Saudi-Indian love story plays out on YouTube
Heart warming - but I was saddened by the poo poo brigade who suggested that she used magic to snare him :O(
A Saudi man who fell in love with an Indian girl finally fulfilled his dream and married her. He was so happy that he insisted on publishing his wedding so it will be seen by all – on YouTube.
Saudi newspapers published the film showing the gala wedding of Abdullah and Safia, who were joined by their relatives and hundreds of other guests.
The newspapers said the wedding crowned a long-standing love story, but did not make clear where it was held.
While it is not unknown for citizens from GCC countries, including Saudi Arabia, to marry women from non-GCC countries, this wedding has created some controversy.
Readers of the story in the Arabic press and online were divided about the issue of GCC nationals marrying outside their culture.
Some have even cast aspersions on the woman - suggesting a magic spell has been used for the man to fall in love with her.
so who gave the dowry?
Kareena is right. They say that because the girl is Indian.
What I meant was that the foreign men who marry Saudi women are regarded as second class ..
Brit, as far as I am aware, the children of Sausi women married to foreign men aren't treated as second class citizens, because they aren't citizens at all.
Saudi men who marry foreigners have Saudi children. Saudi women who marry foreign men don't have Saudi children; their children take the nationality of their father.
If I am wrong,mean someone please check?
I hope the marriage lasts.
I agree with brit
One day I was watching a Saudi Program on MBC1
They hosted a Saudi woman who was married to a foreigner man (I am not sure if he was from Sudan or Egypt), and she complained that her Kids is being treated like a second class citizens, and are not getting all the Saudi rights cause they can't get their mother's nationality.
I note they also have the same problem in Qatar but the Qatar government is looking to change this. A good thing too for the sake of the kids.
Saudi women are allowed to marry foreigners. The problem is the issue of the rights of the offspring. The government is bringing in legislation to correct this - However, many who marry Saudi women are regarded as second class citizens...
Sulie it shouldn't really be anything to celebrate people getting married all the time all over the world! It's funny this is even a story at all.
fubar ,, No, I think because the Kids will hold their father's family name.
Rip Cord ,, Lols
Let us celebrate this, we can't make it any harder
I wonder why it is more cultural,y acceptable for a Saudi man to marry a foreigner than a Saudi woman to marry a foreigner.
Is it because Saudi women can't be trusted to make the right decision about who to marry?
Or you could make it even worse for the cultralphobes. An Indian hindu man marrying a Saudi woman for love...
I guess all those in favor of this marriage would be happy for an indian man to marry a Saudi woman then?
Or is that "different"?
No need to - read more ...
Love has no nationality :O)
So now I can marry my VDVDADASDSADASxian GF :O)
Good luck for them
we bring in killings on somebody's wedding day ?
Killing a human being amounts to killing the whole universe ...
Thinking is possible even at zero credit ..... LOL.
u think , so who cares u can think anything
I think if an Indian and a Qatari/saudi woman fell in love and wanted to marry, the relatives would probably be looking to kill him....
the best to new couple .... !!!
True dat Ripcord
But I'm sure the Indian drivers say why buy the cow when you get the milk for free :-)
.. that would be breaking news.......and maybe live on Al Jazeera too
Yes Mr Turbo, it's not funny when it means the death sentence for you.
What I would like to see is an Indian man marrying a Qatari or saudi woman, then that would be something different.
For once I thought he had got lucky and married the current Miss America of Indian descent. As for talking about the culture I suppose the Indian lady has a much better and forward looking culture going back thousands of years
crazy thinking..nothing wrong in marrying an indian girl or any country girl...people should change their mindset..until and unless you got married as per islamic law that is important :)
Yeah Ripcord
It would be funny, apart from the fact that they Execute poor expat workers every year for witchcraft :-0
Remember when Qatar had a ban on Nigerian maids as they were scared they were doing black magic hahaha
Waiting for the "Find you Love" adverts from a Indian Babu.. long time, did not see his adverts. :))
Ha ha witchcraft, does the airport in Riydah have a sign that says;
'Welcome to Saudi Arabia, where it is always 1215 AD!'
No Brit
They do mean literally!
I have had Qatari friends & people on here warn me to never give my Mum's maiden name to any Moroccan girls or the like or they will cast a love spell on me!
They truly believe it!
As for the couple congratulations!
And as for all the naysayers its said to see blatant racism at work! Just because the girl is Indian doesn't mean she is any less worthy of being his bride.
Its his life & his decision not theirs! If they really cared for him they would be happy he's happy & not be so bloody selfish!
Everthing should be taken literally...
They mean what they say.. Search for magic and witchcraft in Saudi Arabia..
Witchcraft arrests in Saudi Arabia on the riseSaudi Arabia's religious police department has an Anti-Witchcraft Unit to combat sorcery. Arrests are on the rise and the penalty… Backed by new marching orders, Saudi Arabia's religious police are arresting more people — usually poor foreign women working as housemaids — on charges of witchcraft. It's no joke for the accused, either: The penalty can be as severe as execution.
Yupp exactly.. Sometimes it is the magic of love and sometimes it is the magic of actions and sometimes it is the magic of implants. :))
It does not mean literally..
You could have cast a magic spell over your husband when he met you .. Just as my Cuban Shotputter did with me.. :o)
K74, which spells did you read? :)) Ohh honey will you marry me or something different?
and some people still believe in magic spells??? Gosh grow up guys..
I wish them all the best. The GCC needs to widen it's genetic pool especially Qatar, so marrying outside of the region is a good idea.
Yes! our match was made in heaven .. the problem was the visa :O(
i saw the video and was i saw there is only relative from the indian lady even no one picture of one brother of the saudi guy or his father....sure they are against it\!
Aren't they going to dismember the guy alive?
:D im kidding.. Congratulations to the newly weds!
My congratulations to the new pair !
hmm hmm hmm hmm Good they got married... but bad on the magic thing
ROFL Brite Hope your Ex-lover Cuban Shotputter has not spelled any magic on you as you mention in most of the threads LOLS.......................:)