Second World War

Yesterday Russia (and some other countries) celebrated 63 anniversary of the Victory in the Second World War. Many countries of the world were involved in this war. The location of this war included Europe, South-East Asia, China, Middle East, Mediterranean and Africa.
“...It involved the mobilization of over 100 million military personnel, making it the most widespread war in history, and placed the participants in a state of total war erasing the distinction between civil and military resources. This resulted in the complete activation of a nation's economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities for the purposes of the war effort. Over 60 million people, the majority of them civilians, were killed, making it the deadliest conflict in human history.” (“wikipedia”)
Former Soviet Union has lost 24 MILLION people in this war, more than any other country in the world, which was almost 14% of its population. Next follow China (20 MILLION ppl, almost 4%) and Poland (around 6 Million ppl, which was over 16% of their population at that time)!!! It was the deadliest conflict in human history.…
now… how much I was shocked yesterday, when I heard from one guy something like ”Oh, come on.. I LOVE Hitler… because he was killing Jews”.
As known, the genocide of approximately six million European Jews during World War II has been carried out, as part of a program of deliberate extermination planned and executed by the National Socialist regime in Germany led by Adolf Hitler.
Now.. there is NO ONE FAMILY in former soviet union, which is not affected by that war. Specially in Russia, Ukraine, Belorussia and Moldova.. NO ONE! Every single family has lost at least either Father (Mother), or Brother (Sister), or Husband (wife), Son (Daughter), Unlce (Aunt)..... every single family!!
Let alone killed people of China, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Romania, Japan, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Greece, France, United Kingdom, Indonesia, India, Burma, Italy,people of arab countries and others….
How does this guy can even think this way??? What a cynical and narrow and poor way of thinking!!
I am wondering are there somebody else who shares his point of view and his feelings???PLEASE STICK WITH YOUR COMMENTS REGARDING THE SECOND WORLD WAR ONLY.. not your thoughts about certain nationalities in general!!!otherwise the Forum topic will be deleted immediately by MYSELF!
the guy who i spoke to (read my initial Post)and who said that ...
ok.. we are not going to start it all over again, aren't we?
topic is closed.
thanks everybody.
(The Hitler Admirer that is) LOL
Though I DO owe QS an pology for participating in the derailment of the thread...sowwy =(
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
it was a Remembrance day was about tens and tens of millions of ruined crippled lives and one guy who admired hitler….
…with the little lyrical digression into Lebanese-syrian politics…
sorry that you missed these points…
What is this thread about?
oh nooo.. KH.. do not disappoint me! I believe You are the first one who fits this
avishai.. thank you for your comment..
as well as all participants of this thread..
Let it be !
you mentioned: they are handsome and veeeery warm and…
if you know me well, you will regret your theory.
well. eventually we are all human beings. there is the good side and the bad side. nobody is perfect.
there are always 2 sides of the coin… all has its own advantages and disadvantages. If we could combine Lebanese democracy with Syrian “disappeared from the scene religion”, and to re-unite Lebanese and Syrian people (as you say, “we are almost same families and same mentalities”), we could get not too bad cocktail…lol... I personally like both lebanese and Syrian they are handsome and veeeery warm and…
Just said no to war, yes to peace...
hop dat ww2 will continue to teach us wat war can do and not copying its destructive ways.
thnks qatarisun for refreshing us again thru dis thread.
"Remember, when the world pushes you to your knees, you're in the perfect position to pray" (anonymous)
The point is, in Lebanon and Syria we are almost same families and same mentalities. The difference is in Syria there is dictatorship and no political life. For this reason religion disappear from the scene but it is there cause the ruling party represent the minority.
In Lebanon we have democracy and hence political parties. Some of those parties have political ideology and some have religious ideology. Before 1975 (when the civil war started), political ideology parties were powerful and were trying to impose civil life. The consequences of the civil war and the Syrian occupation to Lebanon is that it weakened political parties and installed religious parties in power.
It is still a difficult target to achieve and everytime we move forward one step, we are pulled back 10 steps
The chances of a civil marriage law being instituted in Lebanon is slim when even different sects withtin the SAME religion don't allow intermarriage without one side converting!
And as regards your discussion with QS, I don't know about social life in general, but with regards to civil marriage (which I looked into because as I said earlier my sister had to have one), Syria is NOT more advanced than Lebanon...they do not allow it either....nor does Jordan....and curiously enough, neither does Israel (THAT suprised me).
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
All religions. I agree with RR. You cannot restrict this phenomena to a certain religion. You want more. Within each religion you would find iron curtains. Among Muslims you would find this iron curtain between each of the Sunni, Shiia and Druze. Among Christains the same story would be between Catholics and Orthodox. In Europe you have former Yugoslavia as a good example.
i give up...
What is your source. This is 999% incorrect
And to answer, i'd have to say no...not Islam in particular...Religion in General....the Christians in Lebanon (in General, I Don't mean EVERYBODY) are just as fanatical and close minded.
