Saudi Arabia Cuts Ties With Iran

BAGHDAD — SaudiArabia cut diplomatic ties with Iran on Sunday and gave Iranian diplomats 48 hours to leave the kingdom, marking a swift escalation in a strategic and sectarian rivalry that underpins conflicts across the Middle East.
- The surprise move, announced in a news conference by Adel al-Jubeir, the Saudi foreign minister, followed harsh criticism by Iranian leaders of the Saudis’ execution of an outspoken Shiite cleric, and the storming of the Saudi Embassy in Tehran by protesters in response.
The cutting of diplomatic ties came at a time when the United States and others had hoped that even limited cooperation between the two powers could help end the crushing civil wars in Syria and Yemen while easing tensions in Iraq, Bahrain, Lebanon and elsewhere.
Instead, analysts feared it would increase sectarian divisions and investment in proxy wars. “This is a very disturbing escalation,” said Michael Stephens, an analyst at the Royal United Services Institute, a research center based in London. “It has enormous consequences for the people of the region, and the tensions between the two sides are going to mean that instability across the region will continue.”
Bad start to the new year. Let's hope that common sense prevails and things don't escalate...
well said Khan...
Hope for a positive outcome ..........................
Dear Mr.khan.well said.fact.
All Mankind have a common origin..a same father and same mother. If people realize this people will love each other never fight each other.
Do you know that the same person and his wife is mentioned in Holy books of Hindus, Muslims, Jews and Christians. Here its is …
He is called Brahma by Hindus, Muslims call him iBrahim, Jews and Christians call him aBraham . His wife is called SARA by Muslims, Christians and Jews and interestingly SARAswati by Hindus .
You can see these two words Brahm & SARA repeating in all of them.
Allah is not the God of Muslims only but Allah is the God of all people whether they are Hindus, Muslims, Jews and Christians. Monotheism is present in all their Holy scriptures.
We never existed before 100 years nor will exist after 100 years. If you consider that you sleep 8 hours a day, it is one third of the day and calculation for the whole life it will be one third of a person’s age. Hence there is no time to waste time in vain talks and disputes. Help the poor and do good to your parents and be thankful to God, He gave you free, the air you breathe, the water you drink, fruits and vegetables, most importantly your Life for free. Our life is a continuous exam until we meet God and it is when he will question you for your time, youth , money , actions etc . People reject God but can they escape Death? . Don’t forget you are nearing your death every second.
While I have pointed out the very sad part that Muslims are killing Muslims, very few take the time to ponder over the game behind all that is taking place. The war between Muslims results in the killing of each other, reduction in their population, destruction of their infrastructure, a push-back on their economy, a drain on their reserves let alone the breading of hatred. Who gains from this? It is the powers who want to sell their guns and grenades, bombs and bullets, mortars and missiles. The income from such sales oils the war machinery of these super powers and strengthens their economy. Just take the Iraq-Iran war for example. The world powers sold billions of dollars worth of weapons to both countries. With demand so high, even smaller countries such as Yugoslavia, Spain and Portugal entered the market to sell their stuff. That war itself cost both the countries an estimate of 500 billion dollars. There was an estimated loss of 200,000 lives on both side – all Muslims. Had this money been used for constructive purposes, it would have changed the destiny of poor Muslim countries. Then when a war comes to an end, it is these very same world powers and developed nations who take over the role of reconstruction and churn out money from big projects bringing in their manpower and material. They earn both ways.
The need of the hour is peace, which hardly anybody talks of. No concerted effort has been made in this direction even by the United Nations to bring the Houthis and Gulf nations to the table for talks. It is now for both sides to look into ways of finding a solution to this burning issue of how to stop this war and think on lines of peace. Countries such as Pakistan which has good relations with both Iran and the Gulf countries should play a prominent role in bringing both sides to the peace table. Otherwise, the internal divisions among Muslims would just allow non-state actors the opportunity to carry out with the dirty agenda, and that is clearly visible.
Prophet has forbidden a war between Muslims.
Even carrying a weapon against another Muslim is Forbidden in Islam.
Fighting between Muslims is not Jihad. It is cowardice and an act due to Ignorance.
I remind all of you to a saying of our Prophet with warning that both the Killer Muslim and Killed Muslim will both be in hell for fighting each other with weapons.
(Ref: Bukhari - Volume 9, Book 88, Number 204)
Abu Bakra Narrates: I heard Allah's Messenger (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) saying, "If two Muslims meet each other with their weapons then the killer and the killed are are both bound for the (Hell) Fire." I said, "O Allah's Messenger (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) It is alright for the killer, but what about the killed one?" Prophet said, “Because the killed one intended to kill just as much as the killer."” [Bukhari & Muslim]
But Please we need to stop the fight among Brothers.
War is not the option...
All are Brothers ...whether Irani, Saudi, Yemeni, Qatari, Bahraini,
Please donot kill .
What happens is civillians are injured and even those who donot want to fight against the coalition begins to fight because their family members have been killed by coalition in accident.
Fear Allah...
Nobody have right to kill his Muslim Brother..
Whether he is Shia or Sunni..
He is your bother ...His Prophet is Muhammed and his God is Allah.
Scholars from Sunni and Shia should meet to find a solution...
By Allah, This war will bring disaster only...nothing Good.
to protect Al-Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest site in Islam and save our Palestinian bothers life. Our bother's are being killed like dogs in the street and nobody to care for them. I cry ....Help my his life...Nobody is interested. The Saudi Arabia is not taking any interest in saving the lives of Palestine. The Saudi-led coalition should be sent to Palestine to protect Islam's holy mosque from destruction and protect the lives of our Muslim brothers and sisters.
Saudi has become the puppett of America and they attack brother Yemen while they have no concern to fight Israel and support the dying Palestine. Of course if they continue like will be not for long.
Both sides need to step back. It could put the ME in further turmoil
...... ....... Anybody ...... gets up every morning and have clean thoughts ........ then you will not find fault with anyone ...... .................
Saudi Arabia has given Iranian diplomats two days to leave the country, amid a row over the Saudi execution of a top Shia Muslim cleric. (BBC). You see, they act like stupid children!
.............. provided people are optimistic ................
I am convinced that neither the Saudis nor the Iranians have what you call "common sense", brit.
Let's hope that things cool down soon ...... provided media remains responsible ................