scary Iftar ...

Hi guys
u won't believe (or maybe u will) what happened to us 2 weeks ago for Iftar ...... my son loves Nando's at the Hyatt Plaza so one evening, we went there to break the fast. we arrived 10 minutes before the Adaan and ordered immediatelly. We asked the waitress to bring the starters first, together with the drinks. 2 minutes after the Adaan, my husband asked the waitress where our drinks and starters where, and why didn't we have any dates and juice like everyone else had. 10 more minutes, and still no dates, no starters but the drinks made an appearance. Then i asked the waitress ''hey where is the starters, do u think we r not fasting'' and she kept saying ''on its way'' . Another 10 minutes and we finally got to eat a delicious Petisco Platter . But hey, the pitta bread that went with it, was old and hard, probably heated in a microwave. So my husband asked for real fresh bread and magically appeared after 5 minutes, warm and fluffy. 15 minutes after the starter was finished, a waitress appeared saying ''the two Cataplana are on the way, but the half chicken with wedges will come in about 15 minutes'' , I said ''why is that'' and she replied ''oh madam, I am very sorry,but we ran out of chicken '' I was totally shocked and asked ''in a chicken restaurant u run out of chicken?????'' ..... But having eaten the starters, I said ''ok, I will wait these 15 minutes'' . Immediatelly my husband's and son's cataplana arrived, but the chicken I had to share with my daugther, did not . When it arrived, was 30 minutes later and not 15 as promised. I really didn't understand what she meant by ''we ran out of chicken and need to get new ones'' The chicken came with rice, fries and wedges and I said ''whats this'' , she replied ''the sides u ordered'' ''nope, I ordered the half chicken with wedges only, not with rice and frice so u can take these right back to the kitchen and I won't even pay for it.''
As i started cutting it in small pieces for my daughter, would u believe it ? It was totally raw !!!!! Thank god the other part was cooked so my daughter could enjoy it, leaving me eating the chicken from my son's cataplana, as he only likes to eat the rice and vegs. A waitress came and said ''is there anything else we can cook for u'' , I replied ''yes, perhaps u may want to cook the chicken?????'' And she said ''ok I will take it back '' and I replied ''and wait another hour for it, u got to be kidding me, I am not even hungry anymore'' .
So after the waitress had the profane courage to bring us the bill, I said ''what makes u believe we will pay'' so she called the manager who heard our complains for 2 hours, and said ''its ok, i understand u had horrible service and meal, its on the house''
I was really surprised by all the crap that happened, coz we usually leave the place within one house after we eat so I truly didn't get what was happening ..... maybe some staff was missing in the kitchen or maybe, the waiting staff for the night was just as incompetent as most here ..... will surely go back AFTER Ramadan , coz it will be back into normalcy and sanity !
Bye all, have a great day :)
but this S.A restuarant how and why the name to chaned to Qandos
Qatar + Nandos = Qandos ... hahaha!
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y Qandos?
and Qatar is Nando's?????????????????????????????????Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm???????Sense, where???????? Tsk tsk tsk!
takes one to know(or think he knows!) one! :)...
with senseless people! Few are here.
Gadarene, you should know Flor by now, he only has one theme to all his posts!! He can't debate rationally if you don't agree with his argument...
& there you have it,the perfect solution!...if something(& in the case of this town,MANY things!) is not right,don't talk about it or air your grievances on a public forum,how dare you??? just "SLEEP,WORK,get your SALARY,SLEEP,WORK" then wait till you go back to 'your country' to enjoy yourself,how dare you think of living something resembling a REAL life here???...shame on you ungrateful wretches,over & above getting a SALARY,you want a LIFE as well? & an environment resembling the REAL world??? how greedy of you!!!...
NOTHING is good in Qatar. So better just SLEEP, WORK, SLEEP, WORK, get your SALARY, then SLEEP, WORK again, get your salary and when vacation time, go back to your country and enjoy the goodness you can not find in Qatar!LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!
That's very sad... but next time eat at a fastfood restaurant if you want a really quick service.
Good post gadarene, someone telling it like it is in this town...very refreshing....