Maybe if one was to interpret religion with a VERY broad mind and not try to adhere to to literally it would be ok....but by its very nature religion fosters an us vs them mentality....the faithful and the "others"....which cannot be helped, but at the VERY least seperate affairs of state and religion so that we do not have men of the cloth (or religious leaders) dictating policy or law or anything else that is temporal when their speciality is the afterlife!
Religion definetly gets abused for personal gain...but that's because its human nature....the only way to avoid that is to ban all religion (maybe that's not a bad idea...but i'm in the minority in that regard lol).
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
it is absolutely awful and surely has to be changed somehow (HOW??)
but going back to the daily life... now let me disagree with you.... put aside mixed marriages: as Alexa said, there are other religious groups who don't accept "bride/groom-strangers"... but the things like mixed villages, mixed neighborhoods, mixed classes in the school.. Syria is much more advanced in these matters...
Ideally, religion should be a personal thing and should have no impact whatsoever on your social/educational/judicial/economic/etc/etc/etc interactions with your fellow citizens....but when you fail to seperate Religion and state, then the results are disasterous! And Lebanon unfortunately is a prime Example of how NOT to mix the two =(
This is where Canada Shines! We are a multi ethnic, multi racial, multi religious, multi cultural, multi EVERYTHING society that has learned to coexist and thrive because we do NOT discriminate based on those factors and ALL citizens have the SAME rights....Lebanon could learn a lot from Canada in that regard!
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
The Regime in Syria is a disgrace....and maybe Israel has a better Judicial system bro (I admittedly don't know much about it)....but that still does not change the fact that we and Syria are one nation (historically, culturally etc....), but PLEASE believe me when I say I would like to see a regime change in Syria just as much as you IF not more!
But the truth about the social life in Lebanon, is that when it comes to religious strife, hypocracy is rampant in Lebanon....the Lebanese talk about mutual respect, tolerance, and living along side other faiths peacefully, but we do not practice what we preach....the truth is in the pudding as they say....ask any Lebanese father if he'd let his daughter marry someone of another faith and 99% would say no! trust me I sister had to go to Cyprus to get married because the love of her life was born into another faith!
Until we learn our true identity, and stop hating those of another fake political nationality, religion, sect of our own religion, family/clan, or geographical area....we will always be fractured and at each others throats, and there will never be peace for our future generations....which is why so many more Lebanese are outside the country than there are inside it.
Stay safe my friends.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
When to comes to social life and business and as you draw the rosy pic about Syria, Lebanon is the same and much more. It is mainly Syrian interference which is playing a major role in our problems. Till now, they do not recognize Lebanon as a state. They still consider it as an annex to Syria.
RR. When talking about Israeli citizens including the Arabs holding Israeli passports, the minimum to be said is that they have an excellent judicial system and human rights are respected. Where as in Syria, if you just think of an opinion against the regime, you are gone and evaporate in no time
Hmmm I'm probably starting in on this thread a little late, but I find it interesting that so many people see Hitler as the brains behind the Nazi party. From what I've been lead to believe and read, many think he was just a figure head, and that it was the other members,Goering, Himmler, etc, that were the real brains. Remember Hitler wasn't in on the meeting where the Final Solution was discussed.
about co-existing and tolerance of various religious groups… Lebanon should learn from Syria this thing… I know in Syria religious groups are pretty much mixed, and Christian families live beside muslim families... and when it comes to Christmas, they celebrate it all together, and Santa Claus from Christian house gives the gifts to the kids from the muslim house (and they accept them!!).. when it comes to the Ramadan and Eid time, the best food goes from the muslim house to the Christian house (and they accept them!)…
I don’t know my be Syria is responsible for what’s going on now in Lebanon.. but… I can also see the other side of the coin…
IF they had then the first thing they would have done was replace that joke of a constitution that regulates EVERYTHING by religious sectarian affiliation....but do they do that? fact most (on the orders of the religious men who don't stop meddling in politics), move to entrench it.....shooting down proposal like civil marriage which would allow people of different faiths to marry in Lebanon! So now most mixes religious marriages have to go abroad to get married!!
Sickening....and then they wonder why there is "tension" among the different (17 officially recognized) religious groups in Lebanon....when countries like Canada (which have HUNDREDS of religious groups in them) are such a picture of social harmony!
Sometimes I wonder if there's any hope at all =(
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
Assad's regime in Syria is arguably just as bad as Germany's third reich....and i'm no fan of Ahmadinejad either....but you only paint half the picture...i'm affraid its even worse when it comes to our neighbours from the other side....if you wanted to list the crimes of Israel, the entire thread would not suffice....and even in this day and age their supporters are trying to destabilize Lebanon and render it helpless....luckily their agents are being stopped quickly.....its just horrible that the cost has to be in human life.
Lets hope peace prevails soon!
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
10-7-1986. Syrian agents gun down the vice president of the Islamic center in Lebanon, Sheik Subhi Alsaleh, in broad daylight.
11-22-1986. Syrian army units kidnaps hundreds of Lebanese from the city of Tripoli and tens of them were found dead in different alleys and streets around Tripoli.
