Salvery only in the ME and Asian countries?

Twenty-four modern day slaves were released from bondage on Sunday after a pre-dawn police raid found them emaciated and hungry and living in "filthy and cramped" conditions on a caravan site in Leighton Buzzard.
The men – Poles, Romanians and Russians as well as British – had been forced to survive in a "state of virtual slavery" at the Greenacre caravan site, according to Bedfordshire police.
The men varied in age from about 20 to 50 years old; all vulnerable men who had been recruited from homeless shelters and dole queues. Some are believed to have been in virtual captivity for up to 15 years.
"What happens in reality – they are used and abused by their own – not by UK citizens."That might be true. Some UK citizens only abuse QL members!
An update. Some are saying the police overreacted.
good point's like the Indian corner shop owners employing their illegal immigrant family members @ FAR less than the prescribed hourly pay scale...or nothing at all,a roof,a bed & 3 square meals probably...having said that though,the UK govt. needs to do a SERIOUS rethink on this "asylum seeker" issue...before it bites the country in the behind...
This happened on UK soil - so off course it is our 'problem allegedly’. What you have to think about is this - they were probably illegal immigrants - they were offered a 'good life' by their own people that knew the loopholes. We have a massive problem in the UK in that people who are seen as ‘Asylum Seekers’ get refuge. Some people ‘use that law’. What happens in reality – they are used and abused by their own – not by UK citizens.
Stealth, in Europe one of the problems those people face are their own compatriots...more often than not , it is they who prey on those people and abuse them. Has happened many times...until the authorities got wind of it and put those criminals away. Sadly, there are a lot of them around still ,who have not yet been caught.
couldnt his be just a tip of the iceberg?With so much of illegal migration to the UK, this is a real possibility. Similar is the case of the Mexicans in US.
I just love how quick people are to point out one case in the UK which is made public (been watching it on Sky News over the day), where suspects are already under arrest, questioning being done, evidence being gathered, victims being taken care of and support being shown by the population.
Just like it happens when people are abused in Qatar - NOT!!!
hope it is a one-off. but this had been going on for 15 years.
timebandit,I am merely pointing out the hypocrisy of some posters on this thread.
2012 how old are you?
"I bow out as someone talks nothing but pure nonsense"--jjj75Finally a well intentioned and honest statement.
DN - exactly, had enough of this. I bow out as someone talks nothing but pure nonsense
More insults from jjj75. As the saying goes "insults are the last resort of someone who has lost the debate." LOL.Knowing a serious crime has been committed and not reporting it is illegal in the state of Qatar. Enslavement is a serious crime. According to you, you "know personally and through friends of quite a few people who have maids/nannies which would fit this description of their treatmtn". Very simple.QL rules 5 says "Don’t post anything that could be perceived as illegal or offensive".
2012 - do you actually have a brain? you have mis-quoted something I wrote and you are not understanding the community guidelines properly - when you have come to your senses,feel free to comment, otherwise as the saying goes
"Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt"?
So you all are knowingly not reporting a crime or encouraging, which is illegal, or telling someone not to report knowledge of the crime, also illegal. This violates the rules of QL. Community guidline 5 includes"Don’t post anything that could be perceived as illegal or offensive"
Sad how a thread about abuses in UK are turned around by hypocrites into another Qatar bashing thread. So typical.
@ jjj75,in this country & this part of the world where human rights ESPECIALLY of those from the less fortunate sections of society are upheld SO highly,how dare you not go to the authorities concerned for immeadiate,prompt action against the guilty???...
Yes. Go to the mods to complain about my posts on this thread. Nothing I have written violates the rules. Let them then see all of YOUR insults to me and Qatar.Go ahead with your West is best snobbery. It is very amusing to me.
Where have I misquoted you? LOL. I just interpreted what you wrote, which is: you associate with people who enslave others. You just don't like how it sounds and you disagree so you give bullying insults and threats. I would no hesitate to contact the authorities if I knew of such abuses you discuss. They will take action. To say "Unfortunately contacting the authorities does nothing here" is an insult to Qatar.
No - but maybe 2012 lack such self awareness that it has to be pointed out to him!!!
No - but maybe 2012 lack such self awareness that it has to be pointed out to him!!!
@ jjj75, erm "you just look silly" you said...are we in any doubt about that here?! :)...
2012 - if you must know, I have remonstrated with the employers - told them what they do is illegal, I have also spoken to the maids and explained to them their rights, I have also tried to find them alternative employment, given them my number. Unfortunately contacting the authorities does nothing here - which is part of the problem/wider issue.
2012 - word of warning -if you insist on mis-quoting me on a matter such as this, I will contact the moderators, as what you accuse me of is very serious and I take it personally
And this is what I wrote:"You know of this happening and yet you do nothing. How "silly" is that? Not silly, but very very sad."What have you done besides whiining on QL and giving the usual Western superiority garbage? Obviously nothing.
