selecting food items

I rarely cook as it generally turns out to be a disaster. But when I am fed up of KFC, Donald, Pizza I give a try at cooking. I visit the market to buy onions and potatos but I can never figure out which are good or bad. I see everone feeling them and then selecting so I also try to look knowledgeable and pretend to feel the onions or potatos before selecting. But honestly I dont know jack s..t what I am looking for. Is there any criteria to differentiate.
if u have been indulging in Fast foods - KFC etc etc u r probably a big fat boy now. stick to salads from now on! Oh and gin.
lol Indo great advice for a novice lol
Great help will remember next time
LOL. Choose the potatoes which are hard, have a smooth skin and are not green. Choose the onions which are hard and not slimy.
They all look the same to me... I guess God has gifted women with a few talents.. like fingers which are sensitive .. they even know the right amount of spices to put into the cooking... last night I rustled up some biryani for my mates.. boy was it tasty but was it SPICY Dynamite
look for the fresh one