11-31-1986. Syrian army carries out executions of 34 Lebanese civilians accusing them, without any trial or proof, of defying the Syrian occupation in Lebanon.
8-2-1987. Syrian agents gun down President Amin Gemayel's special advisor, Doctor Muhammad Shoukeir, inside his home in West Beirut.
3-14-1989. Syrians, equipped with heavy artillery of 240 ml and 160 ml, shell the hills of Armoune in east and West Beirut; especially hitting hard the UNESCO: killing tens of innocent civilians. Aided by the Syrian navy and missile launchers, and in collaboration with Israel, Syria closed in on East Beirut: the area under the true Lebanese autonomy.
5-9-1989. Syrian agents assassinate Mufti Hassan Khalid because he informed Kuwaiti's Ambassador that the Syrian artillery from its positions at the hills of Aramoun were responsible for shelling east and West Beirut; causing the massacre of UNESCO.
11-22-1989. Syrian agents assassinate President-elect Rene Mouawad for his disagreements and refusal to obey the Syrian authority.
most of the Lebanese learned the lesson. But the Nazis have their own agenda and it is a one-sided war. So far at least.
The saddest form of all wars is the CIVIL war… it is just too sad to know that people of the same country, living at the same land, neighbors are killing each other… and it’s even more sad when it comes to Lebanon, beautiful unique land, which already had in its history a 15-years civil war, and has nothing learnt out of it…
has to admit. during WW II, most of the Arabs were admiring Hitler. For simple reason. He was fighting the French and British who were at that time sort of custodians (occupying) most of our countries. No other reason I think. Have no idea about the current generation, but this issue is not discussed as we have tons of things to worry about.
Whatever is the reason. War is the dirtiest thing on earth. Nothing justifies it except self defence. Even with self defence, there are many ways to avoid it (to a limit). Take for example what is happening now in Lebanon. Iran (a new form of Nazis) is attacking us through Hizbulla. In Beirut we opted no to fight and the clashes were concluded with less than 20 victime. But the new Nazis are still harrasing civilians who at some time have to stop the aggression to defend themselves which means bloodshed will start. It is a very complicated formula.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
.-The comparisons and the thinking behind them are lost on me. Ghandi and Ataturk and Ghengis Khan? You're comparing apples and turnips.
I think this Lebanese guy who admires Hitler so much, has rather to hate him for genocide against jews, coz the result of this genocide during the WWII was an establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. If genocide didn't happen, jews maybe would have never had the land in palestine...
alrighty then supernurse
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Nostradamus is pretty interesting too....
"It is dangerous to be sincere unless you are also stupid."
- George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
Get a copy of the book 'Time's Arrow' by Martin Amis, it gets very disturbing once one realises what's going on.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
of the mentally deficient was put in place under the National Socialists, some people here should be very worried by that! :D
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
what race/color/gender do you have to be in order to admire Castro or Chaves or Che Guevara or Ghandi or Mustafa Attaturk or Jenkiz Khan or the Tsar or Tito or Niron or Jamal Abdul Nassir or Hiro Hito...etc?
Hmmmm, I'm confused, Hitler had no greater love for Arabs and other Semites than he did for Jews. Isn't it a bit silly for anyone of South Asian or Arab nationality to admire Hitler? They certainly were not among Hitler's chosen.
I do research then make up my mind using educated information...If you look at the time frame on the atomic bomb, you will find that there was never enough time to see what results were when humans were exposed to radiation. The results of birth defects were unknown from those exposed until Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Emperor of Japan made the decision with HIS denial of the peace offer. Until recently, Japan didn't teach their school children that Japan made the first strike against America.
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
--Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
Many wars are fought over resources not ideologies is my point. The ideologies are how you get people to buy into the BS.
Act your age not your shoe size
That was the sound of me spitting up my drink when I read your post....damn you Oryx....I laughed so hard I have Pepsi coming out of my nose.
But i'll get you back...and your little dog too!
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
But I do pick on Canadians more... but thats not my fault they ask for it... ;)
I can deal with lepers or dwarves but not Canadians ;)
and Oryx makes fun of everyone...she's not prejudiced in that respect!!
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
--Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
But they were not able to attend any of the football games Saddavi and I were playing in....and on another occasion I had to back out of an evening out due to a family situation....oh well, i'm hopeful I can meet some of these nice people in the not too distant future.
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
She is just a lovely rose...warm and radiant
Me - R&R I am fine unless you figure on my list above!
then it gets dangerous!
according to some...flush her down the toilet...and she's a sneaky old bird..better watch out for her...
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
--Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
She's always making fun of moi! LOL
Stay safe.
P.S. Sorry for the thread highjack QS, i'll stop now.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
She is prentedning to be nice to me, but i'm wise to her ruse!
What do you suggest we do with Scarlett then? piff paff? LOL =p
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
I've met both of those women...Scarlett..well she's just a total biatch.....racist, mean, snippy....
Oryx, however is quite the sweet lady...
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
--Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
the total knowledge wasn't there at the time.
