School bans pupils from hugging

More PC stupidity .. Would the world not be better without psychologists ?
A school has banned pupils from giving each other high-fives, handshakes - and even hugs.
Governors imposed a 'no contact' rule which they say prevents fighting or bullying.
Dayna Chong, 15, was thrown into detention for cuddling a female pal. Her mother, Anita, 33, from New Addington, said the policy was "extreme" and "ludicrous".
She said: "If the kids can't even hug each other at school some of them will never learn how to be socially interactive.
"You need an embrace to comfort you when things go wrong. I've never heard of anything so crazy in my life."
Sarah Hope's 15-year-old daughter got into trouble for giving a friend a high-five.
She said: "It's a very, very cold policy. I think it's sad that the children are missing out on this sort of closeness."
A school spokesman said: "Physical contact between students is not allowed because it is often associated with poor behaviour or bullying and can lead to fighting."
rofl - laughing so much at what you have posted.
Very funny and sadly true.
The thing is - in the UK, as Teachers we are no longer allowed to show any form of 'affection' or tactile behaviour to children.
So, if we have a child in a reception class (4-5) who is crying, missing Mummy or upset about ANYTHING - we are not allowed to give them a kiss and a cuddle to make them feel better.
Take that up a notch and we say have a teenager who is having a bad time at home or in school - we are no longer allowed to hold their hand, give them a hug or give them a cuddle - this could be seen as 'sexual abuse'.
This is how bad it has got by bending it over and taking it up the *z* by the PC world.
No wonder these idiots have taken it up another notch and the kids themselves are no longer allowed any physical contact.
Robots anyone?
with regards to British culture and our fears.
Yes, as he said, we have a fear of touching - it breaks all our codes of stiff upper lippy-ness.
Indeed, on the day I was born I was literally 'shot out' to effect the most minimal amount of contact with my mother as possible (hardly touched the sides)
The doctor introduced us formally; we shook hands, wished each other 'good day' and then went on to live totally hermetically sealed separate existences throughout my childhood. This is common in the UK, won us an Empire don’t ya know!
But I digress, as is often the case when I hark back to those glorious days of my youth, when one courted a fair young maiden by simply hiding behind the sofa and never leaving the house. As I sit here typing, in my bee keepers clothing and headgear, I often wonder what attracted me to the Gulf with its hedonistic and tactile young women pouring through the streets giving out free hugs?
Must dash, toodle pip old bean – have to put the kids to bed where did I put those tongs and fire retardant suit?
The next time we meet we are going to start dancing like "Happy Feet," without touching our arses and noses.
ghazalz, hugging and friendly physical contact is normal between human beings...well, in most places. To forbid it is unnatural.
part of it's sport's curriculum. It's a contact sports! Lol!
How could the hugging of the teen agers be helpful at the schools in their studies or achievements?
its the schools rules, why should anyone else be bothered about it.
Yeah, everyone needs a hug but everything has its own place :)
Funny you should say that. For the last five years i've been doing a correspondence course to be a proctologist. Its taking longer than i thought, so Id better pull my finger out...
We don't need psychologists, what we need is more rectum analysis specialist.
I thought hugs and high fives encouraged friendships not confused ???
It's a silly ban. But sadly nowadays so much inappropriate behavior happens among students nowadays that people feel the need to make drastic rules in schools like this.
What happens if the students just ignore this stupidity? will they get thrown out of school for being nice? pppffft
I would not let my child attend a school where people are seriously deluded.
Life without hugs would be unbearable. Or in brit's case, unbare-able.
English is so confusing. I thought Chocoholic had asked for a bare hug. ;o(
I need a hug :o(
Here's a song my kids learned in school, which we often sang at home as well-
Four Hugs A Day
Nobody gets enough hugs a day
'Cause the minimum number is four
Now if you haven't got Four Hugs today
Then you better get some more.
Four Hugs a day, that's the minimum
Four Hugs a day, not the maximum. (Twice)
Step One, look them right in the eye
Step Two, nose to nose
Step Three, reach your arms
Step Four, you can't do any harm with...
Four Hugs a day, that's the minimum
Four Hugs a day, not the maximum. (Twice)
Don't forget your Mama and Papa
Your Grandma, your Grandpa
And all your friends too,
Brothers and Sisters, Aunts and Uncles
And don't forget your teachers too. We need...
One, Two, Three and Four, we need
One, Two, Three and Four, we need...
Four Hugs a day, that's the minimum
Four Hugs a day, not the maximum. (Twice)
Don't forget to give Four Hugs today.
A rare occasion of hugging and the hugging culture are the two different things dear...
simply stupid bann.
student cant even shake hands or hug?? i use to hold arm of my best friend n walk n talk.
sometimes student feel bad or just cry , they need a friend to hug n share the our school class one of the student's mother passed away..n she was crying in class, class teacher hugged her.
come on students are not robots!
PC brigade gone bonkers again.
Society, home and school have their own different areas to develop in a child...
Don't mixed-up and messed up all three together.
in prehistoric times! Lol! And it's in England!
Its violence that needs to be curbed not loving friendships. Back then when I was in school,specially in my teen years, sometimes a hug from my besties could cure many ills and when on top of the world nothing like a good hard high five from mates to make a better thing best. Its a shame to deprive kids of such emotional bonding.Oh and as a kid I used to be a bully but never once did I ever bully a kid who hugged me or high fived me. Its the "colder" "snobbish" ones I wen't after!
It ridiculous.
britexpat, It's ok in some rare cases...
after winning a competition, on achievements, on a good results etc.
But I'm dead against the hugging culture among the students in normal days.
I would agree to disagree in some point.. no hugging with opposite sex would be exceptional especially at the age of 15!
Did you not play and have physical contact with friends at school ?
PC brigade, psycologists, neo-pinko-liberal head teacher - where else but England :o)
Which country is this Brit?
School is not a picnic point or recreational club. Pupil must have to reflect a decent behavior in the premises.
What crap. There's a big difference between a high five and punch, and a hug and a push. Shouldn't they be banning violent contact, not all contact?
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I appreciate the move...Students must have a distance between each other.