
Nothing is impossible for a drunk man
click to watch,,have fun
Nothing is impossible for a drunk man
click to watch,,have fun
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I like this thread...cannot dye! Keep posting!
Natalie Carter a pupil at the Gypsy Booth School of Theatre Arts has been accepted into the Bolshoi Ballet School in Moscow.
she doesn't mind also ..
:- )))
surface look is dangerous ..
that's why we study and research ..
dear, you are totally wrong in your jugements about all russians and that statistics. Naomi Campbell doesn't mind dating Mr. Prohorov .. you know ..
well, I give you a hand to get to know my part of the world better.
P. S. and you have a surface look to Dubai. I guess, what would you say if you stay in Manama Bahrain for a while ..
1. How come those gorgeous girls have big guns? Is it a Thai syndrome?
2. With the natural warmth available in a ratio 10:6, then what is the need for drinking. Such natural warmth is sufficient for continuous dehydration and sweating :D
you protect the police
I suppose they love the cool air draft blowing upwards their skirts.
Police in high heels!
Iron Maiden always knew where it's at...
I see, brit. Slowly you go back to being normal. Mabruk.
Given the hoice though, I think I prefer to be shot by an Italian female though ..
The Chinese police have shorter legs, right, brit?
Ha ha .. I took this picture, just after you left ..
By the way, they are sexy, but no match for the Russians..
Nope, Russian 100%! I take the picture... I have to fight with the cameraman ant kick him in the stomach.:)
Hubba Hubba.. I can just imagine them chasing me in thos high heels...
By the way, they are Ukrainian Army ...
Hitler tried his "Blitzkrieg" but he didn't calculate the immensity of Russia, the winter and the mud...They advanced so quickly that a big gap appeared between the front line and the support line.Than the Russian let "Mother Russia" to do her best: killing the non-adapted people to her winter.
One more fore Brit:
i never said 99% are ALCOHOLICS. Alcoholism is a disease which is developing with the time.
I said 99% are drinkers.. well, maybe it was a bit of metaphor. Sure, there are more than 1% of those who do not drink due to some diseases/threat of death, so 99% probably I bit too high.
But idea is the same: everybody drink, unless they are in threat of death or already chronically sick. Only 1-2% (or, 3-4%) of those who potentially could drink don’t do it due to their personal beliefs.
And with regards to “heavy drinkers”… it’s relevant and subjective, and it depends on what “heavy drinker” means for you (or for me) in particular. Having every other day full glass of vodka , and then heaving every weekend a full bottle of vodka per person, probably is not considered “heavy drinking” in russia, since the person still can somehow move and somewhat talk…
..I never said, girls selling their BODIES. They sell all-in-one package: nice look, high education, kind personality. But hey, nothing wrong with that. Wrong when it becomes the main and the only goal in the lives.. but again.. horrible demographic situation is to be blamed..
yallah, have got to go home now..
ciao bella.. be happy and stay safe.. :)
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."
Oliver Wendell Holmes
99% of Russians are alcoholic and that all the Russian girls are surviving by selling their bodies?
I will appreciate your spirit of fairness....
laurana, i don't bash anybody...i brought up the FACTS from the published sources.
and the pics that are posted in this thread can NOT be considered as a joke, at least not for russians!
Alcoholism is a real disaster, I would say a national catastrophe for Russia, which goes out of control more and more... and nothing funny about it. ..Russian girls I guess got this twisted mentality instinctively, simply in order to survive in the country where men less than women initially, and then high % of these men either die early or become disable/chronic diseased due to alcoholism. (by the way, you even cannot blame on these poor girls, it is a basic survival instinct, i guess)
and this is statistics, not ME!
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."
Oliver Wendell Holmes
of the thread. It was a joke, don't transform it into a nationalities bashing
you stated that 99% of men are heavy drinkers and girls have twisted mentality and disoriented life priorities. You have transformed a joke in a criticism to a whole nation. It is very easy and nice to do this when you hide yours.....
I think any of our nations have some "qualities" to make fun of. But it is not a reason for judging the entire nation in a not-funny way.
It was the way of your comments that made me arguing agains you. As I said it is a scientific fact that major part of the suicidal-bomber are Arabs and that major part of leprosies are living in India and that Dracula is "living" in Romania. Does those things give anyone the right to say that Arabs are terrorists, Indians are full of strange illnesses and the Romanians are vampires?????
I saw many europeans (after 60 years old) in bars, very frustrated, drinking everything they see and can notice the name .. drinking is a illness .. and vodka is one of the worse cases ..
stay pure everyone !
eh? what is all that?? It is not my opinion even.. :):) I quoted few scientific researches about bad drinking habits in russia... :):) and I even indicated the sources… you can google it and find the same information.. I am not sure what exactly you guys are so upset about.. well, actually there IS the reason to be upset.. but why all this anger is against ME?..:):) if I implemented all these non-stop drinking-to-death habits in russia… :):)
laurana, your post is most funny.. what the hell Tchaikovsky has to do with the men drinking and dying in their 30-40s?.. and I didn't say russian are not educated people... sure they are! but even the highly educated russians drink a lot, and dying... relax, darling, take it easy, you cannot go against the facts.
and at last.. surely not ALL russians are dying of alcohol, I have never said it...otherwise the nation would die off long time ago. But since the original thread was about Drunk Russians, I highlighted the matter only from this particular perspective…
If you want to talk about education, culture, spirit, kindness of Russians, you are more than welcome. I can talk about it endlessly as well…
But again.. Alcoholism is one of the most critical issues in nowadays Russia.. and the pictures above are the best illustration of it. …Or you guys have any objections to this statement?