And, the war WAS because of Hitler...not the jewish part of it, but because he was taking over most of Europe by force. The Jewish angle came about later.
As far as the bomb not being justified..check how many lives were lost in Pearl Harbor and the Asian theater due to the Japanese war...Peace had been offered but was refused...twice. And no, the scientists had made a case for NOT useing their work for destruction..but the total knowledge of the after affects was NOT known...not until after the bomb had dropped and the "survivors" had such horrible diseases from the radation.
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
--Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
How come I do not know Oryx? :((((((((
They knew what the bomb could do. I am not saying all Americas policies are bad but you can't say Hitler was the blame for WWII. If a person views Hitler as a great politician, then we can say the same for some of our Presidents who have gotten us to follow blindly into war behind bogus agendas.
He used the peoples conditions to gain him more power and sway the sentiments of the German "wink wink" pure white race.
Will we be like the people of Germany and actually condemn what happened? The dropping of the Atomic bombs was not justified it was political. It was not done to end the war or save lives. Do you think that the many scientist who fled Hitlers regime actually wanted to see their work turned into a weapon of mass destruction?
Act your age not your shoe size
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - I am only a, b and c when I do not see the following:
a) a hot boy boy in shorts
b) sexy shoes
c) chocolate
As you can imagine I only managed 4 days in Italy last year - it was too overwhelming!
I think you've ruined their life ....sighhh...if we boycotted everything from the folks we are upset with or dont' like...we'd all starve and live in caves.
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
--Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
How to judge people by color or name or religion? even political views (as long as it is not interpreted into disasters)
- raises eyebrow and laughs - 'What ever' ....
Peace be Upon You...
I am going to eat some chocolate...
Am afraid they will not watch a single movie, a single commercial, the news. Even they will not eat and drink and even breath
Huge, means huge in any form or fashion...making a sweeping statement like you did, misleads people who might not actually check statistics and lead them to believe that those countries mentioned as having huge numbers of Nazi supporters, whether they do or not...
Exaggerations can be just as dangerous as a gun if misused in the wrong company.
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
--Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
I grew up in the Skin head era of the eraly 70's. They were moronic and wanted to belong to a "club". Thankfully, most have now disappeared, but there is still a minority which aligns itself to "white supremist" ideals.
Oryx grow up a bit.. aren't you older then me..
huge in terms of followers.. What I classify as huge may not be what you classify as huge. Of course that is common sense for such an intelligent person as yourself.. oops I forgot that some intelligent people do not possess common sense.
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
probably made some people start boycotting some movies since they have jewish actors and actresses in them???
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
--Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
Cannot just restrict it to pro-Hitler people. Look around and you will find many examples everywhere. Ahmadi Nijad is one of them
Oryx you are absolutely right....I'm not aware of a huge Nazi group in UK....must have missed them lol Maybe getting mixed up with notorious football hooligans..
"It is dangerous to be sincere unless you are also stupid."
- George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
There is not a HUGE group of Nazis in the UK.
'Their is a huge nazi culture in America, ireland and the uk. ' sweeping - inflamatory - inaccurate statement.
check this list:
I detest the term "white" or "black" to describe people. I'm about the same color as most Indians right now...and worked darn hard to get there too!!!
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
--Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
"An act of national perfidy that will dishonor the name of Britain."
Eli Eli Lema Sabachthani?
Nevertheless it is a term used in a context particular to the group of people we are discussing.
I believe pan arayanism is what many call the acceptance of anyone who looks white or has european roots
But in my experience these people do not usually sport the swastika and have visions hitler talks to them in their sleep.
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
the discussion of "whites" is in the present tense, not past tense...if we chose to talk about Jewish people from a long time ago..yes, they would have been considered not white.
ost folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
--Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
hmmm have you even READ history??? Yes there are many reasons people go to war...America was an isolationist country after WWI, and until Pearl Harbor was bombed by the Japanese, managed to remain out of the war until then. The atomic bomb...not a pretty sight, but having had warned Japan what would happen if they didn't end the war...the Emperor made a very bad decision...TWICE...Unfortunately, not enough was known about atomic energy or radiation at that fact, at first, all the testing was done with only sunglasses on for eye protection...
To love anyone, regardless of his nationality, who kills for racial purity is just plain ignorance. Hitler, himself, wasn't his "ideal" pure person. He was dark haired, dark eyed and born from an out of wedlock pregnancy. He even had breeding camps for women and men who fit his ideal image, and those were just to breed his superrace..none of them were married, just used like cattle to make the perfect super race children. Such a lovely person Hitler was...
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
--Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
Now they are but before Jews were really not looked at as white in America. They could vote and move around easier than blacks but they still were not considered as white racially. You really can't tell anymore either everyone has changed their names :-) Do you know of any Jewish people are in Hollywood by their names. It is like many of the Muslims or Arabs are becoming Mo, Abe, Joe, Jack.
Act your age not your shoe size
I had a friend say this once: The holocaust was worse than the Atlantic Slave Trade. He said the thing that made it worse was that the holocaust happened only over a short period of time. I told him how funny when history is taught in a slanted manner people view this same slanted history as the gospel.
