SA - Occult killers who deal in flesh..

Scary... and strange that it still goes on..
Villagers in fear of occult killers who deal in flesh Ramita Navai in Johannesburg
The man who hacked off nine-year-old Fortune Khumalo's genitals struck as the youngster relieved himself in bushes. Using a machete, the attacker sliced off Fortune's penis and testicles, to sell the body parts to the lucrative traditional medicine - muti- market.
Fortune had become a victim of a crime of the occult that has rocketed in recent years to supply a booming trade in human body parts. He survived the attack but most victims do not and the Government estimates that there could be more than 300 muti murders a year. “The killings are driven by greed,” said Thomas Khumalo, Fortune's father. “People believe using human body parts in medicine can make them rich.”
Fortune's assailant was caught with the genitals wrapped in a towel in his pocket. He planned to sell them to a traditional healer in Johannesburg, where body parts are worth up to £250, and a human head can go for as much as £500.
Fortune is now in constant pain because his family cannot afford the reconstructive surgery he needs.
According to Special Superintendent Gerard Labuschagne, an expert on ritual killings, rogue traditional healers, known as sangomas, are behind the muti murders, prescribing body parts to patients and then hiring men to carry out the killings. Belief in the power of sangomas runs deep and many black South Africans visit them for anything from health matters to spiritual guidance.
Human genitals are the most prized parts and can be used to attract wealth and increase fertility. Children's body parts are believed to be the most potent. They are cooked and ground down, to be used with herbs and other ingredients. Sometimes parts are used whole - it is believed that if a human arm is waved around each morning in commercial premises it will draw customers.
Most muti murders have been concentrated in the poor rural province of Limpopo, in the north of the country, but recently the phenomenon has been spreading. In the town of Bizana, in Eastern Cape province, 18 people were murdered by a muti gang in nine months. Police arrested 14 men, but locals believe the sangomas behind the attacks were never caught. Vigilante groups now patrol the area at night.
The Times
Sorry yes I am speaking to Selward.
ringohiccups or selwardman4? I'm assuming selward because she is the only one who's made such an unintelligent comment as that.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Your comment is totally uncalled for and disgusting. I think the dumb one is you. How can you say such a thing?
well if you are so smart like you are claiming to be , you would not have used such a statement as you did, il refresh your memory YOU SAID and i quote,;;black people can be so dumb; thats whats you said, and it doesnt take a rocket scientist to know that statement is very prejudized. Anyway do not generalize ok. not all black people are criminal minded. Nelson mandela is black ,right?, does that mean he is going to come steal all your families wealth, and kill all your white neigbours ?????? there are criminals in the world be they black, white brown, or whatever.. get used to that fact,and get used to the fact that this is not the 18th century. the world is a different place today thank God, and take care next time to avoid such a statement.........
As I said before, I was raised in a mixed marriage - love my family deeply and my friends.I dont hate anyone, and about my education - I graduated with honours at the same university, with the same black friends I have today.
I dont speak for all black people - I speak of the CRIMINALS ONLY - be them any race, size, stature. My intentions are not to offend anyone.
Message from one of my black guy friends to you, as they agree with me - Suga Ganyoga Svebes - If youre SA you would get this.
Case Closed
Serlena Wardman
South Africa
from murders, rapist and thieves! What's the difference between my parents being murdered by one race or swindled out of their life earnings by another race. At least their deaths will be quick, but living robbed of their dignity and pride until their death is a living dead situation.
To be honest Selwa, I've been a "reader" on this forum for a long time and I can tell you Fatcat & Labda's thinking's more "normal" than yours.
The future is made of the same stuff as the present - Simone Weil.
ringo, if she says that to an educated black South African, she'll end up in jail.
