Shabo, chapter 2
Chapter 2 Shabo's Story
It was after one year when the story of Sadat and Shabo took a nasty turn. It was from this time on that the two start a relation not so innocent as before, in fact a relation of mutual impiety.
Shabo was no more a little girl now. She had grown to a little young woman now. She understood the nature of her relation, yet there was nothing she could do about it, or at least nothing she wanted to do about it.
Their dark and secret love affair had crossed all possible limits of morality. Every night, after she saw that everyone else was asleep, she used to slip into Sadat's room. The two stayed there night long satisfying their desires on each other as they pleased.
After three months, when Sadat had left Shabo became terribly upset. She suddenly found herself in withdrawal of some powerful addiction --- whether love or lust, she was not sure. She tried to reason with herself that since everything is fair in war and love, and since it was not ever possible in the life of this world to get Sadat in the light of the day, there was nothing wrong, at least on her moral standards, to get him in the dead of the night. She missed him intensely.
One day Sadat called, Shabo picked the phone. He told her he would fly home that night and that she should come out of the house somehow. It wont be possible for him to get home without being caught or seen by the guard.
As soon as everyone fell asleep, Shabo went to see if the guard was looking. She found him offering his prayers: she just jumped over the wall.
Sadat spent a night with Shabo in a local hotel. Early morning they parted. Shabo was so scared.
The following month Shabo became sick. She stopped eating and started to throw up everything she ate. She was taken to a local doctor where the other maid accompany her laughed heartily when the doctor asked her question regarding a possible pregnancy. Shabo's heart sank like a leaden ship.
Her vomiting increased. She knew it. She was pregnant. She was terrified at the thought of other people finding this out. She did not know what to do. She did not know how to inform Sadat, whether to inform him or not, and if it would help at all.
She finally thought of a plan. There was a family planning center about which she knew when she once went there along with another woman who needed some help in a similar problem.
She went there, and there she met this middle aged lady, Malalo aunty, who was a health technician. "Oh my good God", she was astonished. She was astonished, yet it was not a bewildering astonishment, as for Malalo this, although rare, was not the only incident. She had been contacted for unwanted pregnancies by almost 3 people, the last one just day before.
She told Shabo that she would help her, but she had to pay a good amount of money, adding that it was such a risky business indeed.
dude stop flooding swear on ur shabo its irritating
The earth beneath her feet slipped when she was told she needed 2000 Rupees for abortion. Although it may not be that much of money for a regular person, for Shabo it was unimaginable to afford that amount. She told the lady she could not afford the money. The lady finally agreed to have it done in 1200 Rupees--- no less and no more.
When she came out of the facility, she walked back home. On the way, she got tired and tried to rest under a tree on the bank of the road. A black Mercedes stopped near her, and from it came out a lady in her late thirties. She asked Shabo, “Why are you sitting here?” She also noticed that Shabo’s lips were so dry they almost cracked. Shabo told her she was just resting as she was tired. The lady offered a ride, Shabo refused since she feared people would see her and might ask her where she had gone. Somehow the lady took pity on Shabo and told her, ok, tell me what do you want and I will give you. Shabo wanted to say 1200 Rupees but was too shy to utter the words. She wondered she might get slapped for making such an unreasonable demand. But the lady reassured her, “Go on, tell me what do you want?” Shabo told her, “I need 1200 Rupees, and I need it very urgently.” The lady got back into her car, took out her wallet and gave Shabo three notes of 500 each. “Here, take this, but listen, I want you to do something in return. Do you agree?” “Yes, yes, yes, madam, I agree, I agree with my life even,” said an embarrassed and happy Shabo.
“OK, dear, I want you to pray for me. I do not have any child. I have a health problem, and I have lost several pregnancies. I just came to know I am pregnant again, but I urge you to pray that this pregnancy lasts. Will you please pray for me?”
Shabo was a bit flabbergasted. She received the money in return for her agreeing to pray for a child and with the same money she would slay the one in her own womb! She was speechless, yet she was able to quickly regain her composure and said, “yes madam, sure, I will do. Inshallah, this pregnancy will last and you will have a beautiful child.
Yazleb: awwww
Chase: glad to see someone speak sense at last.
Chameleon: I will try to conclude the story soon. You are welcome.
TFS Segmund....I hope the next chapter will be the finale so we don't have to wait again:)
LP, why are you grouchier today? :)
LP that is why this is posted in Forum under QATAR LIVING LOUNGE. . . I suggest you read the description of the category. . .
it says : Chill out in the lounge. Hang out here with friends from Qatar Living and chat about anything unrelated to the more "serious" forum topics...
Let's be consequent, FS.
LP enough..stop it now..we heard you!
Irrelevant! Such things never happen in Qatar!
shabo stare :/
c'mon ....we need more!! stop drip feeding us ;-)