School makes you gay!!!

Study says rise in homosexuals due to female primary teachers
Nasser AlـOtaibi
Al Watan
"KUWAIT: A study submitted to the Ministry of Education ascribes that the contemporary increase in homosexuality amongst young people in Kuwait to the ministry''s decision to exclude male teachers from teaching in primary schools.
The study recommended that the ministry should restore the previous system whereby male teachers were allowed to teach elementaryـlevel school pupils.
The study apparently found that many young males tend to imitate their female teachers, arguing that this risks influencing young children towards homosexual tendencies.
The researchers who compiled the data noticed that the rise in homosexuality coincided with the ministry''s decision to assign only female teachers to primary schools."
That's a relief that they have found a cure for this menace. They should go one step further and have boys only schools with only male teachers to ensure that this is eradicated from Kuwaiti society in perpetuity.
Mothers need to be heavily scrutinized next.
So much sense you talk. You obviously, like me, have many gay & lesbian friends and see the fact that they are JUST PEOPLE!!!!
And Abu, sorry to tell you that your children are surrounded by homosexuals, both male and female, all the time - They are their teachers, their peers, the shopkeeper, the policeman, your friends, people on Tv etc.
check this link for some hope:
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Maybe you wouldn't now Osman, but imagine being a teenage boy and being told that only those who *ahem* "take it" are gay, and that it's perfectly ok to give it. If ya know what I mean. I've been told that's the attitude here for many young men.
Oh shoot, and here I was looking forward to fun-filled fight!
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield
It's ok, everybody knows you've been reading to many of the lovey dovey threads.
OMG I just wrote the complete opposite! LOL. Oh uh, I better prepare for attacks *hides under a shield*
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield
LOL, that's condemns Corne, unless the Quran changed overnight. :P
How ironic! Society creates the atmosphere and then condones the consequences.
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield
Having lived in a strict Catholic society and now here...
the resultant behaviour patterns are very similar.
Abu ...thats not what Gypsy said. Theres truth in Gypsy's statement because Ive heard it first hand.
You can laugh at me all you like because I have Alzheimers, .......but at least I dont have Alzheimers
dirty smell here yeah ouuuuuuuuuuuffffffffff
No I'm saying that by so stricktly seperating the sexes you create an atmosphere wherein both men and women are forced into homosexual sex as the only means to *ahem* satisfy their urges.
Oh I would have to say it's got something to do with the fact that men and women are seperated and homosexuality is quietly promoted as an alternative to sex with women.
"of what happen when you try to do away with natural urges." Kind of like they do here by seperating the boys and the girls and covering the girls head to toe.
That would explain why I'm soooo messed up now!
"...You might have seen a housefly, maybe even a superfly, but I bet you ain’t never seen a donkey fly. Ha, Ha, Ha..." Donkey
I was breast fed by my father, not my mother, does that make me Lesbian.
Anyway my point is that 85 % of the worlds homosexuals are French. ( Again this figure was confirmed by a bloke at the pub) They invented it and felt compelled to spread it through the world, through the medium of music. Vanessa Paradise was a weapon used by the French Revolutionary Original Gay Society. If you take the song title "JOE LE TAXI', for example. Its an obvious anagram of 'WE ARE FRENCH AND THE WORLD MUST BE GAY AS ONE'. Be careful theyre cunning.
You can laugh at me all you like because I have Alzheimers, .......but at least I dont have Alzheimers
They don't get them to embrace their doubts?? :S They talk to students about their doubts yes, but most of the time it has to do with counselling teens who are already certain of their sexuality, how to deal with things like coming out of the closet, etc.
Frankly I think these people are a lot less of a threat then say, Mormons, Imams or Priests trying to attract confused teens to churches or cults.
I blame the mothers! All that breast-feeding and lovey dovey cuddling is the reason of homosexuality! :P
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield
Abu, the purpose of gay/lesbian counsellors is not to "convert" people. Homosexuality is not a religion. It's to help teenagers understand the often, tumultous and confusing things they feel while growing up. Sexuality is not black and white, gay or straight, and counsellors are there to help teens understand what they are going through. It's also about getting rid of hatred and unacceptance of "alternative" lifestyles, thereby cutting down on violence against homosexuals, or emo's, or goths (or Muslims) or what have you.
