and fear if all hindus were communal and anti muslim it would take a day to wipe them out of india - hindus comrise 82% and muslims comprise 12% ( not counting the jehadi afghanis and pakis and bangalis)
for every brutal case of hindu muslim riot, we have hundreds of cases of hindu muslim friendship.
and for ur kindest info, shadab the worlds richest muslim is not ur arab paymasters but an indian IT guy - Azim Premji.
so save your delusions and hallucinations of Hindu hatred for your psychiatrist.
if you are so insecure in India, migrate to saudi arabia or better pakistan.
being an Indian expat here, the least you can do is rubbish your countrys name like this.
and finally not every hindu is a muslim hater... grow up and get a life
and therefore this is all the more reason to NOT discuss this.
If everyone started to work on the Saudi Arabian principle of an "arm for an arm and an eye for an eye", then the world will be in ruins.
"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it"
In a way you are right, but the way you make it SOUND is wrong. You sound as if you have already reached a verdict and therefore its pointless.
Just for your info, I am a Hindu and I have many people in my family who are married to Muslims (men and women). None feel India doesnt treat them as equals. The worrying bit is those Muslims in India who feel ostracized.
As for the judiciary, well you and I both know how well it has been performing against ALL odds. Taking the government by the crotch on so many issues.
I dont want to be drawn into a Hindu-Muslim debate because its senseless and certainly this is not an appropriate form.
I agree riots are wrong, but then these things are two-way with the "hand that rocks the cradle" being the politicians (in our country). Factionalism is everywhere (including our esteemed neighbours who are close to 100% muslims) so I dont, rather I WONT stand for OUR country being looked at with communal hues.
Cheers. I am out of this now.
"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it"
My 70 years old Grand father (a freedom fighter for India) was taken down from the bus burnt alive and the body was thrown in the river. So I know.
An Ostrich digs its head into the sand thinking no one can see it. If we dont talk about it and if we dont make a noise about it we are supporting it. So if at all u like to see a stronger and better India. Start talking about it and try putting an end to the politicians who are killing people for their benefit.
those are the repurcussions of all this. If u want all this to stop, you have to start at the grassroot level. I dont support taking of innocent lives in terrorist attacks, thats the reason why I always ask all sane Indians to stand up against all this. Everytime we shut our eyes or turn our heads away from issues like this just because they are sensitive, we support the crime. Have the courage to atleast open your mouth and speak against injustice. Fisrt step is to let it be known to all. YOUR COMMENT REFLECTS YOUR SUPPORT FOR THESE GUYS AND YOUR MINDSET.
See the larger picture.......dont even start talking about this....
"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it"
Black Prince, I have attached the facts for you to see. I as an Individual am ashamed coz I can do nothing about it excepot for discussing it on this forum. If you look at the articles attached they are written by all very respectable and senior journos. SO what I haev written is not my view but the view of extremely celebrated and respected journalists.
War mongering??? well I leave that to those who are in power.
But before you give me your comments please please please read the attachment.
dont u see a sarcastic remark when u read one
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
if u loose something then only u will come to know the real value of it,
and three cheers to all those, involved in all terrorist attacks, suicide bombings, train burnings, communal riots, train blasts, mosque / buildings / bus explosions....Hip Hip Hurrayh!!!!
Please be careful while posting such sensitive issues.
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Shad, I am always careful when reading news articles etc. by definition they have to be sensational as thats what sells papers and keeps the money rolling in. I have seen so much of this sensational journalism which later reveals itself not to be based on facts but anyway lets say its true for now.
I not sure what you are trying to get going here when you say "I as an Indian am ashamed and ask all Muslims of the world to be ready for this. This is going to be done everywhere in the world, where it is not happening yet"....that sounds rather provocative and trouble making.
Lets be honest the Indian sub-continent is well known for such "goings on" its recent history has many notable examples. To say that this is going to be done all over the world to Muslims is a disgracefull statement to make, almost amounting to "war mongering" This would not happen in most countries of the world.
Report such facts on a posting but dont go round making inflamotory statements that have no base in fact or reality.