Serious Problem :(

By Captain_Lost •
I'm facing a very serious problem and I like to share this with you, i just discovered today.. :'(
I dont know why.. but whenever i close my eyes in the day light, it gets so dark and i cant see a damn thing :(
And when i cover my nose with my hand, i can't smell anything ..
If I put ear plugs in my ears.. i can't hear
Whats happening to me???? Im scared and worried, please help!!
Purpose of this thread: I just noticed today that there are lots of stupid threads on QL today and Mods are on a QL holiday ... So i thought "Why not just add one more for fun, but this time Its meant for fun and stupid stuff"
Have fun !!!
munching some pappads and reading CL & aiwa's comments ! :(
Aiwa,, I'm just getting started with my energies ..haha :P
My true love... and that happens to be my husband :)
CL, it's not you, it's me :)
You are a good person, and you WILL find your true love one day to spend the rest of your life with happily every afterrrr...errr
aur kitnay dialogue likhoon!! (all out of dialogues)
Maybe you should focus on the single and ready to mingle lass who just moved to Qatar and we already know a lot about ;)
Whew! That's a relief. I would have hated to see you all brokenhearted! Love your infinite supply of positive energy and hope! More power to it!
ROFL, Aiwa.. "CL, it's not you, it's me :)
You are a good person, and you WILL find your true love one day to spend the rest of your life with happily every afterrrr...errr"
You got me all emotional there.. but thats not gonna make me stop :P
aiwa6.. Oh come on, not you !! at least i was expecting you to trust your true love = Me :(
Don't believe what this Lallu Lala says, He's just jealous of seeing us together = cutest couple
I believe it CL. Just another soul mate amongst the million other ones :P
canrt553... or must i say c()nt .. Thank you :D
Aiwa6.. Didn't you get it still, all these signs mean something.. we are soul mates :P
Oh my, CL, you are facing those serious problems too? I thought I was the only one!
btw captain lost, your screen name says it are defintley LOST
This is nonsense, you should be banned from QL,what a wasted thread.
Captain, after doing all those Haram things, you know what people gonna call ya??? :p
Lala, Perfumes are Class B or class c copy? I want to buy 20, going on vacations, will gift to friends! :)
why lala ? didnt u get enough money by selling perfumes at FFC parking ? :)
Rizks... Go and buy some furniture for me and snexy.. We're planning to move together and do all the things that we have in our "Haram list" :P
Yea tat ONE !
There can be only ONE
no This ONe ! :(
TB.. ROFL.. The current ONE !! :D
Oh that ONE
snessy, tat comment was not for you ! :(
'The ONE' i mean was for the new furniture shop...:(
Which ONE?
Rizks: I'm not cheap!
SALE going on in "The ONE"...
Snexy.. Indeed.. You're my medicine, my tablets and psychiatrist sessions .. you're "The ONE" .. :D
Weather Updates... Brought to you by (music) edward11 !!!
Brit: please don't give up your day job ;-)
CL: let me tell you something honey, I'm ALL you need :-P
both :P
Lala.. Of course Snessy is always the first one... and then lisa and many others :P
Snessy was doing her Physics exam and asked me "Why do we see lightening before we hear it?"
I replied: "Easy; Because our eyes are in front of our ears."
Oh i got snexy's attention.... What else do i need.. i can forget all my "serious problems" .. the cure is here !!
Stupid thread are fun, it's the pathetic ones I have an issue with...
for shapes, use the ice cube tray from ur fridge....:(
Brit, So what to do you suggest brit?? shall i just start stretching my body parts to make them longer and bigger and use whitening creams to get them white.. but then, what about the shape, how can i change that??
Chameleon .. Thank you, Are you a doctor?? You definitely sound like one :P
I hate it when I have to explain everything!
Thank you, brit.
Mozaismyhero: How could you judge me from one thread??
Grrrr.. you're my enemy now, and Im yours... (Same, Same eh?) :P
The body parts may be the same, but shape, size and colour may vary :O)
Hahahaha...and now for stupid answers...
*Wear some eyeglasses...maybe u can see even when your eyes are closed.
*Put some cologne on your hand so you can smell something when you cover your nose with your hand.
*Try ear phones to plug your ears and maybe you can hear something
LP can c only thru one eye may be he only c nationality
lol CL, good one.
LP, hows that related to my nationality.. you mean different nations are gifted with different body parts??
Please elaborate :P
and half Mallu too....:(
Well it sounds like you are half Filipino and half Indian judging by today's thread.....
Thank you guys.. never knew QL could be so helpful .. especially you Rizks :P
Seasons.. Thank God !! i thought i was the only one who noticed that .. :)
Goal ...........
CL me too suffering from same kind of prob ... when i want to eat i eat & when i don't i still eat .
when i sleep at nite its all dark
QL's gone mad today :(
Change of MOOOOOD
Age is the major factor my ol friend ! :(
Drink warm Water when u are out in this climate it will save ur Lungs...:(
Dont forget to use ear buds after u shower which u usually take once or twice in a month...:( The WAX gets accumulated along with fungus and bacteria in ur ears....:(
Every day, at 13Hrs go out in open and with ur BARE eyes stare at the SUN for 15mins and ur eye problem shall be solved soon...:(
See an ENT guy and an ophthalmologist...:) Hope I was helpful...:)
It depends on your nationality, CL!
Gud 1!!!