Rotating Skyscraper for Dubai and Moscow !

Architect David Fisher designs first rotating skyscraper for Dubai and Moscow - From The Times
Extravagant plans were unveiled yesterday for the world's first swirling skyscrapers, with each floor rotating up to once an hour to form an ever-changing profile on the skyline.
The first two towers are to be built in Dubai and Moscow in what the architect describes as a new era of dynamic architecture. David Fisher, who admits never having designed a skyscraper before, said: “My buildings are unique because they are the first ones to rotate — to be dynamic — every second.”
The rotating floors will be made of prefabricated units that spin around a concrete core. Most of the floors will be controlled from the architect's laptop, so that they are synchronised to make undulating architectural forms. Owners who buy an entire floor will be able to use voice activation controls to command it to rotate at will, so that they can pick their view.
Production of the prefabricated units is scheduled to begin in the next few weeks at a factory outside Bari, in Italy. Mr Fisher said that buyers should be able to move into the completed building in Dubai by the end of 2010. Details of the financing remain unclear because the developers are relying on pre-sales for at least part of the $700 million (£355 million) cost of building the 80-storey skyscraper.
The project is being handled by a British-based company, Rotating Tower Dubai Development, Mr Fisher said. The 70-storey Moscow project will be developed by the Mirax Group in the new area of the city inside the third ring road. Mr Fisher said that he hoped a third “dynamic tower” would be built in New York and others eventually in cities such as London.
The buildings have to overcome several technical challenges such as connecting the plumbing with the same kind of shut-off valves used when refuelling aircraft in flight. To take the lift, residents have tostep from the rotating floor into the stationary central core.
By prefabricating the rotating units, Mr Fisher said, he can save at least 10 per cent of normal construction costs. He estimates it will take only six days to assemble each floor around the concrete core.
Plans require the buildings to be self-powered by horizontal wind turbines that spin between each floor to generate electricity. Solar power will be provided by photovoltaic cells on the roof of each rotating floor, 15 per cent of which will be exposed to sunlight at any one time.
This is a magnificent design and well path breaking in every sense. The thing that I most admire about the new building structure is that it has horizontal wind turbines and solar power panels which will store power and be used for the building. That is brilliant.
Consumer unit
Nice, a friend of mine got a rotating house as well- it's rotating 360 degrees in 24 hours and he can speed up or stop completely. (this house is 20 years and is in Norway)
Rotating Skyscraper ..i can hear the continual shrieking noise of the 250.000 ungreased bearings :)
spicy...same kind of gas? :P
lol >harry you crack me up,sorry alexa i couldnt help laughing at the sight.........ooops:P
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
It may not be all that great.. What if you materialize an instant before your Abaya does???
I was talking about the "original" star trek..
yes the hologram room was a great idea.. I suppose it will be possible one day..
As far as research is concerned.. remeber , these guys have to justify their jobs and grants..
Finally! A worthy topic to talk about.
I did remember that...and the holographic room...
You gotta love Star Trek! "To boldly go where no man has gone before."
Oh how I wish the 'technology' of Star Trek can hopefully be possible in the future...if only we can stop wastin'time researchin' on how to get a chance of survival on an aisle seat of a plane...
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
The elevators were voice controlled and went in every direction imaginable..
If I remember correctly, other than the top couple of floors (penthouses) the floors will only be rotated occasionally by a computer program. People want be able to move around as and when they want. So aligning the lifts wont be so big an issue. Apparently the plumbing and wiring is a bigger obstacle.
Where every floor doesn't match the elevator door and the elevator NEEDS to be precise-lock into the right door when it reaches a certain selected floor??
But wait...if they wanted the elevator NOT to rotate, people from each floor will get confused within the hour why was the door rotated at the back all the sudden...XD
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Its bound to happen.. I don't mean wars between countrie, but there may be altercations between the haves and the have nots
The global economy has been getting roughed up a little and it ain't over yet. . .
I just hope the wealth has been spread around enough to keep us from reverting back to XXth century style wars.
People get hungry, start looking for scape goats (fascism raises its ugly head). . .
Man, I hate sounding like this, I'm an optimist.
You've hit the nail on the head. The same cities are trying to out do each other. The funny thing is that the country with the most knowhow and expertise - USA - has backed off from this trend. (apart from Freedom Tower)
bragging rights!
@brit, need money :(
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Is correct. Dubai are still considering it. Only Moscow has actually signed up.
Contact the architect and present your case to the government..
save me a penthouse suite!
this was just the thing I was saying that Qatar needs the other day to stand out. *sighs*
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Remember the guy is only an architect not an engineer so at this stage it only works on paper.
On BBC World today they said that only the Moscow one was definitely going ahead. The Dubai one has been agreed yet.
This was discussed a couple of times already over the last month on QL.
this is featured at the yahoonews today...
see how they'll work on it...