2012 - just for clarity and so you don't look silly by mis-quoting me, this is what I wrote:
AND 2012 I know personally and through friends of quite a few people who have maids/nannies which would fit this description of their treatmtn!
I have even included my typo so you know it is a genuine quote - and how do you know I have not done anything???
You know of this happening and yet you do nothing. How "silly" is that? Not silly, but very very sad.
2012 - says nothing about me, read what I wrote correctly, I said I know people, I never said they were my friends, I also said friends also knew people who failed to pay properly or at all, locked their maids in when they went out, took their passports off them and failed to let them have any time off.
I suggest that before responding to comments, you read what is written by the other person, otherwise you just look silly.
gadarene, It is better that such people are given shelter and food for their labor than left to die homeless with nothing. I myself always pay my employees according to the contract and I would rebuke any friend who does not. Unlike jjj75 who says she has many friends and associates who are illegal to their maids and does nothing.
So your friends keep slaves jjj75? What does this say about you? I know of none that keep slaves.
@ 2012,maids are human beings too,a small point you seem to have waking up @ the crack of dawn,working non-stop till midnight or after, having to deal with abuse,beatings & sexual assault is ALL ok because hey,THEY GET PAID! right?! & if not,they get "food & clothing"...!!! you are some piece of work, it has to be said...
2012 - even slaves in roman times were clothed and fed but guess what, they were still slaves and called as such.
please see definition from Wikipedia
Slavery is a system under which people are treated as property and are forced to work.[1] Slaves can be held against their will from the time of their capture, purchase or birth, and deprived of the right to leave, to refuse to work, or to demand compensation. Conditions that can be considered slavery include debt bondage, indentured servitude, serfdom, domestic servants kept in captivity, adoption in which children are effectively forced to work as slaves, child soldiers, and forced marriage.[2]
What strikes you about this - forced to work, deprived of their right to leave (ie passports taken off them), failure to pay them properly or at all. Conditions that can be considered slavery include ...domestic servants.
AND 2012 I know personally and through friends of quite a few people who have maids/nannies which would fit this description of their treatmtn! So I would not consider it a tiny minority
Agree "Insults are the last resort of someone who has lost the debate" and add "or who doesnt know how to debate"....:).
Death-note,Insults are the last resort of someone who has lost the debate. jjj75,This is a tiny tiny minority. And these peopel are paid also in food and clothing.
2012 - your posts always make me laugh - you hit the nail on the head when you said paying maids helps them support their families - I think that is the optimum word - paying maids. unfortunately a lot don't get paid and that falls under the headline of slavery
Khalid 32 - I think you are naive in the extreme
This is not slavery nor is it for maids in ME. This is putting the poor to good use. In the ME paying maids allows them to support their families. This like charity.
It's ONE thing to have an isolated incident like this,it's a whole OTHER when it is a mass-scale,government sanctioned prison sentence...only someone blissfully unaware of world realities would even THINK of comparing a one-off incident like this to the inhumane conditions that are prevalant ALL THROUGHOUT the GCC...
@ khalid32 how do you call the law that bounds someone to his sponsor and forbids him/her to get another job if he/she finds better?
And in this case the government approves it!
I can see three camps from my house were hundreds of men are living in filthy, cramped conditions making next to nothing (if they are being paid at all) and working ridiculous long hours. These men were recruited from poor villages & cities where they were living poverty stricken lives (therefore classified as vulnerable) and they aren't allowed to see their families for years at a time.So while no one said modern day slavery doesn't happen elsewhere it is certainly much more prevalent and out in the open here in the ME & other parts of Asia.
And in this case it is sanctioned by the government!!
sorry to say, here the sponsorship rule is also coming under modern slavery!!!!
Brit is correct this is an extreme exception and not the rule. The evil perpetrators WILL be brought to justice, and I am sure the victims will receive compensation/rehabilitation. Tragic though this is, so far I have read nothing about them having nails driven into them, stabbed, burned or beaten to death.
Shocking! They prayed on the weak and destitute. This is an exception , not the rule. Hopefully the criminals will be prosecuted and brought to justice. i hope the victims can claim against the estate.
I must be living in a world other than yours. where do we have slaves in the Middle East? maybe low salaries for some labours but not salvery that would make such a story. and them acts are not common over here buy the way.
I must be living in a world other than yours. where do we have slaves in the Middle East? maybe low salaries for some labours but not salvery that would make such a story. and them acts are not common over here buy the way.
In some form or the other. Anyone who believes that anyone place is completely free of all oppressions and crimes against humanity is indeed naive and/or in denial.That said we must hand it to countries that actually put to practice stricter laws that ensure such attrocities are commited rarely as opposed to those lands that rightfully should be free of such crimes but are not due to them not penalizing the wrongdoers more often.Such cases as mentioned in the op are thankfully less heard of in UK but are heartbreakingly common over here in the ME, even in the lands that claim to follow the Sharia, which in my eyes makes it all the more criminal, Allahu Must'aan!