I agree with you 100%. She must get out of South Africa if she thinks "Black people can be so DUMB".
selwardman4, i understand where you are coming from , make us believe u grew up with all these crime around you, and u still call south africa your home, hey get the fk out of that beautiful country if you hate it so much. i have alot of nice black obviuosly sad. how can u say such a thing about black people in general.what!! whites dont commit crime???. i am married to a black lady from trinidad and tobago, and i take offence to that comment . obviuosly,you are the dumb one, who doesnt know better so i will not ask you to apologise to all the blacks on QL. anyway if you are so brave , go on the south african tv and repeat that comment,.. hahaha.. thats what i thought, you are a chicken hiding behind the safety of the internet.or put your phone number out there to prove you are not scared.... no need to put your name up...
Oh, and as far as getting personal with you, selwa, I'm sorry but my black friends wouldn't approve it.
Selwa, I do not hide my face, nor name. In fact, most people here know me. I wonder if they'd want to know you though ;)
I stand by every single thing I said before. Crime has nothing to do with race but with the environment the criminal comes from.
I DO come from South Africa. Thank God I have never been robbed or gang raped or had a gun pointing at my head. I do not back up criminals that do such things. I hate criminals, being them white, black, brown, red, pink. And I believe there are criminals in all colors, shapes and sizes.
I thank God that I'm not as smart as Selma. God forbid me making such a comment: "Black people can be so DUMB!!"
In fact, Selwa, why don't you say exactly what you said in this thread to an educated black person in South Africa? Oh, because racism is a CRIME.
If I feel someone is out of line (any race - I will tell them so)Straight to their face I dont hide my name,where I come from, or my face on Qatar living neither unlike yourself - You are right, I am smart - we must know each other!Lets get personal!
Serlena Wardman
South Africa
selwardman, like I said you're way too smart for your own good. Forgive us dumb ones wontcha. hahaha, I don't know South Africa, good one. You have removed all doubt as to your intelligence. Do go on.
Oryx, aye aye.
------------Virgos dont like chaos, gerrit? ----------
pity her friends.....
i know south africa and i didnt realise this thread was exclusive to people who 'know south africa'
ok all white people are violent and only people from Iceland may comment.... mmmmmmmmmm
"racism is found in all races."
Yes. Also evil is in all human beings. Yet civilization and education helps us to control our base urges.
With all due respect, we need to curb and control our own thoughts, actions and responses. That is what being a civilized human being rather than an evolved primate means.
Get over yourself, you take things far too personally. I dont speak for all black people for goodness sake. this isnt even worth a comment - you dont know south africa so dont comment
Serlena Wardman
South Africa
selwardman, black people can be so dumb huh?! Do I care that you have black friends? No. Do I care that you come from a mixed marriage? No. All I care about is you actually saying that to a black persons face...try mine for example. Shame, you're all the way in South Africa. But I'm sure you wont lack an appropriate response if you said that to the next Black person who passes by. Let me know how it goes hey?
Aaaah, Im sure you think I have violence in mind. Would it surprise you that I dont. But wait a minute, Im black, how can that be??!
------------Virgos dont like chaos, gerrit? ----------
Hey Fatcat
Try talking from experience okay, have you ever been robbed in your home more than 6 times? Has your life ever been threatened with a knife or gun? Have your friends or family ever been gang raped? I dont hate blacks, my hubby and I have BLACK FRIENDS who agree with us that criminal blacks are retarded - theres no going back. Quite frankly I couldnt be bothered with what you have to say, you dont live there and experience these things, when you have come back and talk. Thanks VEE for the back up, everyone is quick to jump to racism, for goodness sake I come from a mixed marriage!
Serlena Wardman
South Africa
I always wonder why parents give such names to their offspring.. Perhaps its a way of trying to ward off the evil spirits..
I'm thinking that it was a bad omen to call the poor little bugger 'fortune'...bless him....
Ahhhh Abu,
The reason for my comment was not because of the issues being argued, it was because of: All of these silly conversations and arguments are starting to make me stupid like the people who post them.
That is the same type of generalization as saying only blacks are criminal. Anyway, I was wrong to post that and I apologise.