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."
Oliver Wendell Holmes
You are right Laurana..
Shame! I never heard from any other nationality talking bad on his country..So, qatarisun, what is your nationality??
Interesting to know such details... Dont judge others or better start from yourself. I am sure you are russian and even if there is a gap in any country's system, at least dont bring anybody down..
that are all melted in vodka and that the russian girls are all wh***s is like saying that all the arabs are terrorists...
It seem you forgot that a lot of scientists (see Mendeleev), composers (see Chaikovski)... please check this link, are/were russians.
I don't love russians too, (I have my "national" reasons for that) but I cannot name the russian people like you do.
I am not sure if you are or not a Qatar citizen but, without any offence, probably there are more highly educated and world-wide-known Russians from the last 100years than all the present population of Qatar.
ha ha ha... Gica.. "tough competition"??? :):)
nah, Gica, I have no clue about russians, russian men, russian women, russian vodka and russian history..
who do you say, Hitler was?? and what exactly happened that he couldn't conquer Russia?? LOL...
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."
Oliver Wendell Holmes
And one red hair Siberian hot foxy for you, Brit! ;)
qatarisun, tough competition, huh?
You know Russians from the books, I meet and talk with ordinary Russians...they are warm people! OK, with a little help of vodka...But, how you'll deal with long, cold Russian winters???
As maybe you know, nobody conquered Russia, even they tried (Napoleon, Hitler) because of the mighty Russian winter and because they weren't aware of the two Russian secret weapons:vodka and women! :P
are you sure, that "many Russian girls were here", Rizks? and even if they were, they are all banned now, for the reason I mentioned, i guess. Qatar doesn't want to get here another is next to impossible to get a visit visa for russian/ukrainian single female under 35 y. o. Qatar started bringing them for works in Hotels (again, mostly from the southern former republics of USSR such as Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, etc. , they are not too blond, but i guess they are under total and strict control there.
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Many Years back there were many Russian girls here.
dont know were they all have gone ?? :(
Might hav got some rich GOAT and flew away....:(
i don't like russian men. Majority are dry and tough, 99% are heavy drinkers. One doesn’t drink only under the threat of death. Sometimes even death threat is ignored. That’s why the Alcohol-attributable mortality is extremely high in Russia. Alcoholism related issues are: alcohol poisoning (80% of all alcohol-related deaths!), accidents, long-term effects of chronic alcoholism (*). People use alcohol surrogates, consuming alcohol-contained products such as cheap perfume, aftershaves , other cosmetic, sometimes even cleaning stuff.
The Russian rate of alcohol consumption is among the highest in the world with annual consumption estimated to be nearly 15 liters per person. By comparison, rates in the European Union and United States are about 10 and 7 liters per person, respectively.(*)
(*) – “Research Note: Patterns of Alcohol-Related Mortality in Russia” by William Pridemore, Ph.D.
Due to extremely high mortality among men, after age of 40, men-to-women ratio is 6 :10. Life expectancy at birth for male is 61.5 years! Population of Russia is declining. (Wikipedia)
…russian girls are beautiful, warm, and accommodating, although with twisted mentality and disoriented life priorities. Hunting for literally any rich (or at least well established) man and sucking money out of him is the main goal of their lives. And this is considered as something very honorable and prestigious. The richer guy you grabbed, the more you are honored...
And that’s what makes me sad…
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."
Oliver Wendell Holmes
I am tired of people making fun of us Slavs just 'cuz we like to hydrate ourselves. Vodka, after all, comes from the Russian from "vod" which means "water." Vodka means "little water." And water is necessary for life.
Disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government and business.
Don't get me started...
Are you talking about the Romanian Female Soldiers under Nicolae Ceauşescu or like Angelina ....
- why are u drinking?
- to forget
- forget what?
- forget that i'm drinking
"le petit prince" Antoine de St Exupery.
Oh, people can come up with statistics to prove anything, Kent. 14% of people know that.
nice :)
most probably real soldiers..... the Russian girls seem to be between the most beautiful women in the world.
and it is not an exceptional case of 2-3% of them like in other countries (see those miss winners). almost all are like this (until they reach 30's).
Ms Blana: my name is GICA!!!!
And how you'll treat about this illness the majority of Russians? Huh?
this topic of Blogger is different.
we discuss those poor terribly drunk men .. who are, in my opinion, ill and need medical help.
are they real soldiers or Models ?
looks so innocent !!
One life to live, live it to the fullest.
What can I say: I'm a sucker for the women in uniform with big...guns!
Nazdrovaia! Ms Lana, I will not keep distance from the Russians. I like them, especially their beautiful women.Good people on a bad system. Dasvidanie!
the morning laughter.
Have a great day!!!
Listen, those people need help, they are just ill ..
.. the last thing is to laugh ..
lol funny
One question, since I'm old and grey..
How does the setu Bandha Sarvanaganam becom THE BRIDE pose ??
I think I already tried a few positions... ;)
hahaha...very funny!! thx for sharing!