It is not to say that the things and atrocities that happened during WWII were not real. However the reasons for the war was not to save the Jews, or to just stop Hitler. We flip flop on the real issues because its easier to blame Hitler. A lot of things happen behind the scenes which is totally different from what is written in the history books.
So why did many Arab nations back the Axis? Why was a country as large as China and many Asian countries ruled over by Japan? Why was America staying neutral during the 30's? I truly believe that Pearl Harbor was another 9/11 so yes people died but was it a reason to go on a killing spree( dropping Nukes) or invade other countries(Iraq/Afghanistan).
The public records which are usually released usually show a totally different picture. There is no difference in what Hitler did politically versus what America and the British government have done in the time after WWII.
It is funny however that one is in the name of Nationalism/Fascism to it is bad and the other is in the name of Democracy so it is good. Funny also how war criminals become heros depending on who wins the war.
Act your age not your shoe size
I can't define 'whites' as its a term I never use......I'm European, so technically would be classed as 'white' but I most certainly am not white cos I've got a tan.....Its a horrible racist term as far as I'm concerned.....I am probably darker than most Arabs!
"It is dangerous to be sincere unless you are also stupid."
- George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
nobody is fighting!! everything is under control! very peaceful and intelligent discussion by the way!!
so no worries
referring to your:
”Oh, come on.. I LOVE Hitler… because he was killing Jews”.
You should have told that guy:
"you should hate Hitler! He didn't kill any!!!"
How you doing airsupply..long time no see???
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
--Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
--Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
Hate to contradict you, but there isn't a HUGE group of Nazi culture in America...yes they are there, but in very small proportions...they are just extremely vocal, which makes them seem like there are more than they are.
Also...from an American viewpoint, the Jewish people in our country ARE considered "white". Don't know where you got any other idea than that...unless you are speaking about someone like Sammy Davis Jr....he was a black jewish person...
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
--Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
Just out of curiousity
Alexa and supernurse how would the two of you define "whites"
For me it just depends on the context in which they are being discussed. I would not for instance term Italians or greeks as white unless I was talking about American mixed italians.
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
is the brand or slogan of something I cannot recall. Ageing syndrome :(((((((((((
Do you know about "White Paper"?
Eli Eli Lema Sabachthani?
and good work and performance as well. do now have any doubts that you can control things nicely and wisely and attract the elite to discuss. Sorry did not read all comments just had a quick scan. been busy with hundreds of things.
RR yes got your PM. thanx for asking, everything is okay
Britexpat I think we should cherish and celebrate different cultures as well as our own.
There are too many inferiority and superiority complexes around that do not need to be as we are all unique and fantastic in our own ways.
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
'whites' lol.....
"It is dangerous to be sincere unless you are also stupid."
- George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
There will always be people who have their own hang-ups. They will use xeonophobia or any other means to make themselves superior to other races. fact of life. All we can do is to teach our children to be tolerant and accepting to those who are from different, clour, race or creed.
Which side are you on in world war 3? I want to be on your side this time bro!
P.S. Did you get my PM?
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
i changed it...I thought it might cause some unnecessary anxiety...LOL.. sorry. but, yes, he said it is still existing..
And Qatari sun I find it disgusting when anti jewish arabs support Hitler. Its like all our problems are the jews fault..
When we should be looking at ourselves instead and let jews get on with their lives and be blessed. I do however see alot of anger passing between both sides these days (whose ever fault it may be is irrevelant).
And I think we should learn to have respect
for all people regardless of nationality, stereotypes and beliefs.
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
who is fighting with who? do you want to start WW III now?
I think they are making their own exposure Alexa. Some of the wealthiest people in America are part of such groups and carry such beliefs.
However, I agree that their warped beliefs are insignificant when looking at the whole grand scheme of things.
Like I mentioned it is just another way, like religion, to unite upon a common belief and belong.
I personally find their views narrow and lacking in any intelligence or insight.
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
Not sure. I'll have to look into it.
Alexa their are quite a few whites in america, ireland and britain who are not in agreement with hitlers policies. And, although believe in empowerment to whites do not neccessarily hate other races.
Jews are not and have never been considered white as far as I know! And the hammersmith skin heads believe in white supremecy. It is rarer to find some who wholeheartedly believes in racial cleansing like hitler though. And wasn't his mother jewish?
What I found was alot of anger with my friends because they felt like white culture was losing its authority and the race is becoming extinct with all the mixing. Thats my take on the new generation outlook of things anyway. And all the pro hitler shit is just a fad so they can feel like they belong together. Punk Music rocks btw.
Almost all of my mothers family died in the WW11. She has family who are jewish as well as polish/italian catholic. And my stepfather still married and fathered my sister with her. So I think that says alot about the diversity of beliefs within the hammersmith nation.
