have you ever encountered rude reps from Mashreqbank? I just did, early morning today. He was reminding me of my credit card due. I was apologetic at first because i know it was my mistake that I was not able to pay last Tuesday, but then he shouted at me and told me not to make excuses. He sounds so irate and agitated while talking, so i asked him if that is how they talk to their customers, and he shouted again calling me a DEFAULTER... and hanged up the phone before I even defended myself.
Then, I told my husband and he tried to talk to this rep to clarify the issue, but he also shouted at my husband even saying that because I missed my due, he will report me to immigration and also told him that my husband is disturbing him with this query.
I dont know why people with such an attitude is allowed to speak with clients. I am not claiming that they should go by the cliche that A CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT, it's just that, bank reps or any customer-related workers, should know how to deal courteously with their clients, be it over the phone or personally. RESPECT should be observed in every way possible.
they are rude in general and rubbish, nothing to do with paying bills and its rude to assume you know the facts
Lesson: dont make delay on the payments
You should have complained to his manager & got the guy jacked !!! He's not supposed to talk like that to you. The idiot needs to understand that you are the customer.
You should have complained to his manager & got the guy jacked !!! He's not supposed to talk like that to you. The idiot needs to understand that you are the customer.
And I was under the impression banks must be happy if the customer doesnt pay its credit card dues in time...:) The charges thereafter are awesome (for the banks)...:)
and that happens to me a week after the due date. So I deposit at least 500 so I won't be troubled with these.
AS FOR MASHREQ BANK...those people are rude beyond belief. And there's no use complaining...they will side with their staff...telling you that their people are only doing their job.
mashreq bank sales and marketing representatives always call us to promote their product and I say 'NO, Sorry, not interested'.
"CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT!! yes!" that manager only salary man. he dont care customer because it's not his own company. what ever he did just... he wait and enjoy salary in the end of the month.. that's all.
Pay and close your account with them, open a new account from another bank...
it goes the same with their customer rep in their offices...very rude!
Agree with cherukkan.. how can there be a due on credit card. They charge interest or whatever in your next bill. And credit cards are meant for that. Why would he even threaten you to report to immigration? Go back in person to the bank and threaten him to learn his job before he opens his mouth.
It's rude not to pay your bills on time.
One of the best staff of mashreq is Gema & Patrick both are teller........
same one did the same to me sooo rude
How come they are reminding you on the credit card dues. If it is not paid on time they will levy over due charges.