See how crews live their life..

I'll let you guess what airline..
After checking that passengers' seat belts were fastened and the cabin was prepared for takeoff, Alex Rodriguez, a 26-year-old Spaniard and Emirates airline flight attendant, reached into her pocket for a tube of bright red lipstick.
"I retouch it every 15 minutes," she said. "Otherwise, my supervisor will remind me."
The global economic slump is just now touching the glittering shores of the oil-rich Persian Gulf. But when it comes to the 10,000 flight attendants working for Emirates, the government-owned airline here, Dubai isn't cutting any corners. In an industry in a tailspin in much of the rest of the world, this city-state of man-made island developments, luxury resorts and an indoor ski slope has put some of the glamour back into air travel.
The glamour comes with a price. The airline is a demanding employer, flight attendants say. Tough rules are enforced, including some that would be deemed discriminatory in the West, such as weight requirements and a no-pregnancy policy for unwed women.
The carrier meticulously recruits attractive young men and women from around the world, like Ms. Rodriguez, a brunette with big green eyes and high cheek bones. As part of the airline's standard training, Ms. Rodriguez attended beauty and etiquette training. She's required to keep her makeup fresh, even on long flights. High-heels are a must when she's in uniform, even on the ground. Both men and women are expected to get manicures and facials.
Innocuous onboard flirting is condoned: Emirates' rules require attendants to politely accept a business card or phone number if it's proffered by a passenger. (The airline doesn't require the attendants to call or give out their own numbers, unless they want to.)
The uniform for women -- pillbox hat and beige scarf attached to one side, flowing sideways over the shoulder -- evokes traditional Persian and Turkish attire.
Earlier this month, dozens of uniformed and perfectly made-up Emirates flight attendants greeted and mixed with a star-studded, black-tie crowd, including Charlize Theron and Robert De Niro, at a $20 million grand-opening party for the new Atlantis hotel here.
"Our crew always sticks out," says Ms. Rodriguez.
Many of the airline's recruits are from developing countries in Asia, Eastern Europe and across the Middle East. For them, the airline is a rare ticket to see the world in style, and for women from conservative countries like Iran and Egypt, it's a chance for independence. For many Western airline veterans drawn here, Emirates has so far been a safe haven from the economic storms buffeting the rest of the industry.
Layovers aren't so bad, either.
"We work hard in the air, but we also party hard when we are on the ground," said Neha Masillamani, a flight attendant from New Delhi, as she got her hair styled and her nails done at a crowded Dubai salon popular with Emirates attendants.
Young, single crew members are paired with roommates and housed in blocks of luxury-apartment towers across Dubai. The night life is reminiscent of college. Ms. Masillamani recalled a recent party at a room in the 21st Century, on Dubai's neon-lighted main strip. Female crew members danced in bikinis while young men sprayed champagne.
At night, flight attendants flock to Zinc, a throbbing night club tucked into the ground floor of the Crowne Plaza hotel here. Male attendants, hair gelled in spikes and sporting tight-fitting designer shirts, earrings and leather necklaces, order pitchers of vodka mixes. The manager of the club estimates up to 70% of its revenue comes from Emirates' crew.
"It's so much fun, like being on a dreamy vacation. They take care of us here," said Jane Park, a 24-year-old from Korea, dressed in a tiny black dress and stiletto heels as she greeted her friends and colleagues.
There are limits. Despite its tolerant attitude toward foreigners, Dubai still harbors a conservative Muslim culture. If a single female attendant shows up pregnant, she's fired. Openly gay male attendants need not apply. Premarital sex and homosexuality are both illegal in Dubai.
"We aren't above the law here," says Kevin Griffiths, Emirates' senior vice president for cabin crew.
On duty, attendants are kept on a short leash.
Crew members aren't allowed to drink in the 12 hours before a flight. Smoking and eating in uniform are prohibited. If an attendant gains too much weight, he or she is put on a diet by the airline's resident nutritionists.
A regulation manual prescribing everything from dress to posture on duty is also clear about the underwear women should have on under their light camel-color skirt and pants: white or beige, and "well fitted."
Atleast there's one thing familiar between the two said airlines. They together have rough rules imposed. Including some that would hoist issues on the West, such as weight requirements and no-pregnancy rule for spinster women. Explicitly gay males are not permitted to apply too.
Somehow I can't imagine Qatar Airways cabin crew in the bar enjoying their life as the Emirates crews do.
Perhaps that's why Emirates cabin crew seem a bit more cheerful than their Qatar Airways counterparts.
cheap lyf crews have wich is according to islam coz everything dey do is haram nothing to say more.
It works..
I have just sent my resume and will be shopping for tight fitting designer shirts today..
Why this was posted? My guess is: This must be some new approach for recruitment....Aisha-Taweela
We don't want to know what Emirate crew life in Dubai. No interest. Stephzie26 - you shall post your life in Dubai website.
It will be interesting if Qatar Airways Crew life is posted on QL. :):):).
I don't think that QA crews have a chance to dance in bikinis in DOHA. They all will be fired immediately.
.underarm hair, euw, where did the grooming session went to?
.speaking of party, happy thursday, QL people.......
.where's the party?
Mallrat, you know the saying "Work Hard, Party Harder!"
BTW, I have been to Club Submarine (where Etihad crews flock) and I never once spotted a crew dancing in a bikini. At least I have spotted a crew with underarm hair.
paul, that is one of my motto, lol....
i cant imagine how it'll be if not... :P
."We work hard in the air, but we also party hard when we are on the ground,"
.very evident.......
Underwear should always be "well fitted"!
Yeah, what's your source?
Now I'll be expecting that and probably try to ask a question to one of them. LOL
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
was this taken from a newspaper article or something...
"Emirates airline flight attendant, reached into her pocket for a tube of bright red lipstick.
I think there's no need for us to guess. ;o)