*** Rydges - Under age in the club !!!!!! ***

Has anyone been to Rydges last night, and seen what I have seen?
Under age (kid 12-14 y.O.) was in the club after midnight, smoking, drinking, and moreover hanging with an old man (around 50 Y.O.).
- Just wondering how would Rydges management allow such thing to happen?
- If they did not notice that, what would they do or say about it?
- In Canada, such violation will shut the place off for 2-3 months, how about Qatar? is there a law about it?
- Your comments please...
Did someone mention 'Cutie'? I just woke up and had a weird dream that I was in a foreign land trying to figure out internet security whilst there was a cutie on the loose;)
i'm overage........i swear!!!
he is the Rydges aussie owner! 1% sure!
Question still remains the same how the hell did that kid in the club and who was he.
How are you speed, but at least you go to Patatas, lol
We can arrange some Potatos in the club for you next time, if you laike to come, :)
What about the kid in the club??? looooool
last night: Garveys with East-european QL block.
Ambulances and ladies in coma.
Nice movie! :)
man just save yourself next time or i will bite you for real
a coctail with 50 cmc-A+(Wolfed),1000 cmc-B+(Ksarated)same tasting AB -(Azzillated)...ice cubes and 0 negative (KellyHeroed)
no speed, he wasn't at ridges last nite but tonite we met in Vegas Pasta Party.
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
am the mother of Dracula clan so watch out yourself. hahahhahaha
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
i've promised to Darude do not...!
Stil i can change my mind! :)
thanks Dracula. nice meeting you tonite. glad you dont bite my neck
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
Good night Copper, it was a pleasure meeting you last night, and will see you soon inshallah :)
still alot of names are missing because she came late and i was there early.
and Dragon fly next time when you come see me first and bring a torch with you.
back to topic, it is disgusting looking at the pair last nite. The old man looking so proud can have younger date but its just away too young. This scene is normal in south east asia and my country. Lots of old expat go there and get younger girl. and the younger girl except the proposal cos they need the money to survive.
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
dragonfly is g . o . r . g . e . o . u . s
I still cant figure out who dragonfly is...May be I was too tired! May be I was color blind the entire night! Or I might have been too busy looking good between the girls on the dance floor!!
whatever it is..WE'LL MEET AGAIN...
How many of them broke the glasses ....
It's my mistake dude, I should have introduced you to Dragonfly, I think you are talking about someone else, looool
copper, guess you are not there when i arrived. apparently am not Australian but close enough like Indonesian.
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
Are you kidding me man, you call Dragonfly a new faces, heheheheh, sorry man, but look at her QL seniority in her profile,but I think you had many drinks, :P
thanks oabazeed, do you know what it says: Am a V.I.P Very Important Princes... yeah be jealous. Just love it.
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
It was so nice seeing you last night Dragonfly, but I think the girls are talking about someone else :( (crying), but you were glowing last night, and I like your new avator on QL (kind of matching what you were wearing last night).
hahaha....you can confuse the world to turn upside down!! lol
are u the australian girl?
You sure that was a Pink not Green or was i the one color blind in darkness last night
am sure u sleep with the laptop beside u!
I didn't sleep all day...So godnight buddy..Cya tomorrow
am the girl in pink dress copper. hope it rings the bell now
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
long live my 3computer. lappy is always there near me. :D
I saw your posts early in the morning..I wonder how you manage to sleep between the hours you spend on QL..lol
Guess we should arrange another night in a better place with more spacious dance floor..
did we meet last night?? I am not sure cos i did find few new faces and dont quite remember the names..
i did sleep all day so my day has just begun.
it was good to see you all last nite. we should do it again.
Live, Laugh, Love and Get Laid.
Go back to sleep buddy!!
Goodnight ALL
i can see the ladies here get hot on you oabazeed. cute guy.. heheheheh liking it the nick name.
Live, Laugh, Love and Get Laid.
Reddish Pipe.. come back please when you will be able to understand something, ok?
..btw,is that your photo? where did you lose your red hat?
See you tomorrow!
Shoof buckraa!
Pe maine!
Au demain!
hasta manyana guess his tongue slipped he also needs a slap spank him yalla
ok ladies, then you can hijack it, loool
hasta manyana Azzi.
Thanks QS
what was hasta manyana? i guess good night?
hasta manyana
but there's a lot of cute guys there as well...especially when MR. PAUL was there (being the CUTEST MR. SMILEY OF BAHRAINLIVING.COM)that's why you got missed out...
good nighty...hasta manyana otra vez
no no.. you ARE that cute guy!! well. may THAT one, may be not, but definitely cute..lol..
Allright, young ladies, if I'm not that cute guy, then you better get back to the point, you are hijacking my thread, looooool
got work later...GOOD NIGHT....
who came around midnight...lol
oabazeed...you are not that FRENCHIE guy we're talking about...it's someone else...I'm sure of that...lol
lol.. oabazeed ...sure..from now on I will..:)
coz I was able to go home and had a no need to call anyone home.
Miss you too, Copper...next time, I'm gonna pulverize you with that comment you made about me getting drunk...lol
FY!...I don't get drunk...I get tipsy...lol
Azzi, may be you thought my eyes were blue, :P
" french guy,...veeeeery cute guy with absolutely fantastic blue eyes...LOL.. (**hope my buddy has no internet access in IH!***)"
be careful young lady, loooooll
coz I knew that blue-eyed french hottie too. He's a close friend of Tig's.
