Russia is your real enemy

Stop blaming the west and thinking Putin is right about Syria. Know your real enemy if religious freedom
Russian court rules that a translation of the Koran is ‘extremist’ and orders its destruction
A TRANSLATION of the Koran by Elmir Kuliyev published in Saudi Arabia in 2002 was found this week to be in violation of Russian federal law banning extremist materials.
The ruling in a court in the Russian port city of Novorossiysk has angered Russia’s top Islamic, Ravil Gainutdin, the head of the Council of Muftis of Russia. He said in an open letter to President Vladimir Putin released Monday that the ruling was “illiterate” and “provocative.”
Ravil Gainutdin
Gainutdin said that:
Russian Muslims were appalled by the neglect of law shown by the court.
Not only Russian Muslims, apparently. This report says that other clerics are warning of a “global unrest and uprising” in Muslim communities worldwide if the Russian government did not meet their demands to have the ruling immediately reversed.
Details of the ruling are contained in this report, which says that the court cited expert testimony from the Forensic Centre at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (MVD) for the region which stated that the book contained:
Statements in which a person or group of persons (in particular, non-Muslims ) is portrayed negatively on grounds related to a particular religion; …. statements which address talking about the advantages of a single person or group of persons to other people on the grounds of religion (particularly the Muslims over non-Muslims ); … statements containing the positive assessment of hostile action of one group of people against another group of people on the basis of religion, specifically, Muslims towards non-Muslims; …statements of an inciting character, which can be understood as calling for hostile and violent actions by one group of people against another group of people on the basis of religion, in particular the Muslims towards non-Muslims .
Elmir Kuliev, who authored the translation, is the Director of Department of Geoculture at the Institute of Strategic Studies of the Caucasus. He was considered the leading contemporary on Russian Muslim Philosophy, and his translation is used and cited in several resources including for the definitive Russian translation of the Koran.
A member of the organisation Stand for Peace, Colin Cortbus, complained:
The judge’s decision is a sick and criminal throwback to the dark days of Stalinism and national chauvinism.
A member from the Sova Center, Russia’s unit that monitors extremist activities, said that the ruling was “misuse of anti-extremism law”. They also described it as:
Not only illegal, but ignorant and scandalous.
And they claim it will put many Muslims in Russia to be at risk for prosecution just for having the text in their possession.
A lawyer representing Kuliyev, Murat Musayev, said he will appeal the ruling.
This is pure idiocy. Some local prosecutor sent this material to a local court and they together decided to ban a holy book.
On the one hand there is freedom of religion in Russia, on the other they are banning fundamental religious texts.
Experts say the more than decade-old translation by Kuliyev is a respected scholarly work, one of four translations of the Koran into Russian.
Said Akhmed Yarlikapov, an expert on Islam with the Russian Academy of Sciences:
This is one step away from banning the Koran. This is a very high quality translation. The banning of Kuliyev’s translation is utterly unprofessional, you could ban the Bible just as easily because it also has passages that talk about the spilling of blood.
But some see the ban as a positive step towards ridding the country of radical Islamic terrorists. Someone called Khloponin, a member of a leading party in Russia (the CE) even stated that they [his party] were more than happy to pay for the deportation of those who wished to be ruled by sharia law.
My position is clear: anyone who does not want to live in Russia according to Russian, secular laws, should not live here. For them, there are states in the Middle East, go there and live.
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The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
Edmund Burke
Yes, agree with you.. but I would like to find the source and use the power of pen.. anyway this is just a wish..
Landover - waste of time going underground. We already know what feeds the monster. Please read - why we didn't attack Sweden
Ok give me a reference please?
Part of muslim world itself has done too much harm being puppets , so no blame on others.. Just compare the GNI of OIC countries, you will find it a very huge gap.. no unity, continuous lust of power, fear of losing their so called accomplishments..
What was required to be done? What exactly have they done? If the required was done, why have the translations not addressed the present day scenarios? On what grounds could a court ban the translation? When something is quoted from the translation that produces some negative shades of it in the present day context, why do we say its not a correct translation and that the original Arabic version has to be referred?
Are we trying to solve a problem or beat around the bush?
Back to the topic, Russia and also china target their Muslim communities but I hear little from the Muslim world against them. They have been fed the lie over and over again it is the evil west that is out to destroy Islam despite the fact that the west protects freedom of worship.
It's like a hitler needed something or someone to focus peoples eye on, (he used the Jews) so those that control Muslims in their lust for power focus gullible Muslims on the evil west.
After my kids starts going to school and my wifey becomes more independent, I personally have a goal, to work as undercover journalist to find the real cause those extremists are inspired by, as long as I know it is not quran which provokes violence.
I remember the day when an Indian Newspaper (Hindu) posted some cartoons, most of them were outside protesting, and they really don't know what exactly is the cause.. those who never been associated practically were acting like they are the flag holders..
It was just an emotional instability..
You can't add, it is embedded already. from 14th century till date for everything you can take a reference.
As people from different languages started to enter this faith, scholars and Hafiz in their communities have done what is required. As per my observation, people who live in India has done so much already as there is a huge community willing to learn, in US you will find english speaking muslims has contributed to the required issues in their community.