Now, two other comments:
Who's fault is it that SA (or the rest of africa) is in this mess? Educated people? Hmm sure, educated people have a large role to play. But this is very complicated. A lot of educated people exploit the uneducated masses through clever rhetoric and false promises. There just isn't enough time in a day to go into that issue. My point is, being uneducated does not mean you automatically abdicate your humanity, dignity and common sense. It is STILL your responsibility to be righteous and humane.
I am an African. I love the place. The diversity of cultures, scenery, plant and wild life makes it an astounding place to be. If you get the chance, go there. Not just South Africa, but all the rest too: Tanzania, Kenya, Zambia, Namibia etc. You might want to stay away from Zimbabwe right now though ;) As Alexa, I look at Africa and all I feel is sad. Some countries are doing very well actually. Stable economies, politicians that actually take their jobs seriously and LEAD the populations. But the rest ... sigh.
I was refering to our opposition to racism. Not our opinions.
The person who will not oppose the racism will be called a racist. No?
I have not lived there. My opinion is formed from reading about it and analysing what has been said here.
Does that devalue mine or Abu's opposition to racism?
Race has nothing to do with any crime. The way people were raised has everything to do with it, though. It is very small minded to blame a race for the disgraces of a country (and crime, unfortunately, is a big disgrace for South Africa).
My view is that people (of any race) become criminals due to the environment they live in (with exceptions, of course). Put a white child (or Indian, or Black, or Japanese) living amongst criminals and most likely that child will become a criminal as well.
I wonder how many black children adopted by loving families become criminals. Not many, I'd assume.
For what I understand, Shamiri actually did say that all races commit crimes in South Africa, not only blacks. So I really don't understand why Shamiri and Abu are fighting, unless I'm missing something here.
Methinks it is not necessary to live in a racist society to know that racism is evil.
I understand their arguments about crime et all and believe me I sympethise. But who is to blame for the fact that blacks in SA are largely un-educated and struggling to survive? Nobody but South Africans.
My personal opinion, which is not worth a damn, is that is the responsiblity of the educated folks in South Africa to help educate the blacks so that they can participate in the society as produtive members rather than labourers and criminals.
Just my two bits.
Ability to question everything is the basis for enlihtment :)
Cheers and Good night
If you like that, I have to log out, RocknRoll. see ya.
I firmly believe that if there is any sin in the world, it is to make someone suffer.
To answer your question, No, I have NOT read any dirty books.
You have a nasty suspicious mind. I like that :)
Vee and Serlena, you two don't deserve the passport your hold. Thank God you are actually the minority. Do South Africa a favor and never return there.
Let me make it short, RocknRoll. The "dirty" books, for example, tell you how to make a fortune on the back of others. The "dirty" books lure you into something that may serve you but makes others suffer. You got what I mean?
I do not understand what you just said
"Then you haven't read the "dirty" books yet, RocknRoll!"
end quote
Please explain.
As for "Education means choice..." I agree totally.
What I meant is simple, RocknRoll. Literacy means education. Education means choice. Choice means good or bad.
Somethings are better left unsaid. Be delighted to meet at a bar one of these days :)
What do you propose to do about it? Gas Chambers or Schools? What is your choice to improve the situation?
Then you haven't read the "dirty" books yet, RocknRoll!
which dirty tricks do NOT work
Yes!!!! Another small mind implodes with a *Plop*!
I think if we could get proper statistics, people would be shocked by the percentage comparisons.
By this I mean that more whites might perform criminal acts than they think.
Race crimes and racism is a very delicate point for South African. Probably for many other cultures too, but I won't presume to speak for them. Everything following is just my opinion and not based on any concrete research.
In SA, almost any crime where the perpetrator and the victim are of different races, the crime is called a race crime. The first thing that must be done before proper statistics can be compiled, is to also record the race ofall parties involved. This is a huge step towards fueling racism, and as such, it is not done.