Your buddy is a hottie too, QS...only of a different flavor (meaning: nationality)...lol
OMGoshhh...what am I saying here...lol
Must have been that TCOM's pasta dish and KH's dish I ate tonight at jeff's pasta party tonight....lol
I left at 12:45..and i am not english!! guess u were too drunk & confused...lol
Guess I have missed few QLers too..
What turn Azi?
Sorry, I don't understand you.
Are we talking about The Yeti from Ridges?
"Don't make me write your name on my TURD List!"
coz i came past 9pm and saw them in the ladies room...
These two beautiful ladies left around 9:30pm.
When you left, sabina came, Mila too...Copper came, and some new faces.
It was a FUN NIGHT...though we need a cooler and bigger venue next time.
did he come alone? or with Tig? if he came with Tig, it might be his friend, french guy,...veeeeery cute guy with absolutely fantastic blue eyes...LOL.. (**hope my buddy has no internet access in IH!***)
who came around midnight...he was ENGLISH and not from FB or QL....lol
I was kind of drinking glass after glass after glass...
i had fun...it's been a long time
charan & wife
tigasin321 (with a pretty girl) and ALEX
johnjo and his friend
Osama (i don't think he's a QLSG member)
5 guys(I couldn't remember the name)
and one cute guy who came around midnight...
Did I forgot anyone else (except about the 5 guys)???
yeah.. and it was oabazeed , the one cute guy,who came around mid night :)
Reddish Pipe.. don't bother by letting me know when you are drunk.. I hate drunk men in general!...
and I hate drunk Red Pops in particular...
you have to fall in line for your turn...
with QS buddy around, I don't think you got a chance...lol
damn it! now i realized I left way too early!!
...you forgot Tig, oabazeed and Dragonfly..
Azzi, I think I was the one cute guy who came around mid night :P
I will let you know, when I'm real drunk on that day and very reddish, just give me your #, I will call you, for sure to entertain you at late hours.
"Don't make me write your name on my TURD List!"
ahh... nah.. forget.. not IH.. i will end up with my buddy there anyway.. i always ask him why he wouldn't put his bed there? anyway he is there every night.. why to bother to go home at all??
so no "ladies night" in IH for me...lol...
no freedom **wink*wink***...
how about Orion or Garvey's?
Just us, QL ladies on a Tuesday or Wednesday night...coz i heard IH is crowded on a Thursday night.
what do ya think?
I agree QS was one hot lady last night :P
in "my bed"...ALONE....lol
does IH have ladies night? even didn't know about it.. for me Irish Harp is "my buddy's night" every time..lol..
too bad you have to leave so soon.
Let's go a ladies night at IH one of these days...
Qatarisun, lol,
which novel, Redish Pipe?? are you drunk as usual?
iryssa was there? she probably came after i left.. i didn't see her..
ok.. girl...hang-over will be over..lol....at least do you remember WHERE did you go to sleep and where did you wake up?? this is a most important thing!!..:)
Go back to that novel that you are reading lately...Your ugliness...
"Don't make me write your name on my TURD List!"
but the ID verification and stamp/mark procedure are SECURITY measures implemented even in some night establishments such as QUBE, CLOUD NYN (Merweb).
Azzi, becareful with the names.
"One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" - George Galloway.
and why are you kidding about Azzi being "very young ...and beautiful"??... SHE IS!..and nothing funny about it..
azilana7037 said I wonder how could that be? ...
been going to rydges from one time to another but i don't quite agree that underage would be allowed in...
I know that you are very young, very under age and beautiful.
Just kidding
I don't mind minors visiting those hoodlums bars/ disco places, as long they are not being serve alcohol.
Not only that, Have the administration Enforcing ID checks and using some kind of marking in identifying those visitors are not in accord to the legal drinking age.
"Don't make me write your name on my TURD List!"
Gypsy, iryssa, Miz-CaT and me...and the MEN left were DARUDE, WINN (not sure if its his name) and 2-3 other guys.
I left the place with sabina and 4 of her other friends...i woke up around 11am today with a hang-over.
Everyone disappeared...one by one by one....lol
Azzi, I'm not worried about whatever could happen to anyone, as no official could prove that against Rydges, but what we want is that Rydges to stop doing that if they are aware of it, as well as other clubs to be informed, that people won't be happy seeing such things around.
even i was surprised to see that kid there dancing
azzi...lol..how is Mr.P.? did he leave doha yet? what time did you guys finish yesterday?
been going to rydges from one time to another but i don't quite agree that underage would be allowed in...
Do be cautious in what you post, coz you might be putting some people in an unwarranted situation.
Sure we will QS, looking forward to that :)
My best regards to (R) please.
lol.. sorry I couldn't stay longer last night and talk to you guys.. got to go home...but we will make it up in La Caffee when you are back
Hi Qatarisun,
I might re-think about this thread now, you are right, I might have been confused with Dragonfly, lol.
Wondering how did they allow her in as well :P
oabazeed ? are you sure they were 12-14???
maybe you are talking about Dragonfly? she looks about the same age?? ok.. maybe 16-17.. not any more for sure..lol..
there is no harm in clubs, people want to have some drinks & fun in a club better than having them in the street, other people wants to meet a new people, and others want to dance and release the work stress, but the point that all of this should be under control, and for adults, but seeing kids running around in such place making me feel disgusted.
I'd rather talk with people on a Pizza Hut fer hours than these...
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach