sad to say

well i love doha and i have been comming here for 13 yrs on holiday,now i live here, lived here for 3 yrs,but i can see a change and i am sorry to say,not a good one.went to the park on thursaday night,nr landmark with my grand children.took them on there scooters and the baby who is neally 3 on her bike, we saw area with bouncy castles and slides,left there toys with a lady that worked there, she said its ok madam,i will look after them for you. came back later,BABYS BICYCLE WAS GONEEEEEEEE,NO ONE SAW WHO TOOK IT,so sad that its come to stealing another childs bike,OK, i no, dont say it my fault, shoudnt have left it, BUT, its sad that some one had to steal it,hope the baby has good time with it (
horrible kids must mean they have horrible parents... well at least it's true in most cases....
Now, I'm off to the lovely lol
Well, we can say that Qatar is being standarized little by little with the rest of the world, which doesnt mean that it is good at the end of the day...
War looking for peace,
is like fornication looking for virginity.
an experience like this in Rumaillah Park my son's cap was stolen also since it was GAP . I agree with supernurse kids are horrible
Yes I did!!! He didn't understand though and to be quite honest I couldn't care if he did!!
yeah, Ha-ha! i like the fighting aura! lol.
but did u actually say "effin"? hA-HA!
I took my daughter to the park behind Aspire last Friday....It was like the bloody zoo! One kid hit my daughter in the face...imagine his suprise when I rushed up to him and told him if he did that again to my daughter I would knock his effin head off! Horrible kids.....
Ya thats too bad that this happened. We always want to trust people but it is becoming more and more difficult. It happens everywhere. I live in vancouver, we are supposed to be a civilized country here too and you know I have seen in the news 3 time in one year that people had their motorized wheel chairs stolen, one guy that could not defend himself was beat and stabbed before his chair was taken. What is this world coming to. Not to upset you countrylady but count your blessing that it wasn't the child that was stolen! child theft has been on the rise especially in some asian countries and especially if your child is a girl. so take good care when out in crowded public places, no matter the place you are.
I am always excited to go to sleep! In anticipation of the new experience I will find awaiting me.
do not take the matter in a religious way. it will make conflict between you and others. we are here for qatar living members. take it in a positive way
understand that you are blaming 'Muslims' and calling them as thieves?
Please correct me if I am wrong !!!
sad news...
ukengqatar is that people need to steal, i no its only a kids bike, we can get her a new one.
thats Sad..for god sake it is Kids bike..
Oh, oh.
Why should you, drac? You can fly, can't you?
Sad to hear, countrylady. But Qatar has become very "unislamic" lately. They should introduce Qur'an tests on people planning to come here. Then these things would not happen.