It is kinda depends on the demand.
It looks like a Catch 22 situation. Almost everybody realises there are some explanations needed in translations of the holy Quran but the same are not being done as people have no right to add to, edit or amend the word of God!
And there are many who did masters in arabic even living in non-arab states.. every muslim has been asked to listen the whole quran once in a year and read it two times.. mostly they do it ramadan..
Good point, you would think there would be offial translations in all the major languages. Instead people say you have to read it in the original Arabic to get the true meaning. God is supposed to be for all of humanity, so you would think his words should be accessible to all.
This is one of the easiest way to protect it being hijacked.
Whenever you recite it, you feel it very delicious in your tongue, peace & light inside your self.
It has already been translated into at least 114 languages.
In muslims populated territories , every town or city has someone who is qualified to explain it,as english is an internationally accepted, they have so many english scholars.I listened to some of them & I never find anyone provoking violence.
In history when we had inter-faith conflicts like during Salahuddin Ayyubi, Jewish spies had misinterpreted it for their benefits by acting as muslims.
I quote "..There are at least 15 fields one need to be mastered before one can authoritatively interpret the Quran..."
If what you are telling is true, then some questions crop up in my mind,
- what's the use of memorising if its not understood in the real sense?
- why has the muslim community not put an effort to create such experts and made a committee to come up with universally accepted translations of the holy Quran in other languages? Don't they know this lack of understanding is causing so much of unrest?
Landoverview - it's not like it will bring revolution. Some religion s have died. This is our hope.
Communist Party of the Soviet Union was a tough resistance from ages, I remember those days when they tried to destroy all the religious scriptures but still it survived. As long as Quran is concerned, Allah himself has taken the responsibility to protect it. Even if the whole world comes together they can't destroy it. They can burn papers, they can stop printing it but they can't take it away from hearts. Instead of fighting back the unnecessary resistance it is time to practice it in life as Quran is not a book to read, it is a book to practice.
There are at least 15 fields one need to be mastered before one can authoritatively interpret the Quran. Read more here in the methodology
As far as reading is concerned , everyone reads it in Arabic, remembers in Arabic, millions from different countries and different age group remembers it. One of my family member memorised it in just 9 months and can recite it without a single mistake from start to finish.
As per my calculations with the available statistics, at least 10 million muslims today has memorised it completely.
I feel correct translation and interpretation of the Holy Quran is very much needed in many other languages wherever muslims reside. One cannot rely on individuals privately translating the holy Quran as per their own understanding.
To add to what Fathima said, why can't they have a committee formed involving imams, translators and muslim intellectuals from different countries to publish official versions of the Quran in all commonly spoken languages. I guess this will solve many problems in the world that have arisen from improper translation of the same.
Got to agree with Farhimah .. Governments can use the excuse of terrorism and security to enact any laws they wish ..
Rip puts it real effort to find something somewhere which would in some way would defame Islam and the Muslims.
This is nothing unexpected of him whose mission in life is to defame Islam, hit out and hurt Muslims. Hardly a day passes when he spews out his venom in QL.
I know a lot of weaknesses in other religions but I do not criticize or insult them. It is a sign of maturity and tolerance.
Yeah good one rip cord - when the west do it , it's framed as fighting terrorism but when Russia or even Serbia do it , it's a war on Muslims. Your lack of critical thinking really stands out in the majority of your postings.
Good move split that's is why Russia was only tickling the Muslim separatists on the last 20 years in Chechnya
Notice how there Is a flood of anti Russian articles in the media as soon as Russia refuses to roll over to western bullies and stops the killing machine. Western propaganda working overtime
Any sought of oppression on religious text will only lead to more chaos & turmoil. However the best part of Quran is that, no matter if all are destroyed God forbid,still the light of it cannot be evicted due to the fact that most of the muslims do remember it by-heart and can reproduce it without an iota of mistake.
يُرِيدُونَ أَن يُطْفِئُوا نُورَ اللَّهِ بِأَفْوَاهِهِمْ وَيَأْبَى اللَّهُ إِلَّا أَن يُتِمَّ نُورَهُ وَلَوْ كَرِهَ الْكَافِرُونَ
"They want to extinguish God's [guiding] light with their utterances: but God will not allow [this to pass], for He has willed to spread His light in all its fullness, however hateful this may be to all who deny the truth".
It. Very sad for Muslims in Russia, they should have religious freedom of worship.
for Muslims to only hate on the Russian government, but such bans are backlashes of all the acts of massacres and mayhem caused by the extremists proclaiming themselves to be Muslims fighting in the name of Islam.
Yes the Quran has verses if not read and interpreted with wisdom and understanding can seem to non Muslims to be inflammatory and provoking violence, but these are issues easily verifiable if anyone so wants.
By issuing an uniform ban on all translations,the Russian lawmakers are cutting off any chances of clarification, and leaving room for injustice and discord.
A sad situation for Russian Muslims who may very well have to consider leaving the land should things get worse
Russia has huge Muslim populations. How could this possibly go well?