Selfish Parent , Divorce and Children!

Some people should not have children - as the following story shows.
Are you a selfish parent ?
Should the court force parents to care for their children after a divorce ?
A Chinese divorce court is being asked to rule on which selfish parent should get custody of their only child - after both of them refused to take him.
The hearing in Beijing heard the mother say she does not have the "necessary skills" to bring up the four-year-old boy alone.
And the child's father said he would lose his job if he had to care for a child full time and the youngster would suffer financially.
Judges are expected to settle the case with a bizarre auction - where the partners bid to pay off the other a lump sum to take the child off their hands forever.
But the selfish parents has provoked fury in China where critics say a whole generation of adults are too selfish to have children of their own.
One website critic said: "These people behave worse than children themselves. They are not fit to keep pets, let alone children."
Source: Telegraph
don't even think about having a child if you can't take care of them.. poor kid....
"But the selfish parents has provoked fury in China where critics say a whole generation of adults are too selfish to have children of their own."
Normal for some cos they cannot afford to feed themselves let alone feed another.
And agree with Cabbage - "there are thousands of loving caring people around the world who could give this child a loving home."
One thing though, adoption has its risks in that what if the child's genetic makeup is like the parents? No matter how positive their environment is, they may still end up being selfish like their natural parents, in which case, it's heartache for the adoptive parents through no fault of their own. If it was their genes, they have to accept responsibility for it but if not? Sure, before they make the decision to adopt, they would have thought of this and other issues and decided to accept responsibility but I'm just saying ... not without any basis cos I do know of some people who grew up in a loving homes but turned out to be selfish bums, like their parents. No matter how, couldn't run away from the genes. This might be a better topic for a separate thread, maybe later. TTFN.
How dreadful.
To think there are thousands of loving caring people around the world who could give this child a loving home.
They should never be allowed to have another child.
no fault of the kid, it did not ask parents to give birth,because of parents few minuites of pleasure,kids are becoming victims.
There is no point to force aparrent to care for their childern, the whole point of raising one's own is lost by it. The better option in htis case is to give the child up for adoption.But with China's strict onechild norm it would be a little difficult to find any adoptive parrents ie, with no kids of their own.
It's China Brit. It's just another human life to them. No big deal.
What surprises me is that the court is actually willing to allow parents to "bid" to offload the child ..
I think in this situation they should take the child into custody and find adoptive parents. Sadly by this point the child is probably scarred for life.
Quite shocking really...generally both parents fight for custody, even if it's to spite the other one. I feel so sorry for this little boy, he should be given up for adoption, at least he will be wanted then.
Don't want kids use protection.
these people dont have any rights to have children..!!!
Yes, but there at least one parent is available..
same lyk in Philipines. l0ts 0f gals geTTing prEgnant with bf & n0 pr0per faTher 2 tAke caRe of cHildren!