Says it all about the British police.........
Murderer absconds on shopping trip
Detectives are hunting a convicted murderer who absconded while out on an escorted shopping trip.
Patricia Gillette, a convicted murderer who police are seeking after she absconded on an escorted shopping trip
Detectives are hunting a convicted murderer who absconded while out on an escorted shopping trip.
Patricia Gillette, 41, escaped at around 3pm on Friday while visiting shops in West Wickham High Street, near Bromley, south east London.
Gillette, of Streatham, south London, was being held at the nearby Bethlem Royal Hospital.
In 2007 she was convicted at the Old Bailey of murdering Mark Murphy, 38, at his home in Streatham in August 2006 and detained indefinitely under a hospital order.
Detective Sergeant Gary Gornell, of Bromley CID, said: "This individual is dangerous and we need to apprehend her as soon as possible. If anyone sees her, please don't approach her, but call police immediately."
Gillette is described as black, between 5ft 3in and 5ft 8in, of large build, with moles under both eyes, a scar on the left side of her neck and another scar on her left ear. She wears her hair in a small ponytail on top of her head.
When last seen she was wearing a red hooded coat, a blue denim shirt, black jogging bottoms and black shoes.
A Metropolitan Police spokesman said officers had been advised that Gillette is overweight, weighing approximately 25 stone, and is 5ft 5in.
She is also said to have friends in the Streatham and Lambeth areas of south London.
Was she given pocket money as well??
At 25 stone it can't have been much of a chase
She has already been captured..
on the outing. So it's does not "say it all about the British Police".
these shopping trips etc. are designed to help rehabilitate people and allow them to try to connect to the real world. There must be hundreds of similar trips made with no problems but as soon as someone made a mistake everybody is branded an idiot by people who have no idea of compassion or rehabilitation. I bet that this woman will be recaptured without having caused any further problems. She would not have been allowed out if anyone considered her a grave security risk whatever she did in the past while suffering a mental illness. Try thinking rather than reacting! It's good for the soul.
Mental Hospital or Prison- she should not have been let out for shopping!
And Snessy you are right, the time the idiots have to serve is so cushy that they dont mind having to go to prison and thats why so many are repeat offenders!!!!
From what I ubnderstand , she was convicted of murder in 2007 and "detained indefinitely under a hospital order.".
This usually means a mental health issue. I doubt whether it would be the police who would accompany her on her outings..
It's unbelieveable! Why on earth was she allowed out to go shopping?? I understand if she had been chaperoned to visit a sick relative in hospital or go to a funeral, but shopping?? No wonder young people think it's "cool" to go to prison! Life of Riley, springs to mind!!!!
*****If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*****
shopping or the prosecutors?
Political correctness gone mad in my opinion.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
She was being held at Bethlem Royal Hospital for some reason.
If she was rated as a dodgy criminal, the police should not have permitted her on a shopping trip in the first place. Looks like there was a flaw in the security measures put in place and the police is squarely responsible for it.
This is what happens when the neo pinko liberals get into our justice system :O(
The good news is that the silly bint has been recaptured.
Is this an early April fool? If you take a walk down Poole High Street, everyone looks like that, although 25 stone would be on the light side.
On a serious note, she killed someone and his family do not deserve this to happen to them.
Did anyone see the news article about the man who came out of the court after the man who molested his daughter was fined £15? The Police had slapped a £60 parking ticket on his car. They are delightful, I miss them so much.
Why the hell was she allowed on a shopping trip????? The cope have no one else to blame but them selfs if she murders again!!!