Second chance?

Imagine if you realise that you have made the worst mistake of your life and have hurt someone- a friend...(not cheated on them or anything...and it ain't related to love as well... just between friends)
You apologize to them, and tell them, it surely won't happen again...
You know you acted like a moron, and beg for forgiveness...
Yet, they don't forgive you..
You're ready to discuss over it.. the other person ain't...
Advice please...Sarcastics welcome too, I guess I deserve it :P
Write a letter, Explain everything. Ask to meet.
If no answer - They're not worth having as a friend..
YOu have done your part. Give it some time now.
So what? leave them...u'll not going to die without them.
lol rizks... it is a reminder that as long as the sun shines down from the heaven, as long as the river runs to the sea.. there will always be a second chance..haha ;-)
a friend is always a friend, let them cool down,
and wat about sunset ? :(
back to 1st chance ? :)
SpeedySid,just give your friend time to blow off steam. He/She is hurt & sorry is not always an immediate remedy for the pain. Even me is wishing to bring back things as they were but in this life,we have to understand that we can't do everything as we please.. LEave it with the time,accept everything,forgive yourself first..& whatever your friend's decision just accept it as the result of your actions,.i know it's hard as hell,but there are things we can't change & have if we want to..
Well,as for myself,I'm not forgiven,not given the chance and never will be.
Remember every sunrise offers a second chance.. :)
Well, you should give them a "space." Give them time to think. You have done your part, and i think its their turn to do their part. Just give him/her time to think...
Thanks... I appreciate ur advise :)
I really hope and pray that things are alright for you in the end..It really feels bad to be in such a situation...
Bless ya!
If you ask or even beg for forgiveness and he/she doesnt accept it. Then let time heals whatever pain/s you made on him/her. Just give space on him/her and prove that you are really sorry.
I agree what you say... Maybe I may not have realized it before if I hurt the friend a lot...
Now that I do realize what I did, I just ask my friend one final time for forgiveness... If I wasnt serious abt our friendship, I wouldn't have taken efforts to patch up...
I own up to my mistakes, and stupidity... Its just that I need my friend to understand that I am sincerely asking for forgiveness, and hope we connect again as we were... because I have every reason to believe that my friend is some one dear to me.
If you ask or even beg for forgiveness and he/she doesnt accept it. Then let time heals whatever pain/s you made on him/her. Just give space on him/her and prove that you are really sorry.
We are in the same boat but mine is related with love..It's really hard to ask for forgiveness,until now i'm not forgiven & I can understand why it's so damn hard for him to forgive..I did what i did, I won't pawn it off to anybody,i take full responsibilty for myself & my actions,I'm really sorry for what i did,i asked for forgiveness same as u,now forgiving is up to them,u have done your part..It will surely take time..
lol TB !
Rizks, as the name a cute, bit shy, very jolly, humble, a great Sex with little hairs on his head but lots of hairs elswere....:), alwayz wants others smiling...hmmm..not short tempered but high tempered and pampered boy...LOL
and a lot more to say... but dont want to praise myself a lot...:)
mj... I like to forgive and forget...:) Maybe bcos I was not hurt much that I cannot forgive...
but tell me Formatted Soul
how many times he/she give him chance, now he iz saying thtz his 2nd chance
n 1 day he wil say now its 3rd chance
I promise to get back on subject with a really good suggestion as soon as Rizks has described himself to Oksana New
FS, nothing? you sure? ;)
"Give me another chance I want to grow up once again"!!
If he/she was your true friend she will give you another chance...we are all humans and we make mistakes...there is nothing that cannot be forgiven...
Come on Rizks don't be shy, describe yourself
Oksana isn't it called "Getting off the Topic" thing...? :)
We have PM's for this discussions or an Open Coffee Meet also can be of much preferance....:)
Now this I have got to hear
always you make me laugh walla. your comments are amazing.
no, your bald head has nothing to do with my
but I just read through other comments, that your going on leave & pepole are advising you. how sweet.
so then I started imagining how do u look like.
yalla, describe yourself Rizks.
how about givin her a pack of chewing gums ?
she will chew chew and chew and forgot all the mess happened between you both and you both can live Happily after.....:)
"It takes two to tango"... it's the same with your situation, it takes both ends to settle your differences.. if your friend is not willing to make an effort to patch things up as you tried to do, nothing can be done but to wait..
don't loose hope, i believe in second and third chances, because people do mistakes, this is why they are people.
-and if this friend is someone who u really care about him then don't loose him, maybe he needs a time or a space for a while but don't stop trying to regain him back.
give your friend time and space to think things through. the wound is still fresh that's why forgiveness is hard to give at the moment.
Send her a Céline Dion CD, you will be forgiven instantly.
Thanks... I have tried from my end, and I hope my friend takes cognizance of the fact and at least discusses the same with me...
@everyone... I appreciate your advise, and I just hope...really hope.. that even if my friend doesn't wanna speak with me ever, at least I hope that I'm forgiven...
lol Oksana....
wat my bald head to do with ur damn signature ?:)
but r u bald?
You already tried to discuss and sought forgiveness ... thats enough I think... and nobody remembers anythinng for a life time, you wont too...
Oksana ur signature is having some problems, kindly rectify it plz...and thks for the suggestion.
I know, but I'm just telling the fact that the friend was dear to me. not as much as my parents of corz, but dear nonetheless...
Friends aren't parents. Friends come and go.
If someone hurts their parents, the parents don't say "We'll go searching for new kids"
Thanks bro..Its just that It was so unlike me to hurt someone... even I couldn't believe how I could be such...
I did learn my lesson...
and to all other people too..remember- Think before you speak..a lot can happen over a few words gone wrong.
you should stablish a new webside name:
good adviser.indeed.
leav it yar....thee is no solution to some problems...if u hav said sorry and all...nd still ur friend has not come back....thn better leav it tht way....evn if u feel bad also...tht person may not be geniunly jus forget it...find someone better....
speedysid make new frd
but rmmbr dont do d same mistake wid tht frd:)
Sid chill re !
why taking tensions on a weekend...:)
If he really care for you or loves you he will come back for you or else...let him sing and dance around some mulberry bushes- round n round....:)
Well, it did hurt me a lot in the end to hurt the friend... I did so yesterday, and I've been feeling a lot bad abt it..
I realise I behaved stupidly, thus leading to the situation. It was unlike me to do so at that moment.
I guess that friend may never forgive me ever... and its gonna be one thing that I am gonna regret for the rest of my life..and that is, hurtin that person.
lol Envy !
no worries, i will make u fly with my WINGS....:)
Forget the girl
Rizks i dont have wings:(
lol TB... :P
All you can do is try to talk to your friend, if he/she is not interested in what you've got to say, you'll have to back off and hope they calm down and forgive you one day...
and i agree with ENvy !
now tat we both agree with each other, why not we both fly in the AIR like a
m agree wid Rizks
Life doesnt give a 2nd chance...u got to live or die....hehehehehe
heard tat dialogue frm some movie,.....:)
Thanks for ur replies so far...
Hope I get to do the right thing in the end..
Caesar has been at the chocolate biscuits again.
Et tu Brutus? Eat two, you finished the whole blooming packet - Stab, stab, stab.
burn the bridge...
is that you?
Give me your friends phone number. I will call him/her and talk it over, then get back to you with the answer to your question.
just leave it...
Walk away.