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
The swastika is an ancient symbol that has been used for over 3,000 years by many cultures around the world, including in China, Japan, INDIA, and southern Europe. By the Middle Ages, the swastika was a well known, if not commonly used, symbol but was called by many different names:
China - wan
England - fylfot
Germany - Hakenkreuz
Greece - tetraskelion and gammadion
The word "swastika" comes from the Sanskrit svastika - "su" meaning "good," "asti" meaning "to be," and "ka" as a suffix.
Eli Eli Lema Sabachthani?
The swastika actually began life as a symbol in India. Funny how the moronic skinheads adopted it, not knowing its origins.
Yes, lately there is some “modern stream” of denying a holocaust… well.. then why this guy, who I spoke to, admires Hitler?? Isn’t that because “he was killing jews”?? There is some contradiction here…
and yes, britexpat, that was actually one of the the main points of my topic: former Soviet Union has lost 24 millions of its people in this war (more than any other country in the world)...5 brothers of my Grandma are among this number...
Their is a huge nazi culture in America, ireland and the uk.
The swastika particularly represents white empowerment as opposed to supporting the views of Hitler who also murdered whites as well.
My mothers second husband was part of the hammersmith skinheads in the US. And one of my best friends brothers murdered a black guy google "miskam arrested." Those were the days where the fashion of black dolls hanging from the ceiling by their throats was in everyones house.
A new generation of White power is surfacing because of all the multi cultural attitudes present and mixing of the races. And, in my opinion, this sort of pro white behavior is really a fight to keep white race and heritage alive which is incredibly narrow minded.
For many whites who support Hitler it is just another way towards world dominance and unity . Much like any religion on earth also gives a sense of belonging for many people.
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
Unless you believe and worship Odin and Zeus and Gaia and many many others, then you too are denying the majesty and existance of gods! I know you only meant YOUR god lol! Typical.
We are not talking mythology here, we are talking history....I understand you believe that the holocaust was all made up...then why bring gods into it, why not stick to the subject at hand and just prove your point if you are able?
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
You need help - seriously.......
Ignorance is not always can be dangerous
Like any other politician, Hitler used the circumstances to his advantage. He wielded absolute power and ofcourse became a meglomaniac. The genocide against the Jews was a horrific and inhumane act. Remember also, that the Russians lost millions in the war also. We should all learn from history and make sure these things don't occur again.
I don't think that the little damage that Hitler might have caused can be compared to the huge & enormous damage & tragedies that the U.S has caused during history, and all around the world, whether in Japan or Vietnam or South America or Afghanistan or Iraq...etc.
I can understand ppl admiring Hitler, but I can't understand ppl admiring a U.S president...such ppl must be sick, criminal and very evil deep inside them.
needs their head examined and immediate incarceration into a lunatic asylum.
I recently saw an excellent German film on the last days of Hitler from his secretary's perspective. Hitler is positive proof that real evil exists in this world.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
I was going to say the same: we must know and remember our past in order to build our future...
Actually Hitler rose to power because of the recession going on in Germany at that time, and many people didn't have jobs nor money. People were looking for a way out of depression and Hitler came along at the right time. Many people hated the jews because they were known to be good business men, Hitler himself hating them just helped the situation along (it was said that he did have Jewish blood too).
My Father and Mother were both involved in that war, and I know from conversations with my Dad that he lost many many friends in Athens and in Italy not to mention in the Middle East. Nazis have never completely vanished from the scene as we all know, I met one American a couple of years back and he had the Nazi flag hanging in his house and posessed a great deal of Nazi propoganda from that time he belonged to the Himmler family. Seems people will never learn fron the past.
If you don't recognise the past - how will you recognise the future and your can teach kids a lot but when they are grown up they decide about their own fate and future.
why always look bakck?What happend,happend.We cant turn back the time.But we can try to do all for a better future.So that our kids and grand kids not must refering about a similar thing in future.
Leave the past-face the future.
only sick people try to impose their point of views on others.
ppl are free to hate, love, admire, disagree with, respect ...etc with whomever they want. You can't call ppl names just because they don't hate a military leader whom you hate.
You are entitled to your opinion like everybody else.
If we can tolerate ppl who deny God, then surely we can tolerate ppl who refuse to believe in a bunch of lies.
Good morning from my coffin...
The story of the Nazi rise to power in the Germany of the 1930s is often seen as a classic example of how to achieve political ends through propaganda. The Nazis themselves were certainly convinced of its effectiveness, and Adolf Hitler devoted two chapters in his book Mein Kampf ('My Struggle', 1925), to an analysis of its use. He saw propaganda as a vehicle of political salesmanship in a mass market, and argued that it was a way of conveying a message to the bulk of the German people, not to intellectuals.
In November 1937 'The Eternal Jew' exhibition opened in Munich, and ran until 31 January 1938, claiming to show the 'typical outward features' of Jews and to demonstrate their allegedly Middle Eastern and Asiatic characteristics. The exhibition also attempted to 'expose' a world-wide 'Jewish-Bolshevik' conspiracy.
