What Ratan Tata did for the 26/11 victims. The following is really touching... worth reading.
Ratan Tata is the chairman of Indian Hotels who own the Taj Mahal Hotel Mumbai, which was the target of the terrorists on 26/11/08. Hotel President a 5 star property also belongs to Indian Hotels.
A. The Tata Gesture
1. All category of employees including those who had completed even 1 day as casuals were treated on duty during the time the hotel was closed.
2. Relief and assistance to all those who were injured and killed
3. The relief and assistance was extended to all those who died at the railway station, surroundings including the “Pav- Bhaji” vendor and the pan shop owners.
4. During the time the hotel was closed, the salaries were sent by money order.
5. A psychiatric cell was established in collaboration with Tata Institute of Social Sciences to counsel those who needed such help.
6. The thoughts and anxieties going on people’s mind was constantly tracked and where needed psychological help provided.
7. Employee outreach centers were opened where all help, food, water, sanitation, first aid and counseling was provided. 1600 employees were covered by this facility.
8. Every employee was assigned to one mentor and it was that person’s responsibility to act as a “single window” clearance for any help that the person required.
9. Ratan Tata personally visited the families of all the 80 employees who in some manner – either through injury or getting killed – were affected.
10. The dependents of the employees were flown from outside Mumbai to Mumbai and taken care off in terms of ensuring mental assurance and peace. They were all accommodated in Hotel President for 3 weeks.
11. Ratan Tata himself asked the families and dependents – as to what they wanted him to do.
12. In a record time of 20 days, a new trust was created by the Tatas for the purpose of relief of employees.
13. What is unique is that even the other people, the railway employees, the police staff, the pedestrians who had nothing to do with Tatas were covered by compensation. Each one of them was provided subsistence allowance of Rs. 10K per month for all these people for 6 months.
14. A 4 year old granddaughter of a vendor got 4 bullets in her and only one was removed in the Government hospital. She was taken to Bombay hospital and several lacs were spent by the Tatas on her to fully recover her.
15. New hand carts were provided to several vendors who lost their carts.
16. Tata will take responsibility of life education of 46 children of the victims of the terror.
17. This was the most trying period in the life of the organization. Senior managers including Ratan Tata were visiting funeral to funeral over the 3 days that were most horrible.
18. The settlement for every deceased member ranged from Rs. 36 to 85 lacs [One lakh rupees tranlates to approx 2200 US $ ] in addition to the following benefits:
a. Full last salary for life for the family and dependents;
b. Complete responsibility of education of children and dependents – anywhere in the world.
c. Full Medical facility for the whole family and dependents for rest of their life.
d. All loans and advances were waived off – irrespective of the amount.
e. Counselor for life for each person
B. Epilogue
1. How was such passion created among the employees? How and why did they behave the way they did?
2. The organization is clear that it is not something that someone can take credit for. It is not some training and development that created such behaviour. If someone suggests that – everyone laughs
3. It has to do with the DNA of the organization, with the way Tata culture exists and above all with the situation that prevailed that time. The organization has always been telling that customers and guests are #1 priority
4. The hotel business was started by Jamshedji Tata when he was insulted in one of the British hotels and not allowed to stay there.
5. He created several institutions which later became icons of progress, culture and modernity. IISc is one such institute. He was told by the rulers that time that he can acquire land for IISc to the extent he could fence the same. He could afford fencing only 400 acres.
6. When the HR function hesitatingly made a very rich proposal to Ratan – he said – do you think we are doing enough?
7. The whole approach was that the organization would spend several hundred crore in re-building the property – why not spend equally on the employees who gave their life?
Colt - every1 knows Ratan is a faggot and you too. I bet you guys discussed all these on bed ;-)
magnanimity shown by the leader...hope the same is there in his successor too, which he is looking for..
lemme rephrase that... "Most" women ;-)
the problem with women abiding to that song is, when they start to look in the mirror, out comes the make-up kit etc. and then whole purpose of looking in the mirror is defeated ;-))
I wish I was one of them boondock saints ;-)
Yes Tinkerbell, but like MJ sang "I'm starting with the (wo)man in the mirror", let's hope more people do...
Colt, I knew you were a saint ;-)
I'm one of the few :-P
I really enjoyed reading this, thank you for sharing. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. If only there were more people like him in the world... :-)
Lol Colt, plenty of threads out there fit for hijack. I would spare this one :-)
we're done talking about Rats now, he's a good man and doing good work, GOD BLESS HIM!
Now let's continue with what we were saying ;-)
check your PM :-P
Nah colt, water too hot :-)
OK now don't hijack this good thread :-))
for you sleepiness take yourself to the bathroom, open the faucet and splash some running water onto your face.
Let me know how you feel after that ;-))
Caution to Colt , do not hijack own threads :P
Me fine Colt, still sleepy though :-)
Now that's an open question, do you want me to tell you all that I am when it comes to you... jujubee :-P
Wut up? ;-)
I'm not materialistic when it comes to you :-P
People get very materialistic in today's world. I was taught a very valuable lesson by my dad, who said to me, "Don't run after money, let money run after you." I am happy where I am right now, although i could do with that raise that is long overdue ;-)
Another one suspecting Tinker :-DDD
Terrific job done if the story is any close to reality. Hats off.
but definitely Bill Gates...there are very few people with Good Heart/intentions left on this planet.
Things are to be used and people are to be loved.
The problem in today's world is that people are used while things are Loved. Too much consumerism and materialism persist. This is the world we are living in.
I believe you Tinker, what was your previous ID?
Thank God Michael Jackson is no more, or because of all his generosity, you would be nominating him candidate for US presidential elections too ;-))
lol tinker , will check google now :P
for the link, so victory can peruse.