Seeing the sheer about of racism and homophobia in this region, and articles like this one, the Gulf could sure use some of these counsellors.
djnavarro, Klinefelter syndrome is not homosexuality. The gay guys I know (well most of them....:S) don't have any of those symptoms and are certainly not anti-social, quite the opposite.
this is only happening in Gulf. SHOCKED!!!!
am still practicing, think am ready to move up to pre-school kids now, wadya think??? lol
As the starter of this thread I pronounce you winner of said spat on the grounds that you are a grown up and not prey to spitting the dummy, even though I am somewhat prone to enjoying a great deal of EMO music.
The fight goes to you on the grounds that you are not a ..................(fill in your own blanks)
Sorry osman, if you're on here, grow some!
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
I think the one who submitted that report didn't dig deeper on the subject of homesexuality. Homesexuality and lesbianism is deeply rooted on the imbalance of the number of X and Y chromosomes in the genetic make up of the person. Please refer to this
The following points are made by Aubrey Milunsky (citation below):
1) As one might expect, the addition of an extra female chromosome to a male has a feminizing effect. The presence of two X chromosomes (along with one Y chromosome) instead of one X in every cell of a male results in a condition called "Klinefelter syndrome". Between 1 in 500 and 1 in 1000 males are born with this disorder every year in the US (a total of at least 4000 per year). Based on the number of live male births recorded, we can estimate that there are more than 150,000 males in the country today with this condition. Most of them probably have not yet been diagnosed: This syndrome is most commonly diagnosed at or after puberty -- when it is most easily detected. The characteristics that may be observable in childhood include tall stature; speech, language, and learning disorders; a tendency to score lower on IQ tests; and personality and behavioral problems.
2) In adulthood, males with Klinefelter syndrome are often remarkably indolent about their own care and future, and are prone to alcoholism and antisocial behavior. Breast development, which normally becomes obvious at puberty, is very pronounced in about 15 percent of cases and causes extreme embarrassment. In many cases, surgical correction by mastectomy is obtained. The male hormone testosterone (by skin patch) has been used in some cases to deepen the voice, stimulate the growth of facial hair, and improve libido (sexual drive), bone density, and overall self-esteem. Generally, men affected by this syndrome tend to be reticent, passive, and low-key. Mental illnesses, both neuroses and psychoses, are more common among them, as are periods of depression and of mania. Other common disorders also appear somewhat more frequently in men with this syndrome. Sexual behavior is normal and homosexuality is not a consequence, but the libido tends to be depressed. Breast cancer is at least 20 times more common among men with this disorder (a Swedish study has indicated that it is 50 times more common), accounting for some 4 percent of breast cancers in men. Their life expectancy appears to be somewhat shorter than that of the general population. Stroke, brain hemorrhage, lung infection, disease of the aortic heart valve, and cancer of the breast account almost entirely for their increased mortality rate.
3) Characteristically, the testicles of males with Klinefelter syndrome are smaller than normal, and no sperm are found in the semen. Fertilization is almost never achieved without medical intervention. A few instances of successful pregnancy have been reported following aspiration of a single sperm through a needle introduced directly into the testis, which is subsequently used to fertilize an egg (this procedure is called intracytoplasmic sperm injection). The potential hazard in these rare cases is that the recovered sperm may have two sex chromosomes instead of one. In such a case, an offspring could be born with either three X (female) chromosomes or with Klinefelter syndrome.
4) Men born with a mixture of XXY and normal XY cells are described as "mosaic for Klinefelter syndrome". They may be extremely difficult to diagnose and their condition may not come to light until they have a child who is diagnosed with a sex chromosome disorder.
5) Men with one female and two male sex chromosomes (XYY) in every cell are usually tall, have a tendency to acne, are likely to have lower IQs than their siblings, and in many cases have speech, language, or learning disorders, although their recorded IQ scores range from a low of 70 to a high of 145. XYY males tend to be impulsive, react poorly to frustration and adverse circumstances, and exhibit wild tempers. They are not, however, more violent or aggressive than other males, and their sexual behavior is not abnormal. Antisocial behavior in XYY males with a lower IQ and emotional lability lands this group in trouble with the police at least ten times more often than males with normal chromosomes.
6) Boys with XYY chromosomes often go undetected: About 1 in 1000 males born have the XYY complement, and most are never diagnosed. Many diagnosed XYY males retrospectively describe themselves as children with extremely defiant natures, destructiveness, terrible tempers, and inclinations to climb to dangerous places -- all evident by the age of four years. However, many boys with normal chromosomes also exhibit some of these features. Later in childhood, speech, language, and learning difficulties as well as behavioral problems tended to hamper their educational achievement. Nevertheless, a majority of XYY males have perfectly normal IQs, and at least one has been reported with a genius-level IQ of 145.