Nando's,any other international chain,whatever,the moment they're in this town,expect the standards to dip VERY quickly,usual story,slick dumbass (usually) Arab expat managers managing a group of Asian waiters,waitresses & kitchen staff,making them work longer hours without overtime,trying to cut out as much of their leave/off days as is possible with a combination of threats & false promises to make up for it later...all of this to show senior management how he is successfully squeezing the life out of the staff in question(known as kissing rearend,brown nosing,etc.) & thereby earning brownie points for himself...the affected staff in question of course aren't exactly pleased as punch at their situation & it shows in their service/the way your food is cooked,couple that with the fact that a large % of people in this country(BOTH local & expat) seem to have forgotten that slavery was abolished 200 years ago & treat the staff waiting tables like 2nd grade human beings doesn't help matters so end result...UNHAPPY STAFF=BAD SERVICE,it's not rocket science really...i have often found here that even talking nicely to staff,smiling @ them,basically treating them as EQUALS often does the trick...although,this being Qatar,not always but no harm trying! someone correctly pointed out,it's really hit & miss in this town,take your chances everytime you go out for a meal!...
welcome where to the qatari restaurant............ :-0)
Pappu, you are welcome and no problem.
thnks for your help and sorry for the misunderstading :)
but its a South African franchise...
Recently met the new training manageress sent from SA to sort out the branches in the ME... inshallah they will be beefing up their service!!!
pappu, you can ask me as much as you like, but I've told you what I know. Asking a Qatari would, IMHO , make sense because they very likely know where exactely this restaurant is.
nomerci thnks for the information provided very much appreciated. but with regard to the last statement "you can always ask a Qatari" seems I should not ask you again
Pappu pager, it was not bad. The place is nicely decorated, the service was ok, and the food was good. If you go to Waqif, just ask for the Qatari restaurant, i am sure most people will know it. If nothing else, you can always ask a Qatari.
really!!!!!!! thats good
just recall the name and let me know will give a try.
BTW how was the experience
pappu pager, yes, there is a qatari restaurant in souq Waqif. I went there once, can't recall the name though.
@ claudia73...bahahahahaha, I have no idea what your rant is about....
hey raven u r very rude . first of all i don't have a job, coz i don't need it, second, watch ur mouth coz i didn't insult anyone , got it ?
maybe you soften a little! Wink!
okkk :/ .....
but..yukkk...that raw chicken....its cannibal in tha making
that sounds better
to avoid confusion I meant a restarant in Qatar (sorry my bad) obviously I know Nandos is not Qatari cuisine....apologies for that post all along was going out for dinner here in Qatar his hit and miss when it comes to good service, you get some great service and you get some down right appaling service...and before you all jump down my throat YES I know you get bad service all over the world and in home countries but in my exp here the gap between the worst service and best service is greater...I hope that doesn't sound TOOOO negative for you FLOR...have a good night folks..
exactly thats the reason i asked him the question. whn we dnt hav any i dnt undstand from where did he made an assumption about qatari restaurant!!!!!!!
"unfortanately typical for a qatari restarant this type of service".tsk tsk tsk! The subject is Nando"s, so to what the qatari restaurant refers to?
@ Pappu_Pager wouldn't have a clue mate, none that I'm aware of
do we have any qatari restaurant here ?????
...where Starbucks runs out of coffee, Coldstone runs out of ice cream, and Nando's runs out of chicken...
Well this proves there is nothing like a home cooked meal.
The post is suggesting your personality trait rather than anything else........hysterical, neurotic , borderline personality. ........
thanks M_BK :) now.. today I went to the Royal tent in Diplomatic Club... Myfriend and I were literally alone in the entire tent, literally. It was around 10-12 waiters and waitresses around.. 1. we were served very bad shisha ( I definitely can prepare it much better!)2. we had to wait for our order more than necessary3. every time we need to refresh shisha, we had to ask one ofthe passing by waiters two-three times.. they all kept disappearing, and no shisha-man was sent to us4. we had to ask for the bill three times, and then to waitabout 10-15 minutes till the bill arrived... (they even weren't in hurry to get our money! lol)We were ALONE in the entire tent, only one more couple appeared by the time we were leaving!and I am not surprised..
at hajmola, read my post i never said it was a qatari restaurant!! I doubt you'll have the bottle to come back and admitt your mistake on this one!!
