
If Qatar owns (or is going to own - haven't kept that up to date with the situation) a big chunk of Sainsburys - do you think Sainsburys will stop selling pork and alcohol?
Or maybe - seeing as they're selling pork and alcohol overseas they'll allow it be sold in supermarkets here - cz what's the difference? If it's haram here it's surely haram elsewhere.....
Ahem....when I say I'll be tucking into something pork like.....I wasn't talking pork sword....merely something less sinister like bacon and parma ham for example....
I don't think they will stop selling pork products in Sainsburys in the UK.....they'd lose customers left right and centre...I'd be boycotted without doubt!...This time tomorrow I'll be tucking into something pork like! wahey!
of taking over Sainsbury, but maybe they will be back in the future. Don't think it will mean selling pork here, which is a bit of a shame for those people it is not haram for and who like it...
yes you're right. However something being Haram and illegal are two different things.
For example, Alocohol is haram for a Muslim no matter where he is. Alcohol is illegal (by law) in some Muslim countries. Some Muslim countries have embedded Sharia Law into the legal system and thus that specific Haram thing is illegal. (some countries like Qatar have not made alcohol illegal)
In Qatar for example, alcohol isn't illegal, but it's Haram. So it's basically saying, 'it's haram, but its up to you if you want to touch or drink it'.
Just thought I'd clarify to avoid confusion :)
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
no. At the end of the day not all muslims think alike. We're not all clones.
@alexa, no pork is haram anywhere, it's 'illegal' in Islamic countries ;)
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.