School Bus Safety

By niwedita.rai •
Through this topic i want to bring in knowledge about the private school bus accident that happened on 17th oct 2010 of Newton International School and the newspapers just published the picture and nothing else why is the topic being kept undercover?
There should be proper investigation and steps should be taken after all its matter of kids safety.
to start this discussion my only reason was to spread awareness regarding certain points.
Every person should follow traffic norms and undersatand the social responsibility.
we should encourage all the schools to have proper transport system which will reduce this tensions of mismanaged private transport systems.
Small kids should have a separate transport system.
These things will also reduce the traffic problems in peak time which we all have to suffer.
Media should also be more responsible.i liked peninsula's effort to hightlight certain problems till they are solved
If anyone is reading they can put this issue also up.
there were students in the bus according to the media reports.
can someone describe the accident ?
But what do you wanna go to the school and talk about?
Do you want them to approach the media and publish whatever happened to make everyone aware of driving in and around schools/ school busses?
yes the bus had the kids inside there were 6 kids it's miracle that everyone was safe.another vechicle came and hit the bus and it fell over the picture is there in todays gulf times but the sad and the worrying thing is the way the school responded rather they have not reacted at all i dont think that u have to loose lives to make a matter serious.
What are you trying to tell us about your daughter and the incident/ accident?
Did it occur with the kids in it or what? You're not giving us the complete picture of what you think happened.
hey there were 6 students one of which was my 4 and half year daughter.thank god that this happened towards the end when only few students were there.
But just complaining here will not be enough i think each one us should go and talk to the respective schools because it's not a matter of one school it's for all and there should be a begining
Snessy, Seat Belts? :) How many school buses have seat belt fitted in whole Qatar? How many buses have Fist Aid boxes and how many buses have equipped with an emergency exit door in the event of an emergency? Last but not the least, how many buses have properly trained bus attendant who speaks English ?
Quick they have seatbelts on these school buses?
Yeah! empty bus could only be the reason for the news not being reported well. But still, clarification below the pic would have done the job.
Noted. But it could've also happened that something rammed into it while it was emoty, causing it to overturn :-(
I'm just playing the devil's advocate here ;-)
colt, there was a pic of overturned bus in gulf times with no description other than that it was a private school bus. Overturned bus can't be a minor accident.
Yes, saw the pic with no details in Gulf time few days back. Nothing mentioned about children in it. Felt strange for the lack of detailed news. But that's the way here.
Maybe the bus accident wasn't major enough to be reported, who knows? Maybe the school authorities did a good job hushing the situation :-(
All the parents should encourage the schools to have their own transport system this will be safer and also avoid the horrible traffic and safety problems.
Its horrifying to see such incidences and also the way some of the parents drive.