7) XYY males are fertile. Their sperm, however, may contain one X, only one Y, an X and a Y, or two Y chromosomes. Consequently, when one of their sperm fertilizes a normal ovum containing one X chromosome, the product may be a normal boy, a normal girl, an XYY male, or a male with Klinefelter syndrome (XXY).
8) No diagnostic physical features characterize the triple X female. Minor variations occurring more frequently (and not affecting health) include a relatively small head in relation to height, incurved fifth fingers and toes, low-set ears, and poor coordination. About 1 in 1200 females are born with this disorder, but most have never been diagnosed. In childhood this disorder might be detected only as part of an evaluation for disorders of speech, language, and learning. Although mental retardation is not a primary feature, the average IQ is about 85 (with a range of 64-120). The majority require special education classes. In adulthood, mental illness (psychosis or schizoid personality) appears to occur more frequently. As a group, triple X females tend to be passive and immature, have difficulty in forming interpersonal relationships, and frequently have psychological problems. There also appears to be a somewhat higher frequency of epilepsy among them.
9) Menstrual difficulties are relatively common and include late onset of periods, scanty or skipped periods, infertility or sterility, and early onset of menopause. Triple X women have a normal sex life and may bear male or female offspring, who may be born with an extra X chromosome.
10) Rarely, persons are born with four or five X chromosomes or three or even four Y chromosomes. Severe or profound mental retardation can be expected when these additional X or Y chromosomes are present.
Adapted from: Aubrey Milunsky: Your Genetic Destiny. Perseus Publishing 2001, p.37.
Pffft, I prefer the way my granny taught me; fight dirty and use pre-emptive retaliation - in other words kick 'em in the danglies at the first sign of trouble and run away :D She's a 4'10" Glaswegian and she's a crack shot with a tin of beans :D
"Never argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience."
"Mmmmmmmmm , Oiled up women." drool, drool. :)
Well that kinda argues against the point of their research, never did me no harm! Mind you I was taught by a couple of oiled up teachers - quite forward thinking for its day!!
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
been practicing your signature, got it off to a fine art now, so watch out, I too can knock babies over with my bare hands................LOL
am all oiled up n ready to go!!!
LOL, fighting a losing battle here, see you later :)
what is it that you men have with oiled up women fighting LOL,
me, I like the good old way my Daddy taught me, fight like a man!!!! LOL
now I really do feel like I am back in school!!
Would you pair kindly shut the f*** up? It was an amusing thread until you started bickering.
"Never argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience."
"If we learn to look at the situations from the second person's view, things might be a different. Similarly if we stand in other person's shoe, we would be in heaven right now... " - me
Comeplete and utter fecal matter of a male bovine!
My female teacher was lovely, intelligent and charming.
(Now she is my wife :P)
Lolollllllllollll Damm, that doens´t make any sence
"If you`re dreaming a love story let tears tell us about it"
silent "G"
poor Da ... :-(
i got this nape ache since morning am turning all around with it lol
Hello Da !!! Hope you are well !!! xx
I went to an all girls school..... thats why i have a thing about boys in shorts...never saw any until I got to univesity.
poor gals they were so desperate to see anything..wool and
how are you all
i know Alexa, isnt that scene hilarious and whats even more funny they had to be dragged from the window...poor gals...
jauntie said Well, speaking as a convent school gal ...
taught by nuns and (female) Oxford Dons I can assure you that had they let a male tutor into the classroom to teach us, he probably wouldn't have escaped the room fully clothed!
Highlight of our early teens was when the new, young Priest from the Church next door, took a dip in the school pool wearing his knitted swimming trunks! (and they had to drag us away from the windows even then)
Jauntie.. this is the funniest comment ive read for a while...ROFL..
"The study apparently found that many young males tend to imitate their female teachers"
Wow, does that mean they are having sex in the classroom? - oh those cheeky kuwaiti teachers!!!! Can I get a job there?
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Have you tried asking the bartender - they might be able to make it for you special.
I haven't been to a bar in doha that serves it unfortunately.
ok - we are all in agreement because that's what I thought too. LOL and I think its pretty funny. I guess that says a lot about my sense of humor. :D
Drinking from the furry's my favourite drink!
