Road Builders and Ashghal- Questions

Questions ( I have no doubt I will not generate any meaningful replies):
1) A senior manager from Ashghal assured us (in the GT) that all the potholes in the Salwa Ind Area would be repaired within 1 year. This was over a year ago and the state of the Ind area roads is atrocious. Some are quitel literally, now impassable. What is happening to improve this?
2) Ashghal promised a study into the need for foot bridges. All I can see happening, is that in the places that those who may not have access to a land cruiser or other vehicle, are now further restricted as the major crossing places- D ring opp Lulu, C ring and now by the medical commission building are being fenced off between the carriageway. This will not prevent the road being crossed, it just means that those intent on crossing have to walk further or climb the fencing. Potentially making the crossing of 3 lane highways even more dangerous. Why no bridges?
And finally
3) Why is it that in the rest of the World, road builders can produce smooth and durable roads. Here it seems they just don't have the capability and any drive is an adventure as not only does one need to avoid 4x4's, pick up trucks etc but also the continuous potholes, uneveness and rapid break up of the surface. If Saudi, Oman, UAE can build a good road system- why is it so hard in a country the size of Qatar?
like i had met this guy who was from sudan... he had a student when he was teaching in qatart uni and now that student is his boss... how???
there was a recent shuffling in ashghal... and i realise the top guys are not qualified engineers.. well some maybe.. but not all.. and as a result many of the qualifies guys are quitting now..
genesis said ministries council regulation about a ban on Qatari employee to transfer between Government offices, corporations & ministries for the next six months ...
It is not for six months, it's until further notice (i.e. forever)
Ashgal is suffering from a major shortage of qualified staff (thanks to Qatarisation). Everyone was shocked few days back about the ministries council regulation about a ban on Qatari employee to transfer between Government offices, corporations & ministries for the next six months!
Off course this came as a result of the series of resignation happening in ashgal lately. Apparently no one wanted to take the blame for the over delayed projects.
they do not build to last. As with a lot of things in the Arab world, it's all for show. Flash, but no substance.
Do not ever expect the projects they announce in the newspapers to happen in the time frame they say. They announce projects before they do feasability studies. They have had to put some projects on indefinite hold. (mall roundabout flyover is one example) Sometimes they even realize they have to wait for certain projects to be done before starting another one. That is why D ring road has been not been passable all the way through for 7 years now. With no end in sight I might say. I don't think the various agencies here ever talk to each other until something becomes a crisis. Messes it up for the rest of us.
lol.. actually canary its not customer service.. i know the faults of theirs.. coz i am in the same industry... and i have told to some of their officers also... regarding the road condition...
Seemingly you are working for their much promoted "Customer Service" LOL LOL
I am not much aware of it.. but maybe i can give a faint idea why it took time.. the officer must have gone to his superiors and he must be trying and trying and tryin but he wud just not listen... or probably he wud have never tried...
It so happens that even the smallest thing needs an approval which may take anytime from 6 months to an year.. unless someone who is really powerful keeps bugging one of teh top guys in ashghal...
and as to the foot bridges, i have no idea why they are not doing it...
and the road quality.. lemme tell you something.. there is a problem here i.e. 1> Design & 2> Inspection... In watever i have seen its one of these factors that has resulted in bad roads... and i realise they are working on it and soon we all should have good roads.. and how soon it will be.. dont ask me that !!! lol...
Well we can open a complaint club about the roads and send them to Ashgal.
so I will start I would like to complain that the Al Waab Road is already showing signs of potholes and rips in the tarmac - who do you suggest I contact.??Who is going to listen??