Satelite Connection
Am using a C band dish with one LNP output which is connected to a 4way splitor. Recently I allowed my neighbour an accecess to the satelite through one of the splitor output. Now the problem is, whenever my neighbour turn off his receiver switch, my connection is lost. I have to wait until when he turn on his receiver switch to get back my connection. Its pretty irritating as this maybe happening in the middle of a good programme or a movie. When i asked abt this in one of the leading shop, they adviced me to change the receiver capasity from "Standard to High". I aslo reduced the length of my cable. But the problem still remains as it is....
What could be the actual prob? How can i get rid of this crisis? Do I have to disconnect my neighbours access?
Anyone could help me? If so, plz call me on
59 61 448/44 44 618
Prasad M. Jose
Mate, you asked for a solution and you got what you wanted. Now if you like, you may still keep analyzing the existing setup and break your head over it.
2300 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
Howcome? I was using the dish without anyproblem until I allowed him to share the dish. Both of us are connected to one splitter which has 4 outputs. The problem is only for me. He's not afftected in anyway.
The problem looks like you're in series with your neighbor.. he is the one connected directly to the dish, and you are connected to his receiver somehow..
Rayyz has the right solution.. you need to split your signal coming from your dish..
Yes exactly.... that's what actually happening. I have to wait until he turn on his switches to get back my signals....
Till then its shown on my TV that "Searching for Signal"
Any remedy?
You need to remove the splitter and get a LNB with a 4 output ports. It might cost you somewhere in the region of Qrs. 300, I think. Much expensive than the single port LNB.
Then all the receivers will connect directly into each of LNB's output port instead of the dish. I am surprised that the technician who installed this setup for you didn't suggest you to go for an LNB with 4 outputs.
2300 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
are you saying that your neighbor has his own receiver and he is just using your dish? and when your reception goes out, does it comes back again or does your neighbor has to turn back on whatever he is turning off?
Share the Dish; not the receiver .I have shared my C band Dish with five neighbor without any problem.
Ohhhhh............. Sorry........... its not the receiver. The cable is direct from the LNP to a 4 way splitor and my neighbour is using one of the output from the splitor.
What could be the actual prob?
tell your neighbor to buy his own receiver.. that will solve your problem.. :D
Get a wire cutter, then find your neighbors cable, and clip it off!!! that way you can watch your programs without any interuptions ;) Enjoy!
Why don't you route the connection directly from the LNB placed on the dish instead of doing it through your receiver? That should solve the problem.
Its a little hard for me to imagine the kind of setup you have. As far as I know all receivers have just one video output port. How could you have multiple outputs from one receiver and then input it into another receiver!!! From my experience, any input into a receiver is generally directly from the LNB and nowhere else.
Anyhow, your receiver being a primary receiver, whatever he does to his TV or receiver shouldn't make much difference to you anyway.
2300 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!