Here's one for you... muaaahhhh!!!! ;-)
Thanks Tinker.....
u sound like an old QLer, is it, are u at QL with new ID?
If thats the case then Ratan Tata should be the NEXT PM of India; I will be the First to vote him!
We need good politicians with good heart and intentions.
ur great Ramdan Kareem :P Rizks abhey ^%*%*^%*(% asthafur .....
i 2nd Eco-Savvy's comments !
Disgusting comments by disgusting people.
Excluding ME.
Plz stick ur fingers and butts to the topic plz.
Hijacking is Forbidden here.....:)
Respect is just a distance dream
Naaa rey colt, i didn't intend to hijack ur thread...urs was already hijacked...:))
Coconut Tree in Qatar ? :(
abe u mallu ullu, were did u see a coco tree here man ?
Dont tell me in Lulu.....:(
wk yea last nite i had 5 litr water , Rizks coconut tree u idiot :))
You pee like a damn horse :-))
To each his own eh?
lol Pajju so on which tree did u pee ? :)
Thanks Tinkery for giving me too (dont know wat ? :(...)
You pee too much :(
just went to pee and 50 new messages .. u guys r really bad :P
Don't hijack this thread with comments from your other thread ;-)
with Tata or Tinker; bit confused.
No doubt, Jamshedji Tata was a noble industrialist and a great man, similar to JRD. The OP flaunts over generiousity/consideration, which is difficult to believe in todays profit motivated corporate commercial culture :)
Rizkybhai How are you, Ramadan kareem! my comments are meant to author of the post.
No Hugs, No Kisses, No Lip to Chin Kiss for Me ? :(
Abbey rizk, you've voted yourself and to ur BELLA...
get a room please.. I suggest the Taj Mahal Hotel, Mumbai...
She doesn't have to take it back. I will give it back with interest ;o)
Don't act like a panzy, or she will take it back :-P
*Flushing Mode*
due to upset Stomach...:(
thanks Soniyo, i hav given my votes there...:)
*Blushing Mode*
I so loved that, enjoyed every bit of it ;-)
Yes tinky, I got your kiss :o)
rizk, did you vote for QL IDOL?? If not, join us there:
Tinky kia aae - sub lulle langde, andhe bahre log chale line maarne...:(
English: Tinkerbell Tinkerbell
By Mittal on his visit to Jamshedpur... beginning to wonder if this is just pure good will or if there is some propoganda machine behind all of this... :-/
The downside is that there is no source besides FB where I picked it up from. But like I said earlier, I have heard a lotta stories about his generosity from my friends about how much he did post 26/11. So I don't doubt all that is written up there.
Victor bhai for God Sake, please use simble English.
I have to check in my dictonary all the time for each words u use in a sentence....:(
Hey tinky wassup honey ;o)
hillu tinker darling, happy Valentines Day to you !! :)
Versi, it was nice to know tat it was nice without me around for you which was not nice at all to Me....:(
Sound extemely generous in terms of People management, CSR and humanatarian consideration.
Above all it is difficult to digest; unless substantiated by a reliable news agency.
It was nice without you around, you really missed it :-p
What Hijack???
This was about saluting Ratan Tata.. We did that and moved on, are we supposed to stand whole day holding the salute :(
such a wonderful topic and creator by himself hijacked the
LMAO Khanan !! oye pathaan, m not talkin abt tat
Cherukkan mone, Happy Onam to u and ur Mallu biradhars....:)
You guys are bad.... LOL
In my school days, i use to travel in TaTa busses, though the buses look like Milk delivery Vans i use to love it !
Tata family and big Tata to you from
Rizks, Welcome back. How are you now? I heard you were sick!
Your translation is amazing man.
Happy Onam to all y'all Mallu's ;-)
No avatar....
i am back from the back door....:)
Howdy? ;-)
saeed is old school ;-))
Did I enter my 3rd standard class again, that was the last time I heard that :(
Colt dont be shy ! :)
i will not Harm
I will come for QAR 1000 :-P
Colt aati kia nau se barah ? :)
English : Colt lets go for a date ?
abbey you all guys, why don't u stick to the BOOTIFUL topic?? lolzzz
That profile is to fool the general public, Pajju knows me ;-)
Kya kare... these nutcases only know ONE thing - hijack!!! :-(
Colt yea and nice Thong too :P
OMG! colt, your such a bootiful thread has taken an ugly turn....:))
I will even wear lipstick and thongs on that day ;-))
Colt ma boss still notyet come :P
saeedkan why dunt u invt us for ur birthday party ? we r not oldies , and Colt is sexy gal :)
Quit hijacking my thread! :-P
Colt lemme check with them their schedule :P Rizks this PM for adults Only :)
Colt Pajju, u reascales wat PM discussion is goin on here ?
Send me also those PM's....:)
Go fly away then ;-P... where is your PM?
lol Colt so am free bird now :P
the eagle has landed ;-)
Colt yea i do :P so mrs is here or not ? :P
PM me! ;-)
lol Colt saale wer wer u ? ask Motivater this weekend he is free or Not ? :P
I know you personally ;-P
Morning Guys , yes Colt i know him personally :P
I say they should grow more people like him eh? ;-)
colt, even my husband has worked in TATA CHEMICALS long back..and he too has told me about his generosity...
I personally know some of the Taj employees and they have narrated to me how humble he is.
Wow...TATA group will really feel the absence of RATAN TATA once his monarchy will be taken over by someone else in a few months timing....
You have really made INDIA proud, Mr.Ratan Tata...Good luck for your future ahead....
Who is this Tata Batata ? :)