Since supernurse said she went to an all girls school I think I assumed the furry plate she wasn't tempted by was female too. lol
Of course, I could be wrong ..... Oh wait! Who said 'fuzzy'? Now I'm really confused...
What do you think "eating from the fuzzy plate" means? I ask because I'm not entirely sure although I have an idea. lol lol lol
taught by nuns and (female) Oxford Dons I can assure you that had they let a male tutor into the classroom to teach us, he probably wouldn't have escaped the room fully clothed!
Highlight of our early teens was when the new, young Priest from the Church next door, took a dip in the school pool wearing his knitted swimming trunks! (and they had to drag us away from the windows even then)
Is it the female teachers who make them gay or designer boxers that make them gay? oh well - I guess I should be glad its not something in the water as I have always believed. :P
just remember i may be easy but i'm not cheap.
Alexa if you need a new pair of stilettos, i'm your man lol
the only difference between me and gay guy is that i prefer to suck on a beer after work.
This is the funniest article I've read in long time. True comedy. oh wait - they're serious. :(
Seriously though - complete and utter BS. Wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall where this brain child was hatched?
At least they'll be really helpful to take clothes shopping with you ;)
"Never argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience."
Oh crap, i better move my boys from the "all female nursery staff" very soon before i am heavily scrutinsed next.
Indeed, Mr Lower. When I were a lad, working down t' mines, we used to call 'em queers and burn 'em at t' stake come the morning tea break, before poppin' down t' pub for a dozen pints of mild and seven pickled eggs to kick off the days work. In fact, the very thought of man-love to us hairy testosterone filled big-bollocked manly men makes us physically sick. There you go, I have vomit on my keyboard now. Grrrrrr.
And we all know that lesbianitis leads to tongue-thrush and bad breath.
"Never argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience."
Youve hit the nail on the head there....its a well known documented fact that all women like abit 'woman to woman nonesense' and all real men are disgusted with homosexuality, which was actually invented by the French.
All this info is available at
You can laugh at me all you like because I have Alzheimers, .......but at least I dont have Alzheimers
There's me fishing for an idiot ....and not a bite! :(
Wait till the sun goes down, they will be gobbling up the bait.
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
What part of Lesbania are you from ?
well then best I resign my post, won't have that on my concience.
lol, don't be daft, we all know that homosexuality is caused by a virus! Oh, and that all women have a lesbian side to them.
"Never argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience."
Yes, brave radical research in the field of bulls$$it. Kudos to them for wasting what I don't doubt is millions of dollars.
Some people have too much time and/or money on their hands....Just researching this is harmless enough, but wait till they start passing legislation to "solve" the problem based on this brave new radical research! LOL
I'm so glad I don't have to live in a place like that.
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
britexpat, very funny!! love the "what a load of old rot"
No one going to support this brave, radical research?
Coz you all know it's all you womens fault for turning boys gay! You are all evil schemers!! :D
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."
Two of my secondary school teachers were Lesbians and Ive always had a strong urge to see as many naked women as possible. Guess Im a Lesbian too. . . cool
I read somewhere that it was the school dinners that make pupils gay. All that pink angel delight and fairy cakes. Maybe i just dreamt that.
You can laugh at me all you like because I have Alzheimers, .......but at least I dont have Alzheimers
LOL!!! This is hilarious.
damn! i cant believe the studies that take place in finding out the cause of gayocide! lol this is the funniest horsecrap i've heard all day!
and college makes girls lesbain
What a load of rot.. In my day, we became gay in boarding schools and because of strict male teachers and sixth form prefects who did things to you... Those were the days.
What a load of K****P. If we listened all the time to these so called "Experts". We would be royally sc*****.
Motivation is when your dreams put on work clothes.
- Ben Franklin
I went to an all girls school with women teachers and I certainly don't eat from the furry plate because of it!!
"It is dangerous to be sincere unless you are also stupid."
- George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
Sharp observation as usual....this stuff would be so comical if they didn't REALLY believe it! Makes me shudder sometimes (after i'm done laughing).
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
lol, thats funny!
ok,ok what about boys only schools......homosexuality is does that work when all their teachers are male?......this is some crazy crazy research!
"It is dangerous to be sincere unless you are also stupid."
- George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
Wat sh*t!
Although I think the idea is really dumb i studied in a girl's school and totally loved it.
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown