School Bus with plate no.154111
The driver of the school bus (Nissan Civilian) with plate number 154111 is driving extremely mad with children inside.
If anyone knows the owner of the bus, please inform him before another unfortunate accident happens.
that's odd, most , if not all schools are off for the summer, I thought.
Better to Report to the Traffic Dept....
The number plate should be checked against private transporation and not against Private vehicle
Anycase, report it to the police, if you do not know the school. These drivers are on a tight schedule, however, they should not put the kids lives at risk.
feel pity on children inside this bus...bus owner should change driver.
and i was just checking violations....its not for the bus is having green plate which comes under private transportation catagory in the drop down list. so bus has no violations.
but driver should be stopped and adviced.
feel pity on children inside this bus...bus owner should change driver.
and i was just checking violations....its not for the bus is having green plate which comes under private transportation catagory in the drop down list. so bus has no violations.
but driver should be stopped and adviced.
My question is,
why the owner of the bus is allowing the driver to drive the school bus with around six registered traffic violations?????
flor, today at around 6:30am in the MESAIMEER area.
tinker, it's a nissan civilian mini bus with an A4 size sticker "School Bus" attached inside the windshield at the back. have done a good thing by putting this plate no and vehicle type on this forum. I will look out for this vehicle when I drive around. Meanwhile could you also put in a message to the"letters to the Editor" on gulf times. It brings more attention to the public if it gets published on the newspaper and may avert a major tragedy in the future. This driver appears as a chronic offender looking at the number of violations he has in the past.
it doesn't matter if you did get the name of the school or not, this is no joke. as long as you got the registration number you can report it directly to the traffic police dept.
Maiden, I tried to get the name of the school, but the driver is driving too fast and overtaking dangerously from the right. I pity those children inside the bus.
try reporting it to the traffic dept...
Maybe MOI should start a 'shop-a-driver' scheme similar to MOL :o)