Nando's is a Portugese Resturant..
lolzzz@ hajmola!
what happened to your prayers?
Chill out people...peace!
we are appreciative of many good things BUT you are NOT. We are very thankful of good thing we get everyday, YOU'RE NOT. I am not a blind follower, I just give respect and courtesy to my host, YOU'RE NOT! I criticize this country without losing the courtesy, YOU'RE the OPPOSITE. I am a good Christian, YOU'RE not cause you love drinking etc etc etc. And life is a soapbox, you'll never know when you'll go, so sometimes, be appreciative that you are still alive and given the chance to spend your RIYALS!
Happy saturday people. Peace out!
complained only after two weeks??? what a rotten post!
back on that soapbox eh Flor?? You sound like a broken record....yes I enjoy the riyals, as does the company who get my services and experience...I fail to see how that makes me sick, but then I don't brown nose up to my Qatari masters....Does Qatar show any gratefulness to ex-pats? Am I suppose to be grateful that my company pay me what they are legally contracted to do? I'm not ungrateful at all, its great to have a job where I'm earning a big income, but I'm not going to brown nose like you quite clearly do...
sick of Qatar but he still stays and enjoy the Riyals! How ungrateful!
flor1212, leave him alone his name says all about him...lolzz
Flor who said I hate the QR's, thats why I'm here....unlike you I don't have to brown nose at every opportunity I are a sad GIT Flor....
unacceptable service... bad food... is there anything new in Doha?? why are you so much shocked?
BREATH!Inhale..... Exhale..... Relax.....
She was talking about the bad experience in that hotel so that in some way tthe Manager will get information and he can improve the quality.Actually in the spot itself she has to complain to the manager so that he might taken a proper decision.this should not happen with need of pity on her because its the matter of food and it might be dangerous and baladiya has to take such isues seriously. we should pity on the treatment of the hotels and hotels should be more concentrated in service than a buisiness where profit only the consideration.
by your post, you are not happy here and I pity you for staying because of that Qatari Riyals you HATE but Love to get so much! Get a life! Do you ever smile? Tsk tsk tsk!
hahahaha you BIG sad need to get a life least I'm realsistic about Qatar rather than have my head in the clouds....although someone like you is probably glad to have a job so is SOOOOO grateful to his Qatari Masters that he has to brown-nose every chance he gets...
Day before yesterday I was in hayatt Plaza and I noticed that there was a big party of iftar was going on there...I saw aroudn 20-30 people coming out of the restaurant very happy and laughing..... :(
tsk tsk tsk!
post, you will see me!
get off your soapbox are starting to sound like a broken record!! Geez you must be a sad old git....
positive to say about Qatar and Qatari?
hahahaha great read, entertaining....unfortanately typical for a qatari restarant this type of service....its like playing Russian roulette when you go out here.....
don't go to NAndo's? C'mon, that's what I called SCARY lesson from you Amitsen!
its a lessson for all... break the fast in a simple humble manner and pray magreeb prayer with jamath at masjid...
Do u find complaining and arguing with everyone for everything. SCARY??? Huh nonsense.
Well, it happens may land up at the wrong place at the wrong time. But they wouldn't be in business if this was their usual state of affairs.
Took you two weeks to put it into words and a veeeeerrry long one at that. I think there's no need to rant if they've given it to you for free in the end. Be thankful enough.
Booohooo!!! get a life woman.For slow and poor service, don't return there anymore instead of ranting here.If the chicken was raw call Baladiya and they will shut the place down asap. Consuming raw / partially cooked poultry is dangerous (unlike red meat).
Scary not disappointing yes
Ah, just the usual rant...and here I was hoping for something interesting.
so the rant goes, "We can put men on the moon but not serve a good meal".
oo thats sad..nandos is one of my fav restaurents
i thought you might have seen a ghost there :)
where's the scary part?
what's scary? MAybe DISAPPOINTING!
Nice rant...
Look dear you could have told the story in a single paragraph as well. Your writing is excellent save for lack of brevity.