The striking poster for the exhibition contrasted Jewish individualism and 'self-seeking' with the Nazi ideal of a 'people's community'. It did this by revealing an 'eastern' Jew - wearing a kaftan, and holding gold coins in one hand and a whip in the other. Under his arm is a map of the world, with the imprint of the hammer and sickle.
The exhibition attracted 412,300 visitors, over 5,000 per day. The Secret Police reports claimed that it helped to promote a sharp rise in anti-Semitic feelings, and in some cases violence against the Jewish community.
thank you for your valuable input into this subject.
._ Any crime against the humanity is UGLIEST.. Either it's bombing the Japanese cities or mass destruction of people in concentration camps or in any other way...
Only sick and dengerous person can admire the dictator who exterminated millions and millions humans...for whatever reason...and it's very cinical to declare the love to this dictator just because "he killed couple of my worst enemies among these millions"...
Alexa.. just my thought.. how do they teach this period of german history in german schools now? do they condemn Nazi Germany? justify it?
vukpop...I agree.. I think every person have to visit those Camps...Thanks GOD, non of my relatives was there , but all brothers of my Grandma (FIVE OF THEM!) were killed in the battles of this war.. that’s why my family is small and I always admire these big warm families of 30-40.. I wish I could have one… :(
Corne.. I liked your joke about Austrians :)
referring to your:
"There are some Historical facts about Hitler and Nazis and we can't deny it"
Well there are no greater facts & proofs in life than the Majesty of God, the Creator of everything, but some people still fail to see these facts and they insist on denying them. Do you think, in this case, that some man-made (fake) events are proof enough that those events actually happened?
Good question:) Unfortunately I don't have a answer, but I think I will go to sleep now, it's a time.
The important question is-why are we all up at this ridiculous hour?
. - Agree with you that we have right and freedom on our personal opinion, no doubt. I don't admire to anybody except God.
There are some Historical facts about Hitler and Nazis and we can't deny it. Concentration camps were not fake as you said, my great grand mother was in Aushwitz, she had a "nice" tatoo on hand, serial number, my mothers uncle was in another Camp and they were not Jews. Thanks God they survived.
Like I said before, come in Europe, visit those Camps and you will change your thinking. You will have a chance to see how humans very easy becoming monsters. Visiting Camps is a part of program in Germany, Austria, Slovakia etc for young Neo Nazis, it's very helpful.
I agree with you that bombing Japan with nucs was the worst crime in human history, I really hope that nobody will repeat the same.
When we speak about Stalin....uh....he was the same as Hitler. His regime destroyed, erased two nations in former Soviet Union, they not exist any more, he brought communism in Eastern Europe and some countries were almost like Hitlers concentration camps.
Well, if Hitler hadn't lost, you'd be dead now, wouldn't you?
You are perfectly correct in your thinking that you may believe what you wish, no matter what the evidence may be. We are equally free to apply the same questioning and doubt as is often applied to prophets and religions. I fail to see why you are bothered by this.
we live in a free & democratic world where ppl should b free to admire the leader that they like. No 1 can impose on ppl that Hitler is bad, Stalin is good, Churchil is bad, Mao Tsi Tong is good...etc.
If I chose to admire Hitler, think that the concentration camps were a fake, believe that the ugliest crime in human history was bombing Japan with nuc's...etc, then I am free to believe in that.
If religions/prophets are being bashed in the name of "freedom of expression", then surely the same "freedom" should grant people the option to reject the amount of lies that were fabricated about Hitler!
True Alexa, the times were perfect for a man of Hitler's talents to rise.
Look carefully at the course of Hitler and other dictators comming to power. The base ideology is always good for the people at first. promises of unity, prosperity and benefits. Then when power if acheived comes the brutality the persecution and the madness. Man's answer to any problem has always been to turn to the barrel of the gun. if you can't live or accept something... destroy it. Turn on the minority or less fortunate. Blind the masses away from your failures by directing their anger at someone else.
Pearl Harbor was not about war with Japan -
It was about war with GERMANY
1)OBJECTIVE:War with Germany.How do you get Hitler to declare war on you? You don't get it by looking unbeatable!
2)Direct efforts in Atlantic had failed.
3)Roosevelt knew from magic that if Japan attacked, Germany would declare war.
4)Therefore: the problem was how to maneuver 4)Japan into firing the first shot or make the first overt act.
5)Japan must succeed or Hitler would renege.
Eric Nave, a British cryptologist worked on the Japanese JN-25 naval code. Nave wrote "Betrayal at Pearl Harbor",
a book claiming Churchill hid what he knew about the attack from Roosevelt.
In the early 1990s the U. S. Navy transferred all its cryptologic archives from Crane, Indiana to the National Archives in Washington. This includes 26,581 JN-25 intercepts from I September to 7 December.
All of these are available for public review.
it would be correct to say USSR , not it was not only russian people who defeated nazis, but 14 other nationalities too...;)
Happy Victory Day!
Oh here's something an Austrian told me in Salzburg, "The Austrians are so smart, they made everyone believe that Hilter was German and Beethoven was Austrian" lol.
