Rwanda: 1994 genocide

Rwanda: France took part in 1994 genocide
Gulf Times ; 06 august 08
Rwanda: France took part in 1994 genocide
Gulf Times ; 06 august 08
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Oryx - I will borrow you Blood Diamonds. wait till our Miss Erxx' parents come to Qatar with Shake Hands with the Devil :)
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
I have seen shooting dogs.... actually but would love to borrow the other two Charan..
Fly emirates via Ethiopia...
I did a week stop over in ethiopia and a mini tour there... interesting place.
Ethiopian Airlines excellent...
thanks for the offer Arien...
oh no.. then it would be like watching a Comedy to
Arien - '' Ghost in the Darkenss''where to get a copy. Reply to my PM pl.
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
Charan himslef is a
No more ghost stories
Charan.. How about '' Ghost in the Darkenss''
About those man eating lions in the TSAVO , Kenya who killed and ate many rail workers?.. Thats a thriller buddy.
Oryx - I have Blood Diamond. you can borrow it from me :)
Shooting Dogs & Sometime in April are available in my DVD shop. shooting Dogs are better than Sometime in April.
I am also looking for 48 Days. I am looking for a carrier from Nirobi now
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
Any time is fine Charan.
December is summer in East Africa.. But Uganda is cool at any point of the year..Make sure you have your jacket on .. its cool
Kampala the capital is called the PEARL OF Africa. Consist of 7 hills.. deadlu night clubs. Got a lota friend there.. leme know when you fly.
I have Blood diamond..DvD.
Poor him
He's surrounded by Frenchies poor Bastard.
Where is Tignasin?? poor offended chap.
Tigasin dont worry will get this bandit for you :?
Bloody French people. Can't trust them.
Hey hey I have been to Hotel Rwanda!
I had coffee there last year...
Its an uneasy peace over there.....
I would really like to watch Blood Diamonds or Shake hands with the devil or sometime in April?
I would really like to watch them.
Arien - Uganda is on my Agenda for sometime. cost only QR 2250 for a return ticket (Etiopian Air Lines). Is it good to visit there on December?
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
No Charan I dont have Raid on Entebbe.. infact I am also looking for a copy.
I have been to Uganda and that aircraft which was abandond there.. took pics standing on its wings and
Leme know when you get the shake hands... am trying for the Raid on Entebbe.
Shooting Dogs and Shake hands with the Devil are must watch movies. I should be getting a copy of Shake hands with the Devil by the courtisy of the QL memeber I mentioned above.
Also I have watched Blood Diamond and Raid on Entabbe (when I was a teenager. The captain of the Raiding Party "Nethanyahu is the brother of former Israel PM Benjamin Nethanyahu)
I am glad to buy a copy of Raid on Entabbe if you have one.
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me
I have both Hotel Rwanda and Sometimes in April. Fabulous ones.
There are more on AFrican true stroies / History..
Blood dimond ( The sierra leon dimond mafias)
Raid on Entebbe ( The israeli cammando operation which rescued 250 pax of the hijacked aircraft )
Rwanda was a massacre..Movies makes u feel low for atleast couple of days.
I am a follower of Rwandan Genoside. It inspired me to watch
1. Hotel Rwanda.
2. Shooting Dogs.
3. Sometime in April
Wating for the DVD of "Shake Hands with the Devil".
I know a memeber of QL whose Uncle was a member of the Canadian peacekeeping force with Gereral Romeo at that time :(
Ban Spoon Feeding not Me