RU World Cup latest

I take it Scotland are going home by ferry ?
Latest news from the Rugby World Cup 2007:
England meet France in the first semi-final 13th Oct 2007
South Africa meet Argentina in the other semi-final 14th Oct 2007
Australia meet New Zealand Monday 8th Oct , Charles de Gaulle
leaping up for a group hug
woo hoo! 11th hour stuff, but a great game.
they came, and they carried us home,
swing low, sweet chariot, coming for to carry us home.
Well, none of us thought they could do it, but those fine Engulsemen just keep overcoming the odds!
Take that, Froggy! Eat that, Jean-Claude. Suck on that, Pierre.
Allez, v'at en, froggy!
'ere we go, 'ere we go, 'ere we go, 'ere we go, 'ere WEEEE go-oh.
Goodnight Doha, from the edge of the known universe!
OK I'm off now to watch the match - will probably be here with my tail between my legs tomorrow :/
If not, then I shall be unbearable!! :D
It was becuase they weren't mentioned as meeting at the airport.
No offence meant, I was rooting for them. Daughter lives in Aberdeen
how about getting a Goth and instead os cheering England you scare France
with lipstick painted on my face to make a St George's Cross :D
or maybe that's how I always wear my lipstick when I go out after a glass of cider lol
England needs you tonight to support them get ready and get going and cheer them up. how the hell will the team win if they just stop playing and concentrating on the game and start staring at the cheerleaders :D
My heart is for England, but I suspect we will be lucky to defeat France.
They never forgot Waterloo, you know ;D
Just recalled a rugby match I was at some years ago, and I was yelling for my team .... 'COME ON, XXXX, WHERE ARE YOU?'
And a man behind me leant forward and whispered in my ear:
'they are in the sh*t, madam'
France will win it tonight yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey France will win defeating ENGLAND :/
Carry on singing you nightingale.
Up and under! .. 'the man NOT the ball!' .. Go on my son!
etc etc
Here's to nothing, but I hope it's a good game anyway!
yer ken how it is - all in good fun. I'm 'merrit' to a Scot and know you give as good as you take :P
I have a sneaking suspicion some Scots may root for France, hmmm? (smiling here)
Dweller,Can you please elaborate on you comment that Scotland are going home by boat
I find this offensive At least Scotland got to the quarter finals more than can be said for a lot of nations.
*** I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell - you see, I have friends in both places. M. Twain***
thanks star .good night . you have a good time!
do it right - the first time!
I just got in from a night out with friends - Trivia evening - rugby's on Saturday...
We need some new topics.. hate cat fights
If I dont hear from you have a superb time in the big apple, and enjoy the time with yr family :)
finished for the rest for tomorrow...just popped in b4 hitting the sack to see what s happening on ql and then i found i didnt miss much..the usual catfights...potshots etc etc...u still up with the rugby?
do it right - the first time!
aren't u supposed to be packing, bud?
lets raise a glass or 2 - poor guys! :)
but that more frustrating dont u think its like raising your hops high n then dashing it down
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
star jauntie theres no problem in sending shiploads to ozzz
just be sure its for the
do it right - the first time!
better than limp I tell you :) of no use ... its a tease
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
that was awwwwwwwwwwwwwwful! lol
finals: England vs. South Africa - SA will win..
Did you hear that shiploads of viagra are being sent to New Zealand and Oz - the guys there are finding it difficult to get a semi...
is on at 10pm ( Qatar time ) on Sat.
No one is more suprised than me at watching England make the semi's. What made me laugh most was the Australian commentator declaring before the game " this could be a cricket score today, Northern Hemisphere rugby is so far behind Southern Hemisphere right now it embaressing" 24 hours later The Aussies and Kiwi's are going home. lol
I laughed so hard i put another shrimp on the barbie!!!
[img_assist|nid=17864|title=Chicks dig Guys with skills|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=440|height=440]
of course, South Africa are going to win my friend ;)
Please read our Community Guidelines before posting on Qatar Living. It will save us all a lot of pain :)
then isn't that 8.00 p.m. in UK and so 10.00 p.m. here in Qatar
Oh god, my brain hurts now :/
Is it at 9p.m., or 10 p.m. (Qatar time)?
Thank you.
Let's hope Sri Lanka, France, are similarly thwarted this weekend and especially Alonso the next!
Joe Williams
[email protected]