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield
I'm just amazed at Hitler's ability to brainwash millions of people into his ideology and make them believe that he's right. He must've had such a strong character. I'm disgusted with his actions, feel so much sympathy towards all those souls lost and give my condolences to all the families who lost someone dear. Yet I'm curious to know what was going through his head, I mean we think what he did was completely wrong but he thought it was right; otherwise, he wouldn't have done it. But why did he want ethnic cleansing? Did he think he was being patriotic towards Germany by doing so? Or did he think it was a message from God? It's interesting to know what goes on in the minds of such lunatics. Let's not also forget that his poor background must've played a role.
I know everyone says he killed 6 million jews, yet honestly I think that number might've been a bit exaggerated for political purposes and perhaps for turning the world's eye away from the atrocities that happened in Japan at the same time?
Oh and QS, WW2 wasn't completely Hitler's fault. There was Japan vs. USA going on at the same time and Hitler had nothing to do with that.
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield
Alexa, I was thinking the same thing, but was too afraid to write it....
I agree Hitler was absolutely clever, far-sighted, outstanding politician; and he possessed extremely strong and unique personality.
That’s why he is even more responsible for his actions. How do you apply your huge talent to lead people? where you direct your endless energy? for the blessing people, for the sake of humanity or for its destruction? Having this outstanding talents and using them for the deliberate extermination of humanity is much greater crime!
I also want to hear if someone agree with that guy's idea, that killing of few millions jews justifies Hitler's mass distruction and deliberate extermination of other 60-70 MILLION of people of different nationalities and Hitler is worth to be loved for it...
He would very soon be converted into a lampshade
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Well Sentibhim, let's reverse it, what's the problem for you? Oh let's see, you'd wind up dead if you aren't "racially pure" enough. That could be a minor problem for you and spoil your weekend.
" I really would like to suggest everybody who supporting Hitler to go in Europe and visit some concentration camps likes Auschwitz, Dachau, Mauthausen, Jasenovac etc and I am sure they will learn something and change their mind."
HA HA AHa R u angry with me or Hitler ?
If i like hitler,whats the problem for u ?
"Drink Beer Save Water"
Limited sentibhim...
I never know my grandpa.
He died defending my country against Hitler's madness.
About your motto:"Rulling in hell is better than to serve in heaven" i agree with you.Go there and meet your "favorite politicle leader"
It is certainly accurate to say the Hitler was a very astute and skilled politician, and if one were Machiavellian enough you could even say that politicians could learn much from him up until 1933, particularly populist politicians. However, to confuse his methods with his goals is completely warped.
Qatarisun you are not the only one surprised why somebody supporting Hitler and his apocalyptic politic. Obviously, they didn’t learn anything from history. In my country, unfortunately, there are many people who are supporting Hitlers politic and they call themselves patriots and nationalists, which is ridiculous. They forgot how we suffered under Nazi regime and also forgot that 700 000 people died in one concentration camp in former Yugoslavia, now Croatia. I had a chance like a schoolboy, when we were the same country, to go on that place which is museum now and see all these terrible things happened there. I have my opinion about Israel politic in region and I don’t support it, but I can’t say that Hitler was good because what he did to Jews and many other nationalities. Nobody deserves that and there is not bad or good nation, there are only bad individuals and Governments.
I really would like to suggest everybody who supporting Hitler to go in Europe and visit some concentration camps likes Auschwitz, Dachau, Mauthausen, Jasenovac etc and I am sure they will learn something and change their mind.
My favorite politicle leader HITLER..
"Drink Beer Save Water"
I do NOT love Hitler....clearly, he WAS a deranged lunatic....but to lay the entire blame on him alone is to seriously oversimplify the matter....I mean the economic realities of The Versaille treaty had a HUGE effect on the social climate in Germany that ever let someone like him come to power....but in terms of the horrors of the war, then yes no arguments there.
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
that's what I mean. an entire humanity has paid its high price because of some idiot was obsessed with his maniacal ideas… that’s what I want to know, skdkak : after all this distruction and huge human loss does someone else can say ”I LOVE HITLER”?
regarding SECOND WORLD WAR and its worldwide damage.. and not about who likes or dislikes which nationalities in general... i hope it's clear.
well, if u dont need problemetic comments and comments that will make u delete this thread then in that case please read through your own last paragraph of the thread and you decide what do u want.
The first line of this para says, ""I am wondering are there somebody else who shares his point of view and his feelings???""""
Then immidiately u request for not another thing...
What do u want to hear ???? plz specify clearly and if possible edit your thread accordingly so that we have clear understanding of your actual purpose of this thread.
The overall conflict was horrendeous in terms of the price that had to be paid (both in damage to civilian infrastructure and cost of human life)....and in a way it brought about a new reality and a new arsenal of weapon technologies that forever altered the cost of war.
Regardless of who you think was right or have to admit it was the worst war in human history...and I hope the world never sees anything like it again....though with the destructive power of our weapons now, it is highly unlikely that we ever step is total annihilation of the species....I shudder to think about a real world war in today's world! Lets hope it never comes to pass.
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?