The reason most people perceive blacks to be more criminal, is that there are just MORE of them in SA. I think if we could get proper statistics, people would be shocked by the percentage comparisons. But for this to work we will 1st have to define the landscape. White people would only want to use violent crimes for these statistics. Blacks will want ALL crimes included; fraud, pedophilia, commercial crimes etc.
I agree with this. If you want CRIME stats, include ALL crimes. Violent crime is still just a subset of crime.
Having said all of this, I am still just human. When I am in SA and I lock my doors and turn my alarm on, I do it with the thoughts off all the violent crimes that are reported (in our newspapers, that is). Which in my mind consists mostly of blacks. Whites make up such a small minority of violent criminals, that the though never even enters my mind.
I don't see these crimes as racist though. Middle to upper class black people are targeted just as much as white people. I actually see it as a class crime. It is much easier to make good money from crime than to work at a menial job that pays peanuts. Or that you find degrading.
Having spoken about black crimes, it is only fair to also bring up white crime. Whites tend to be much more involved in commercial crime etc. Not that the effects are always less damaging than violent crimes. It just takes longer for the results to be noticed I think.
One thing that should definitely be kept in mind though: Africa IS a violent continent. Human life is not worth much. In some cases as little as a cellphone or R300 (+- $30) can get you killed.
I've just read through this and I think I need to make a correction, I'm just too lazy to retype a lot of stuff.
Actually whites are also involved in violent crimes. They beat people. In some cases kill people. White AND black. However, cases involving white criminals torturing or killing their victims are rare.
Enough rambling from me. I though I would try to give an impartial view (which is almost always impossible) of howI see things in SA. You can all hate selwardman4 for the comments made here. I would ask you though to think about the circumstances (violence and crime wise, NOT financial wise) she has lived in and compare it to your own.
you are a disgrace
how can people be so dumb and hateful?
thanks Fat Cat couldnt have put it better myself.
But at least they still do the good old-fashioned 'barter trade', unlike the stock markets who only use 'numbers' to settle some trade...
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Sorry I as a South African have to agree with most people is it the black people who have become criminals, not to say that the whites are superior they to have criminals among them but 99% of the crime there is committed by black people. Something needs to be done and the sooner the better.
Why would "literacy" make you a better human, i-moody? Maybe since you can read you learn even more dirty tricks?
Serlena, this has nothing to do with someone's color. They believe in sangomas because they grew up being told that the sangomas can cure diseases by using muti. And, for your information, there are white sangomas in South Africa.
And in South America there are lots of white people who also believe in sangomas and muti.
I heard a story when I was at college...did Idi Amin Dada eat the heart and liver of his finance Minister?
Abhorrent what some people could to say we, humans, have reached teh top of civilisation is much of an overstatement....In fact, I would say the majority of teh world is uneducated...Taking India and China to start with, what is the % of illiteracy there..Now take Africa, then take SOuth America, would it not be correc to say that half of thw world's population are uneducated? I hope I am wrong.
In Liberia and other countries, genital organs and other organs are believed to be used to obtain supernatural powers, especially by aspiring politicians.
its sad really, to think people can believe that the parts of another human or animal can make them more successful, virile, or whatever...
I do remember reading a while back that some people in Africa believed that having sex with a child would cure AIDS...which lead to a rash of children being raped, from infants to prepubescent children.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
how hateful is that comment???!!! Let me guess, you think white are superior to educated is that!!
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
You are correct in part.. Keeping the "people" involved in these types of tings, means that they don't focus on government or their policies..
In your opinion, it is Blacks who are so dumb rather then un-educated Human-beings?
This is wheer tribal elders and the government has to educate the people and tell them that it's wrong..
Its ongoing in SA, totally effin disgraceful. How dumb can you possibly be to believe such bullshit. Black people can be so DUMB!!
Serlena Wardman
South Africa
remember the torso of the small African boy found floating in the Thames a few years back?
Said to be the same thing.
Human Albino body parts are also highly prized in central Africa.
Blood sacrifice is a very common human practice - communion anyone?
"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."