School Surveys 7th-Graders on Oral Sex

A middle school in Massachusetts is under fire for requiring children to complete a graphic sex survey -- without parental knowledge or consent -- that included questions about sexual partners and oral sex.
The Rutherford Institute, a civil liberties organization, filed a complaint with the U.S. Dept. of Education against the Fitchburg School Committee. They are representing the two middle school-aged daughters of Arlene Tessitore.
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if this becomes a part of their work, what will they gossip on...moral science??
krazyklone, In Canada & the States Grade 7 is 12 to 13 years old.
krazysyklone, the American system is different, they start later.
No I don't think so. That would be like saying watching Wile E. Coyote fall off a cliff and live may make kids want to try it.
These kids know what this stuff is and the only thing that's making them want to do it is peer pressure and their own hormones.
I was 11 years old in 7th grade. Is there a different grade system or do we push kids into school too early in India :-/
Don't you believe that this type of survey could have an adverse affect also? For example, asking a 13 year old whether they have had Oral Sex could lead them to blieve that this is normal and "perhaps i should try it"
In 7th grade kids ( age between 13 and15 ) usually know about those things...although parents may not always be aware that their kids possess this knowledge.
Never the less, having kids fill out a survey like this without the parents prior consent is unacceptable.
Who do you think told us Brit?
The Nuns must have been tearing their hair out :O)
I knew what all of that stuff was in 7th grade, and a student in Grade 8 was pregnant thanks to the "withdrawl" method. Guess I wouldn't have been shocked by this survey.
I didn't have a clue what all this meant when I was in 7th grade.
Understood..that's why parental advice should be sought here too. Clearly the institute behind these surveys were trying to act smart assuming they can get answers out of these kids to questions their parents would never pose.
The other issue is that at this age, the children would probably not understand or be too embarrassed to answer correctly.
are Qler feeling horny today??
well society is advancing :P
Shocking that anyone had the liberty to pose such graphically sexual questions without the knowledge and consent of parents, and think it will be "of value to the community"
I'm not against asking kids questions but as a mom will definitely want to know the nature of the questions asked first.This is our right! they are after all primarily under our watch.
The worrying aspect here is that schools and institutions feel free to carry out such surveys without parental consent or knowledge.
Mind ur own business and you kids too if u have.... :(